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Old 09-21-2002, 04:20 PM   #71
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It was too long to put here, so I stuck it in <a href="" target="_blank">Humo(u)r</a> instead.
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Old 09-21-2002, 05:09 PM   #72
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Originally posted by ElectEngr:
<strong>I say we go to our local bookstores (B&N, Walden, et al) and put the following sticker in Bibles/Creation books:

"This book contains material on Creation. Creation is a hypothesis, not a theory or fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered."


Well if you do that you might gain a criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life. :-(

Though the books really could use such a disclaimer. ;-)
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Old 09-21-2002, 05:11 PM   #73
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I've forwarded two email to my departments list serve.

This goes with the previous message, but I cleaned this up a little bit.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto] On Behalf Of Sarah L. Pallas
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 10:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: 28 Georgia Scientists, in Addition to 132 Nation-wide, Call for Academic Freedom on Darwinism

Here is the latest press release from the Discovery Institute.
Notice some colleagues amongst the signers?

From: "Mark Edwards"
Subject: 28 Georgia Scientists, in Addition to 132 Nation-wide,
Call for Academic Freedom on Darwinism
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:05:14 -0700

For Immediate Release - September 20, 2002

28 Georgia Scientists, in Addition to 132 Nation-wide, Call for
Academic Freedom on Darwinism

Last night, twenty-eight Georgia scientists from the University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University and other Georgia schools appealed for academic freedom to teach the scientific
controversy over Darwinian evolution. Calling themselves "Georgia Scientists for Academic Freedom," they sent a letter to the Cobb County School Board in Georgia, which is currently considering whether students should hear scientific evidence critical of Darwinian theory as well as the scientific evidence that supports it. In their letter, the Georgia scientists urged "careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory" in the classroom, while also expressing skepticism toward the Darwinian claim that "random mutation and natural selection account for the complexity of life."
Backing the "Georgia Scientists for Academic Freedom" are 132 other scientists nationwide who have signed the same statement. The statement was originally issued last fall as "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism" by more than 100 scientists across the nation.

Henry "Fritz" Schaefer, a five-time Nobel nominee and a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Georgia, topped the Georgia list.

"The scientific endeavor is the search for truth. That is why it is important that students and teachers be permitted, even encouraged, to discuss differing views of origins together with the scientific evidence that supports or does not support each view," said Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Dr. Russell Carlson, a signer at the University of Georgia.

Other signers come from the fields of biology, biochemistry, physiology, chemistry, artificial intelligence, medicine, and engineering. Ten colleges and institutions are represented, with the majority of signers (18) coming from the University of Georgia and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The letter to Cobb County School Board Chairman, Curtis Johnston, was sent by James Tumlin, an Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory University. Noting that 160 scientists nationwide have now called for academic freedom on Darwinism, Tumlin wrote: “The school board's resolution to allow teachers the freedom to examine both the attributes and the failings of natural selection is in keeping with the desires of many scientists to maintain academic freedom even at the secondary level.”

Cobb County is being pressured, most recently by Bruce Alberts, president of the National Academy of the Sciences, not to adopt a policy that says: "discussion of disputed views of academic subjects is a necessary element of providing a balanced education, including the study of the origin of the species. This subject remains an area of intense interest, research, and discussion among scholars."

Atlanta resident Charles Thaxton, one of the founders of the "intelligent design" movement was also on the list. Thaxton is author of the 1984 "The Mystery of Life's Origins," which is a seminal work of the intelligent design movement. Thaxton teaches at Charles University in Prague.

"This will give support to the Cobb County School Board which has been misrepresented and maligned in this debate,” said Bruce Chapman, the president of Discovery Institute. “It would be helpful for the Board members and the Georgia public also to know that the new federal education act (the ‘No Child Left Behind Act of 2001’) includes report language that calls for a similar approach as the Cobb County officials are considering. People also should be aware that polls show overwhelming public support nationally for this kind of fair-minded and objective approach."


"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."

Contact: Henry F. Schaefer – 706.542.2067 or James Tumlin – 404.727.2974

1. Henry F. Schaefer III: University of Georgia: Graham Perdue
Professor of Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, Stanford University: 5
Nobel Nominee

2. James A. Tumlin: Emory University: Associate Professor,
Medicine: MD, University of South Florida

3. Charles B. Thaxton: Charles University, Prague: Assistant
Professor, Natural Sciences: PhD - Chemistry, Iowa State
University: Author “The Mystery of Life’s Origins”

4. Russell W. Carlson: University of Georgia: Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Technical Director of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center

5. Keith S. Delaplane: University of Georgia: Professor,
Entomology: PhD - Entomology, Louisiana State University

6. Michael A. Covington: University of Georgia: Associate Director, Artificial Intelligence Center: PhD - Linguistics, Yale

7. S. William Pelletier: University of Georgia: Professor and Director Emeritus, Institute for Natural Products Research: PhD - Organic Chemistry, Cornell University

8. Cham E. Dallas: University of Georgia: Professor, Pharmaceutics and Biomedical Sciences, and Director, Interdisciplinary Toxicology
Program: PhD - Toxicology, University of Texas, Austin

9. Warren Gilson: University of Georgia: Extension Dairy Scientist and Associate Professor of Dairy Science: PhD - Dairy Science, The Ohio State University

10. Wesley D. Allen: University of Georgia: Professor and Senior Research Scientist, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry: PhD - Theoretical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

11. Robert W. Wentworth: University of Georgia: Health and Safety Training Coordinator: PhD - Toxicology, University of Georgia

12. Russell S. Peak: Georgia Institute of Technology: Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems: PhD - Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

13. Mark D. Geil: Georgia Institute of Technology: Assistant Professor, Applied Physiology: PhD - Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University

14. Daniel W. Tedder: Georgia Institute of Technology: Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin

15. Dewey H. Hodges: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Aerospace Engineering: PhD - Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Stanford University

16. John H. Bordelon: Georgia Institute of Technology: Senior Research Engineer, Electrical Engineering: PhD - Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

17. Mark G. White: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, Rice University

18. Nolan E. Hertel: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Health Physics: PhD - Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

19. J. Carson Meredith: Georgia Institute of Technology: Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

20. Rodney D. Ice: Georgia Institute of Technology: Principle Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Health Physics: PhD - Radiological Science, Purdue University

21. Bretta King: Spelman College: Assistant Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Physical Chemistry, Howard University

22. Gary L. Achtemeier: USDA Forest Service: Director, Southern High-Resolution Modeling Consortium: PhD - Meteorology, Florida State University

23. Kieran M. Clements: Toccoa Falls College: Assistant Professor, Natural Science: PhD - Entomology, North Carolina State University

24. Richard M. Austin, Jr.: Piedmont College: Associate Professor, Biology and Chair, Natural Sciences

25. Leon L. Combs: Kennesaw State University: Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry: PhD - Chemical Physics, Louisiana State University

26. Norman E. Schmidt: Georgia Southern University: Associate Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, University of South Carolina

27. Allison J. Dobson: Georgia Southern University: Assistant
Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, The Ohio State University
28. Tom McMullen: Georgia Southern University: Associate Professor, History of Science: PhD - History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto] On Behalf Of Sarah L. Pallas
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 10:25 PM
Subject: URGENT, petitions needed FAST
Importance: High

Discovery Institute is working hard and has produced a list of
Georgia scientists who support Intelligent Design. I have sent a
list of 39 signatories from our Biology department to Cobb. Those of
you at UGA (Ann?), Georgia Tech (Rob?), Clayton State, and any others
please get signatures on a petition from your faculty to a statement
that says ID is not legitimate science, and that the stickers in the
textbooks and policy allowing discussion of ID in science class must
be eliminated. The statement from our group is below, modify as you
like and fax to Cobb County School Board Members at 770-528-6600 or
email to

Lindsey Tippins:
Teresa Plenge: PTF14460
Laura Searcy: SLF14167
Betty Gray: GB111730
Johnny Johnson:
Curt Johnston: jcl19762
Gordon O'Neill:

September 18, 2002

We, the undersigned faculty of the Biology department of GSU,
strongly object to the evolution disclaimers inserted in the Biology
textbooks in Cobb County public schools, and the proposal to allow
teaching of "disputed views" of evolution that incorporate
creationism or intelligient design. These theories have not been
subjected to critical testing or peer review, are non-scientific at
their core, and are excessively entangled in religion due to their
reliance on supernatural intervention. We encourage the Cobb County
Board of Education to provide their students with the very best
science education that 21st century science has to offer, and not
subject science teachers and science curriculum to political
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Old 09-24-2002, 12:05 AM   #74
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Well I circulated a petition among the Genetics Faculty today. It went well. I'm going to get some more sigs on it tomorrow and fax it to Cobb County.
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Old 09-25-2002, 03:40 PM   #75
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Look like <a href="" target="_blank">we'll know tomorrow what the decision is.</a>
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Old 09-25-2002, 04:52 PM   #76
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Well here is the petition that I faxed and FedEx'd to the Cobb County Board of Education today.

We, the undersigned faculty of the Genetics Department of UGA, strongly object to the evolution disclaimers inserted in the Biology textbooks in Cobb County public schools and the proposal to allow teaching of "disputed views" of evolution that incorporate creationism or intelligent design. These theories have not been subjected to critical testing or peer review, are non-scientific at their core, and are excessively entangled in religion due to their reliance on supernatural intervention. Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Edwards v. Aguillard (1987) that sectarian beliefs of origins cannot be taught as alternatives to scientific theories in public classrooms.

We encourage the Cobb County Board of Education to provide their students with the very best education that 21st century science has to offer and not to subject science teachers and science curriculum to political interference.

[19 signatures that I can't replicate]


John McDonald, Ph.D.
• Professor and Head, Genetics

Michael McEachern, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Genetics

Jonathan Arnold, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics

Michael Bender, Ph.D.
• Associate Professor, Genetics

Sidney R. Kushner, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Fellow, American Academy for the Advancement of Science
• American Men and Women in Science
• Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology

Robert Ivarie, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Executive Editor, Analytical Biochemistry

Richard Meagher, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Director, UGA Molecular Genetics Instrumentation Facility

Sue Wessler, Ph.D.
• Distinguished Research Professor, Genetics
• Member, National Academy of Sciences
• Associate Editor, Plant Physiology
• Editorial Board, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences

Norris Armstrong, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Genetics

Rodney Mauricio, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Genetics

Mary Bedell, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Genetics

Janet Westpheling, Ph.D.
• Associate Professor, Genetics
• Member, National Research Council Commission on Life Sciences, Board of Biology, Committee for Biologically Based Industrial Products
• Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Stress Response (1996)
• Member, Editorial board of the Journal of Bacteriology

John Avise, Ph.D.
• Research Professor, Genetics
• Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
• Fellow, American Ornithologists' Union
• Member, National Academy of Sciences
• Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Michael Arnold, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Creative Research Medal, University of Georgia (1997)
• Distinguished Merit Award, Society for Louisiana Irises

Marjorie Asmussen, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Recipient, Sarah H. Moss Fellowship, 1984-85
• Creative Research Medal, University of Georgia (1991)

James Hamrick, Ph.D.
• Professor, Genetics
• Fellow, American Academy for the Advancement of Science
• Associate Editor, Journal of Heredity
• Executive Committee, Organization for Tropical Studies

Wyatt Anderson, Ph.D.
• Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor, Genetics
• Dean, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
• Member, National Academy of Sciences
• Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
• Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
• Associate Editor, Annual Review of Genetics

Nancy Manley, Ph.D.
• Assistant Professor, Genetics

Claiborne Glover, III, Ph.D
• Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Genetics

[ September 25, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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Old 09-25-2002, 06:05 PM   #77
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That's a great, succinct letter. Thanks for writing it.

Here's a rather urgent matter, since there will be a vote in Ohio on Sept. 27 (This Friday).

If you or anyone else wants to help out in Ohio, please write to the members of that Board of Education, too. The ID people from KC have gone over there and are trying with all their might to have "alternate theories" (aka ID) inserted into the public school science standards.

See <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for details. It's the website of Ohio Citizens For Science.
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Old 09-25-2002, 06:45 PM   #78
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Thanx Lizard, it was based on Georgia State's Biology Department's letter. The major change is that I added the SCOTUS reference.

[ September 25, 2002: Message edited by: RufusAtticus ]</p>
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Old 09-26-2002, 04:39 PM   #79
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Rufus: <a href="" target="_blank">Dr. Anderson made CNN.</a>

"This is an intrusion of theological views into the classroom," said Wyatt Anderson, dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia.

"What our students need to science," said Anderson, who also is the university's Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor Of Genetics.
Still can't find anything about how the vote turned out though. I never found an announcement of what time it would be at.
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Old 09-26-2002, 04:42 PM   #80
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I just found the announcement...

<a href="" target="_blank">and it's not good.</a>
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