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Old 01-11-2003, 06:45 PM   #21
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Wink There goes the neighborhood!

Originally posted by LuckyCharm
I don't think I could bear an eternity surrounded by people so filled with hatred, fear, rage, and bitterness that there remains no hope of breaking out. And worse, knowing that I was just as despicable as they are....
You seem to be assuming that only "bad" people end up in hell. According to Orthodox Christianity, that's not at all the case.

Our definitions of "good" and "bad" have nothing whatsoever to with salvation, which is conferred only by the grace of God and by no act of man.

As Seebs so eloquently pointed out, we're all sinners...

Originally posted by LuckyCharm
Do you read the news at all? Are you capable of being horrified at man's inhumanity to man? Think of the worst of the worst -- Jeffrey Dahmer; that lady who recently had abused her three children, one to the point of death, and the other two damned near; perverts who lure young children away from home to be used in kiddie porn "snuff" films. The best of company? You go for it -- I'll pass, thank you very much...
But you forget: if Dahmer accepted Christ in the nanosecond before he died, he's in heaven. Whereas Mohandas Gandhi and a host of other "good" nonbelievers are roasting in the eternal barbecue.

Going to heaven is no guarantee that one's company will be limited solely to those whose behavior we mere mortals might characterize as "good". That term is clearly irrelevant to the Christian God...


Bill Snedden
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Old 01-11-2003, 06:48 PM   #22
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Originally posted by hinduwoman
Tertullian: De Spectaculis
Oooh! I knew about Augustine's opinion, but I had not seen the Tertullian quote. Thanks! I'll need to add that to my list!


Bill Snedden
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Old 01-11-2003, 07:36 PM   #23
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Originally posted by seebs
Yes, I think all people are sinners. Since I don't think all sinners go to hell, this is basically irrelevant.

OK, seebs, if you say so. Tell me, oh Carnac the Magnficent, what indeed have I done that makes me a sinner? And how is it that you know?
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Old 01-11-2003, 07:47 PM   #24
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Originally posted by thebeave
OK, seebs, if you say so. Tell me, oh Carnac the Magnficent, what indeed have I done that makes me a sinner? And how is it that you know?
You have, at some point in your life, been less than perfectly righteous in all things. How do I know? Experience. To claim otherwise is, as they say, to make an extraordinary claim, and I'd need to see some pretty convincing evidence.
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Old 01-11-2003, 08:32 PM   #25
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But you forget: if Dahmer accepted Christ in the nanosecond before he died, he's in heaven. Whereas Mohandas Gandhi and a host of other "good" nonbelievers are roasting in the eternal barbecue.
Bill, you are one of the few people here who I find a rational, fair and intimidatingly intelligent debater. (You and a lady named Aimee, I believe her user name is) Nevertheless the lowly Radorth will undertake to argue with the above statement.

Which of the above do you think is more likely to convert, assuming that "Blessed are those who hunger ad thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ? I doubt you believe in an afterlife, but who might Jesus take some action to save, appear to in the death moment, or offer salvation to?

If you have a mind to, we can talk about why Christianity is the only "religion" which can save any person, by arbitrarily imputiing righteousness to them. Obviously if a person lives on they will have a very real faith.

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Old 01-11-2003, 08:38 PM   #26
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Originally posted by seebs
You have, at some point in your life, been less than perfectly righteous in all things. How do I know? Experience. To claim otherwise is, as they say, to make an extraordinary claim, and I'd need to see some pretty convincing evidence.
Are you not rushing to the conclusion here seebs because if the Law was given to Moses for the conviction of sin, the law must also be part of our belief system before it can convict us of sin.

Further, if the cross of eternal salvation is for sinners only it would follow that the purpose of the law is the conviction of sin so salvation can come about. If then, non believers do not accept this scheme of Moses would they not be relieved from the obligation to follow the law and therefore cannot be convicted by the law. This also means that we are not judge others who may or may not follow the law because 'we' follow the law so it will convict 'us' instead of others.

If all goes well for those who follow the law they will be saved by the law from the law (according to the inspiration of Moses). They will be set free from the law because it will have served its purpose. Hence, he who is in Christ cannot sin (1Jn3:9 and others).
Old 01-11-2003, 08:46 PM   #27
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Default Re: There goes the neighborhood!

Originally posted by Bill Snedden
You seem to be assuming that only "bad" people end up in hell. According to Orthodox Christianity, that's not at all the case.

Our definitions of "good" and "bad" have nothing whatsoever to with salvation, which is conferred only by the grace of God and by no act of man.
That's true. But, although we may not pronounce eternal damnation/salvation upon any soul (I was using those as examples -- who knows, but they might not be in heaven right now?), I still maintain that we will "know them by their fruits," at least in a general sense.

Originally posted by Bill Snedden
But you forget: if Dahmer accepted Christ in the nanosecond before he died, he's in heaven. Whereas Mohandas Gandhi and a host of other "good" nonbelievers are roasting in the eternal barbecue.
Really? Where do you read that? My Bible says that a lot of people who say "Lord, Lord..." will be rebuffed with, "I never knew you."

Originally posted by Bill Snedden
Going to heaven is no guarantee that one's company will be limited solely to those whose behavior we mere mortals might characterize as "good". That term is clearly irrelevant to the Christian God...
How so?

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Old 01-12-2003, 11:26 AM   #28
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Originally posted by LuckyCharm
I still maintain that we will "know them by their fruits," at least in a general sense.
Why would that necessarily be so? "Their fruits", as you put it, are irrelevant to the question of salvation. Someone who accepts Christ in the moments before death won't have any visible "fruits", but they are saved nontheless, no?

Originally posted by LuckyCharm
Really? Where do you read that? My Bible says that a lot of people who say "Lord, Lord..." will be rebuffed with, "I never knew you."
Exactly! The people we may think are saved, indeed, even those who may consider themselves saved, are not guaranteed of salvation. None are. Salvation is available only through God's grace.

Did you perhaps mean to deny the efficacy of deathbed conversions?

Originally posted by LuckyCharm
How so?
Because "good", defined by humans, has nothing necessarily to do with the will of God, which is, for Christians, the only true meaning of "good."

For example, most humans would certainly not classify the massacre of hundreds of men, women, & children as "good". However, if God commanded it, it could be nothing but "good" (cf. the slaughter of the Amelekites).

Killing, slavery, torture, and suffering are "bad" only on human terms. If God commanded you to kill your son (cf. Abraham), it would be "bad" not to do it, no?

His will, not thy will, be done, right?


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Old 01-12-2003, 11:42 AM   #29
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Originally posted by Radorth
Bill, you are one of the few people here who I find a rational, fair and intimidatingly intelligent debater. (You and a lady named Aimee, I believe her user name is) Nevertheless the lowly Radorth will undertake to argue with the above statement.
Aw, shucks!

Originally posted by Radorth
Which of the above do you think is more likely to convert, assuming that "Blessed are those who hunger ad thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ? I doubt you believe in an afterlife, but who might Jesus take some action to save, appear to in the death moment, or offer salvation to?
Why, I have no idea. I'm certainly not god; if I were, things would be a lot different around here, I can tell you that!

How can I possibly know that Dahmer wasn't some sort of avenging angel, sent by God to punish the wicked? Or, perhaps he was sent as a test of some sort. At any rate, I certainly don't know what was in Mr. Dahmer's heart; only God can know that, right?

If Jesus is going to " the death moment" to save the righteous, why the importance of believing at all? You seem to suggest that it is righteousness that impels God to offer "last chances" for salvation, but this clearly conflicts with Christian doctrine.

Originally posted by Radorth
If you have a mind to, we can talk about why Christianity is the only "religion" which can save any person, by arbitrarily imputiing righteousness to them. Obviously if a person lives on they will have a very real faith.
Hmmm. Didn't St. Paul say that faith was "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things unseen?" I should think that the saints in heaven should have little use for faith. At least insofar as we understand or use the term.

I'm not sure what you mean by "arbitrarily imputing righteousness." It would seem to me that doing anything "arbitrarily" robs it of any possible meaning.


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Old 01-12-2003, 11:49 AM   #30
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Default Re: Re: There goes the neighborhood!

Originally posted by LuckyCharm
Really? Where do you read that? My Bible says that a lot of people who say "Lord, Lord..." will be rebuffed with, "I never knew you."
Funny I was taught by Christians that this passage was about those who spend their life as Christians.

But then what you are saying is in contradiction to the bible that says if you accept Jesus and ask forgiveness you will be saved. So if Dahmer, or Bundy (who I heard he was saved) did this according to your bible they will go to heaven. Or don't you believe what your bible says?

Obviously other Christians believe they have a chance otherwise why do they go into the jailhouses to preach to them?
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