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Old 01-23-2002, 02:29 AM   #1
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Exclamation California schools teaching Islam?

<a href="http://""" target="_blank">AU Press Release -- January 22, 2002</a>

Turns out the claims of a fundy troll on news:alt.atheism ended up being true, and a California school is going too far in teaching Islam to its students (California schools apparently teach Islam and Christianity in a secular, constititutional fashion).

The Religious Right is apparently opposed. Oh, the irony.
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Old 01-23-2002, 04:45 AM   #2
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Link points to nowhere. Can ya correct that please? Thanks ...
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Old 01-23-2002, 06:01 AM   #3
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The link should be <a href="" target="_blank">this one</a>.

Well, I'm all for promoting better understanding of people's beliefs (even if only for the purpose of arguing with more convincingly), but this does seem to have gone over the line.
The sheer irony of <a href="" target="_blank">the ACLJ protesting this</a> is almost hilarious; at least it shows unequivocally where they stand. Note the ACLJ was founded by Pat Robertson, though they take care not to mention that if they can avoid it; theiris a brief mention on their <a href="" target="_blank">"History" page</a>. Check out the <a href="" target="_blank">"History" page</a> of its sister organisation, the ECLJ, as well - it states so more clearly.

For a laugh, check out the ECLJ's <a href="" target="_blank">"Victory Reports" page</a>. Such confidence...

[ January 23, 2002: Message edited by: Euromutt ]</p>
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Old 01-23-2002, 07:26 AM   #4
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Darn, I probably put quotes in the url again. I always do that (in my defense, the other forum I spend time on allows it without messing up the url). Sorry guys!
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:23 AM   #5
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We should probably get the facts on this before going off half cocked. It was probably based on one of those lesson plans where the kids learn about foreign cultures by acting out their quaint foreign customs, and someone just applied the template to Islam. The religious right can't tell the difference between play acting and the real thing.
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:43 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Euromutt:
The sheer irony of <a href="" target="_blank">the ACLJ protesting this</a> ...
Jay $ekulow wa$ con$iderably more breathle$$ in hi$ per$onal e-mail:

A California school district wants to FORCE seventh-graders to participate in Muslim worship activities ...

... and I need your help today to prote$t thi$ violation of religiou$ freedom - and PROTECT THE RIGHT$ of your children and grandchildren!

I urge you today to ADD YOUR NAME TO THE OPEN LETTER we have written to California's Governor and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, demanding that they remove this unconstitutional course requirement!

&lt;$ekulow'$ web$ite&gt;

The Byron Union School District in California has instituted a MANDATORY three-week course on Islam as part of the seventh-grade history class -

- and it's an OUTRAGE!

Students in the class not only receive handouts on Islam and the life of Mohammed, they also must:

* chant praise to "Allah, Lord of Creation."
* pray "in the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful."
* stage their own jihad!
* dress up as Muslims and choose new Muslim names.

Don't misunderstand me - it is perfectly appropriate for schools to teach about religion - including Islam, Judaism, and Christianity ...

... but it is entirely INAPPROPRIATE to mandate that students participate in a Muslim worship service!

This course is a GRO$$ VIOLATION of the students' First Amendment rights! In fact, we now have been contacted by a parent in that California school district who objects to the mandatory nature of the course.

This threat is not limited to the students in the school district. This course may be implemented in schools across California - even ACRO$$ THE COUNTRY!

We mu$t $top thi$ threat in it$ track$!

The American Center has already issued a demand letter to the school district and to the State Department of California objecting to this mandatory course.

We have also written an OPEN LETTER to the Governor and State Superintendent of California, voicing our opposition to this mandatory course -

- and I urge you to $IGN IT today!

&lt;$ekulow'$ web$site again&gt;

We are now pur$uing all other available legal option$.

But now the legal battle ha$ ju$t begun.

We must be prepared to protect the religious freedom of students AT ANY CO$T -

- and I mu$t have the help of friend$ like you!

1. PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME TO THE OPEN LETTER to California's Governor Gray Davis and school superintendent Delaine Eastin, urging them to protect students' constitutional rights.

&lt;$ekulow'$ web$site once again&gt;

2. FORWARD THIS EMAIL to your friends so they too can join this nationwide campaign and add their name to the Open Letter.


&lt;One more time&gt;

No student should be forced into religious activity - but with your gift today, WE CAN FIGHT THI$ OUTRAGE and protect students' First Amendment rights, as well as continue the American Center'$ involvement in ca$e$ acro$$ the nation.

I a$k you to give the be$t you can - the religiou$ freedom$ of our young people are in $eriou$ jeopardy.

PLEASE RE$POND TODAY with the Open Letter and your financial contribution - and thank you for joining me in the fight for liberty!
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Old 01-23-2002, 08:59 AM   #7
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In my experience with schools if a parent had just calmly and nicely gone to the principal and told him/her their objections they probably would have toned this down. Now everyone will use it as a politica point and of course to raise money. Our school has some parents who object to learning any native american myths because it is teaching religion.
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Old 01-23-2002, 01:37 PM   #8
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I think the only reason anyone feels it 'went too far' is because it's okay if the school went as far, with lots of other religions. If they did Jewish Week, Buddha Week, Hindu Week, Animist Week, etc. And it sounds like they weren't so likely to have Inuit costume, etc. I doubt they would be able to have a pageant for each thing.

I figure that Islam is in the news, so they thought some understanding would be useful, but in their good intentions they over-emphasized it. So now, the smackdown.
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Old 01-23-2002, 05:21 PM   #9
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I am surprised they had the guts (or short sightedness?) to do this considering the current political climate.
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Old 01-24-2002, 06:44 AM   #10
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<a href="" target="_blank">Snopes</a> has an article about this. Here's an excerpt, which I enjoyed. (I Love Snopes!)
This controversy shouldn't be about Islam vs. Christianity or "our religion" vs. "their religion," but rather about the appropriateness of any religious teachings in public schools. Their hand-wringing over the evils of Islam, dark hints about conspiracies among politicians and profiteers to appease oil-rich Arabs, and presentation of Christianity as the one true religion miss the point.

Reporter Nich Schou of the OC Weekly made a telling statement in October 2001: "Since Sept. 11, there have been two kinds of Americans: those who think the U.S. is out of touch with the rest of the world, and those who think the rest of the world can take a hike." It's this split which lies at the heart of the subject at hand: Some want American students exposed to other cultures and ways of thinking so as to better prepare them for dealing with the world at large, and others would rather American students learn only about matters pertaining to the USA and view the teaching of anything else as an attempt to indoctrinate impressionable children.

Is it possible to teach about a people and their place in history without also teaching the belief system that influenced them? We don't know. But we do know every effort has to be made in that direction if the one is to be attempted.
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