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Old 05-13-2002, 04:51 AM   #61
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In any case, I'm still not convinced that D/Di would be the same throughout a rock when it initially forms. (I mean, if it is not assumed that D itself is homogenous throughout the rock, but varies from place to place, then what would account for that variation? If P varies from place to place in the rock, why couldn't D...? Anyway, questions I most likely need quite a bit more chemistry and geology in order to understand and answer.
Both LordValentine and myself have explained this several times to you already. But never mind, here we go again:

Both the parent material and the original daughter material (say, Rubidium and Strontium) will most likely vary in concentration from place to place in the original magma, and therefore in the resulting crystalline rock. That’s fine, and nothing to worry about in the isochrone method (all it means is that on a Sr87/Sr86 vs Rb87/Sr86 crossplot the points will be spread out along the Rb87/Sr86 axis). If we didn’t use the 3-isotope method, however, we would have reason to be worried about variable concentrations of original daughter material Sr87 because that would yield different dates for different samples from the same rock (unless there wasn’t any Sr87 originally present at all).

But, the ratio of Sr87/Sr86 tends to be the same throughout the magma and the initial rock. Again, this is because the isotopes are chemically identical (same number of protons and electrons). Apart from a relatively small change in atomic mass (caused by the different number of neutrons, therefore the subscripts 86 and 87) there is nothing to tell them apart. There is no reason why there would be differentiation in the magma between Sr87 and Sr86. Also, the reactions that take place during cooling will have no preference for either one of the isotopes (I have to qualify that there are examples of mixed magmas where there can be differences in isotope ratios because of different provenance).

In any case, if there was differentiation, it will show up in the radiometric analysis because the points as measured in the present would not line up. The isochrone method is therefore self-diagnostic for ‘bad’ magmas: the points don’t line up, so the assumptions are invalid and no conclusions are drawn regarding the age of the rock. Such cases exist, and are published – as are many examples where the points do line up, which is unlikely in the extreme if they hadn’t started off aligned because of constant Sr87/Sr86 in the first place.

BTW, did you read Wiens? Did you check out my Ar-Ar example (similar to Rb-Sr)?

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Old 05-13-2002, 05:44 AM   #62
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Doug, if you know nothing of geology or chemistry, why did you think you had found an elementary error?
Because I thought it had to do with algebra/mathematics. I admit I was a bit hasty, and that I didn't fully understand the reasoning involved (but as I've said, a great deal of that was due to ardipithecus' failure to adequately describe his reasoning).

Why is it, without background knowledge, you think you are better than the great run of people?
I don't think that. As far as I knew, ardipithecus was offering his own, original reasoning, and it was primarily a "mathematical" line of reasoning, which seemed to hinge on some simple chemical and geological properties which did not seem beyond a layman's grasp (and perhaps actually isn't, really).

Out of curiousity, what did you study in college?
Applied Mathematics (though I took all the mathematics courses offered, except for maybe two or three). I graduated 10 years ago, and haven't really even looked at a college-level textbook, or used mathematics, since (other than various snippets of things I read over the Internet, and some books I might intermittently check out at the library).

You know, when I warned you that you would wind up with egg on your face, I didn't know anything about geology or chemistry either. I did know about Doug Bender, though.
Yes, it seemed somewhat odd to me that someone could make such an obvious blunder as I thought ardipithecus had made. Turns out I was the one who had made a blunder. But I am not arrogant in my opinion of my ability to understand and reason, LV.

Note for the future: frame error claims as sincere questions. That way you will reveal error, without risking loss of face for self or other discussants.
Wise advice, which I will try to heed. I should have known better myself, but I guess I got somewhat caught up in the "spirit" of this place (you know, "My Gawd, what an idiot!", etcetera).

However, I am sincerely grateful for your admission of error, however churlish and grudging it was.
You don't know how difficult it was. Kind of like walking into a KKK meeting, and shouting, "Jesse Jackson rules!"

In Christ,

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Old 05-13-2002, 05:48 AM   #63
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Actually, I don't know if I read Wiens. But I think I understand why the isochron method would be "self-diagnostic". However, I can see I would need quite a bit more knowledge of chemistry and geology to adequately judge the method (its assumptions, basically).

In Christ,

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Old 05-13-2002, 07:04 AM   #64
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Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:

Actually, I don't know if I read Wiens. But I think I understand why the isochron method would be "self-diagnostic". However, I can see I would need quite a bit more knowledge of chemistry and geology to adequately judge the method (its assumptions, basically).

In Christ,

(from Scientiae's post above)
Douglas J. Bender:
I believe that I, biological layman that I am, can discern valid and invalid science better than many or most trained and professional scientists.
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Old 05-13-2002, 12:16 PM   #65
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Yes, as long as the "science" does not require a high degree of training in a particular field in order to evaluate the validity of its reasoning. In the case of "isochron dating", in order to evaluate the validity of some of the assumptions, one would need a fair degree of knowledge regarding chemistry and geology. I was referring to general reasoning ability regarding scientific issues which could be evaluated by a layperson, such as whether similarity of "design" necessarily implies a common ancestor (it does not), etcetera. And once the unstated (or at best obliquely referred to) explanation regarding the reasoning behind testing various parts of the rock was described, I admitted that I had made an error - so, it's not really fair to blame someone for failing to understand all the implications and unstated assumptions of someone else's explanation, actually.

In Christ,

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Old 05-13-2002, 03:00 PM   #66
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2) Doug knows when the world will end. Some time in 2003 I believe.
Originally posted by Douglas J. Bender:
I've NEVER claimed to "know" any of this, Rag - I've claimed that I believe there is very strong reason to believe that some time in 2003 the 7 year Tribulation would begin. And the "end of the world" would come 7 years after the Tribulation began. Those reasons are quite convincing, in my opinion.


Make plans now people! We need to be setting aside leave time to go to the stoning (Deut 13:10) when this fails to happen and Bender is revealed as a false prophet.

And none of this "awww we can go to a stoning any day" nonsense. This is a stoning NONE of you can afford to miss.

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Old 05-14-2002, 07:20 AM   #67
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Just in case u missed it:

"Douglas, does this now convince you of the validity of Rb/Sr dating? If not, why not?


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Old 05-14-2002, 08:53 AM   #68
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Originally posted by SanDiegoAtheist:
<strong>Well, I suppose Louis is actually correct in a fashion (surprisingly so). 1 + 1 does not actually equal "2" in base 2.</strong>
I'm right with you on that one. On my last Everest expedition we got as far as base 2 and found there was only 1 oxy bottle between the pair of us.

Boro Nut

Consequently I had to turn back, and missed out on fulfilling a lifetime's dream and achieving everlasting fame. Still, never mind eh! At least I didn't die at base 5 like him.
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Old 05-18-2002, 03:58 AM   #69
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Kev: Douglas,
Just in case u missed it:

"Douglas, does this now convince you of the validity of Rb/Sr dating? If not, why not?


I thought I'd at least sort of answered that in one of my more recent posts in this thread - I'd said that I'd need to know more about chemistry and geology before I could make a sound judgment about some of the assumptions underlying that kind of dating. The reasoning is valid, but the assumptions upon which it rests might not be.

In Christ,

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Old 05-18-2002, 04:02 AM   #70
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Me: I've NEVER claimed to "know" any of this, Rag - I've claimed that I believe there is very strong reason to believe that some time in 2003 the 7 year Tribulation would begin. And the "end of the world" would come 7 years after the Tribulation began. Those reasons are quite convincing, in my opinion.
Rag: Make plans now people! We need to be setting aside leave time to go to the stoning (Deut 13:10) when this fails to happen and Bender is revealed as a false prophet.

What part of "I believe there is very strong reason to believe" (that something will happen soon) constitutes a PROPHECY, Rag? I suggest you set aside the stones you've been gathering in your zeal to be the one to kill a prophet.

In Christ,


[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: Douglas J. Bender ]</p>
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