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Old 04-16-2003, 02:08 PM   #1111
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Originally posted by livius drusus
Stop goading her, Smilin.
/me just gives that blank stare look

yes dear..
take out the trash? sure..
kill the big bug? sure..

whatever you say dear...

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Old 04-16-2003, 02:10 PM   #1112
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Originally posted by wildernesse

Please calm down. No one here wants you to be upset, I'm sure. I think you are over-reacting to what Smilin said. Infidels is, in general, a more irreverant place than CF. And we don't know how it affects you when irreverant things are said about Badfish.

Let's talk about something else, entirely--as has been suggested.

Have some cookies. Have you looked at other areas of IIDB? I know that Badfish is flitting around several threads, and I guess you're lurking from what you've said earlier? You should watch it--that's how I got hooked here! haha. But talking to other people here is a neat experience. Hope to see you in other threads.


What kind of cookies?
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:15 PM   #1113
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Originally posted by Smilin
awwwww MadFish is a SadFish...

Pity Party... I'M BUYIN!!!!!
That's so mean.
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:16 PM   #1114
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Chocolate chip and gingersnaps! My favorites. You'd better be nice, or I'll eat them all myself! heehee

Would you rather have blackberry cobbler? I made one for Rufus last night! It was pretty good!

No one is currently driving me crazy on CF. Previously, I've been upset about the conservative political stances of some--but I've gotten to know them better since then. Their politics still bother me, but I don't see those people as simply "aggravating conservatives" anymore. I try to focus on what I have in common with other people rather than their differences.

I guess I'll share cookies with you, I can always make more!

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Old 04-16-2003, 02:21 PM   #1115
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Originally posted by Badfish
First off Smilin, the discussions between me and Lasher or any other homosexual that says they are a Christian yet plainly says they do not believe the scriptures causes me to debate that position, you are just causing more trouble by insinuating or making false statements in which you know nothing about. Lasher is not the first gay person that I have had these debates with (if that's what you want to call them).
You call it debate,,, I call it hate talk. I've heard the same sort of thing concerning interracial marriages. It's all hate talk. You hide behind the guise of 'hating the sin', but loving the sinner. Hate is just hate.

My big thing was how can someone profess Christianity and say that they do not believe the scriptures, and live and display a demeanor totally contradictive to biblical teachings?
This is not the place for who is and isn't a Christian. Leave that debate out of this thread. You keep bringing it up.. noone else.

Another thing is, is that CF is a Christian Forum and Apologetics is about contending the faith, if someone is prominently saying that they are gay and do not believe the scriptures yet say they are Christian, well then that person has garnered the attention of Christians that see this as living in complete sin and being derrogatory to the faith by so grossly misrepresenting it.

Now if Lasher was open to the possibility of considering her position to be wrong, then the debate would have gone in a different direction. Yes I do consider my position to be more authorative concerning scripture than someone who doesn't recognize that the scriptures are a consideration as they are the basis for the Christian faith, time and time again the question is dodged as I asked how does one base their faith in a God who's only testimony is recorded in the bible (seeing we do not have the original texts in hand).
There you go again.

As to the "why bother" comment, it is a gross injustice in the name of civil debate to to take what I said out of context and use it to leverage a debate or to attack someone personally. As a Christian and a human I take this kind of behavior seriously and have concluded that you offer nothing but insults and are only out to garner the approval of your fellow gang here to selfishly help with your own apparent shortcomings.
Who's flaming now? And if you don't like the company within this thread.. noone is holding you here. You choose to stay. That in itself sais more than your words.

I have watched you Smilin go from being a Christian (or at least professing to be Christian) to professing that you don't have a God anymore, and for what reason? The only reason I see is because of your recent desperation to be approved by people whom you do not even know personally AFAIK. And to make yourself look cool.
You obviously have no clue what I've been through the last year.
The atheists, ifidels, and pagans showed me more kindness than your kind. Keep your religion.

And if you are going to continue, then in the interest of fair play I will bring information about some questionable and serious behavior you have presented at CF (public or private) and to some of it's members that will seriously put into question your own morality. Actually I probably won't because that would only be further gossip, and I don't want to be involved in such matters as it is to no benefit of my own personal life, and would not be interested in stooping to your level.
ahhh... a threat.. I see. If you don't like it here...leave. And does it benefit your own personal life to intrude into the private lives of others?

-Be Loyal to the Pack....

You choose how I react.

livius: Allowing Smilin and anyone else to flame or demean someone is against the rules, I find it to be offensive and inflammatory to be accused of having a fetish on an unfounded and unsubstantiated basis, I would appreciate Smilin's remarks to be removed considering he has not provided any substantiation for these claims, this person does not know me personally and is doing your board a disservice by being allowed to flame and make unfounded remarks concerning a fairly long standing and cordial member of IIDB.

A truce was called (seemingly as no one objected) and Smilin was allowed to further fan the flames for seemingly his own selfish pleasure, as his claims are both unfounded and hurtful. Please take care of this or I will ask crazyfingers, Rufus or another superior to look into this If this isn't the case then it is open game and I will request that any substantiated charges or attempts to defend my position be honored and allowed to stand.

I would suggest that Smilin and Lasher take a step back and consider taking a mature stance on this apparent problem and discussing homosexuality or whatever other issues you have with me or the bible or God in th appropriate forums, and not stoop to such immaturity as to turning this thread into an insult fest.

1. You're the one that won't let it go with Thrasher,,, When you cease, I'll just eat cookies, cobbler, and talk about fishing and the beach.
2. I don't care to discuss the Bible, God, or homosexuality anymore. I just hang out with friends. You originally claimed you were just hanging out... then started your preaching.
3. You don't have to participate in this thread. You are the only one holding yourself here, not I.
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:22 PM   #1116
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Originally posted by Madfish
That's so mean.
I apologize and will delete it.

Now treat Thrasher like someone with feelings.
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:25 PM   #1117
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Originally posted by wildernesse
Chocolate chip and gingersnaps! My favorites. You'd better be nice, or I'll eat them all myself! heehee

Would you rather have blackberry cobbler? I made one for Rufus last night! It was pretty good!

No one is currently driving me crazy on CF. Previously, I've been upset about the conservative political stances of some--but I've gotten to know them better since then. Their politics still bother me, but I don't see those people as simply "aggravating conservatives" anymore. I try to focus on what I have in common with other people rather than their differences.

I guess I'll share cookies with you, I can always make more!

Rufus is gonna get a big gut! lol..
Blackberry cobbler!!! wooohooo...
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:36 PM   #1118
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On average, how many people are banned from this board over a given period of time, and how many people are banned from CF in the same period?
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:44 PM   #1119
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Badfish -

This thread is not the appropriate place to discuss your issues with my moderation. I will reply to your post in detail via PM. If you find that my response is not satisfactory and you wish to pursue the matter privately, please email the Administrators at If you prefer to raise the issues in a public setting, please start a thread in the Bugs, Problems, Complaints, Suggestions & Questions Forum.

As far as this thread is concerned, however, the sex, lies and videotape segment and its aftermath are now officially over.

Edited for clarity - Thanks notMichaelJackson
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:45 PM   #1120
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Do you like blackberry cobbler??????
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