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Old 10-26-2002, 09:58 PM   #51
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Originally posted by Mageth:
<strong>Each person, including visiting foreigners, has God-given rights that this Government exists to protect, including the right to:

Corporally punish his children
Protect the innocent

A bit of a conflict there. If I see someone beating their child, can I step in and beat the crap out of them?</strong>
A loving spanking is not child abuse.
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:02 PM   #52
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Originally posted by Hayden:
<strong>May I assume that this can also mean "women"?</strong>
No. First Timothy 2:12 says, "But I do not allow a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence."
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:18 PM   #53
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Originally posted by Gerald:
This effectively outlaws unemployment (known as sloth in some circles).
No, it doesn't outlaw it. People would have the freedom to go hungry if they thought hunger would be less painful than working.

Also, I could see a Judge using this to make life very difficult for, say, a Muslim or atheist in his jurisdiction, for example, using his clout to make sure no business hires the person, or encouraging people to invite "the heathen" to find somewhere else to live.
It would be illegal for the judge to do that according to:

1.) Exodus 12:49, "There shall be one law to the native, and to the visitor that stays among you."

2.) Numbers 15:16, "One law and one way shall be for you and for the stranger that lives with you."


3.) Numbers 15:29, "And you shall have one law for him who acts through ignorance; for him that is native among the sons of Israel and for the alien that resides among them."

I've wondered if this could be applied to transmitting anti-government or anti-Christian messages from out of Canada or Mexico.
Nope. It wouldn't apply because anti-Christian messages would be allowed. Only the advocacy of crimes would not be allowed to be transmitted. It would not be a crime to believe in Atheism, therefore it would not be a crime to broadcast antichristian messages.
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:20 PM   #54
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A loving spanking is not child abuse.

This mindset emanates well from Christianity which indicates, in holy repetition, that a loving killing is not murder.

[ October 26, 2002: Message edited by: Ronin ]</p>
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:47 PM   #55
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Originally posted by Grumpy:
Deut. 22:24 presumes it was adultery, not rape, because everyone knows good girls scream when raped.

So when it says "shall surely be put to death," there's some wiggle room. I see.
Yes. When the State is the prosecuting agent of case laws where this pleonasm occurs, it would enforce the death penalty upon conviction with no judicial discretion in imposing sanctions. However, when the victim is the prosecuting agent, victims rights prevail. For example, the Bible commands the death penalty for adultery. However, an innocent husband in a particular case may decide that his preschool children need their mother (slut though she may be) much more than he needs justice. The father's decision to allow the slut to live would stand.

A specific example from the Bible is Joseph's refusal to prosecute Mary when he found out she was pregnant before they were married. The Bible calls Joseph a righteous man. Why? Didn't Joseph violate Biblical law by not prosecuting his pregnant betrothed? No. Joseph had the Biblical freedom to forgave Mary. He chose that freedom and sought to divorce Mary quietly.
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:56 PM   #56
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Originally posted by galiel:
<strong>I'm still reeling from the thought that there are apparently sincere American monarchists (plural, no less!) on this board, in the year 2002. And not constitutional monarchists, but people who actually want to regress back to the Dark Ages and undo the past several hundred years of progress in individual human rights. </strong>
I am a constitutional monarchist. In fact, the constitution I favor is posted in this thread.
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Old 10-26-2002, 11:01 PM   #57
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Originally posted by lunachick:
How on earth can you withhold these things!!! At least half of this list are the essentials of life, for crying out loud!!
I'm not recommending withholding anything. I'm just advocating not giving it away for free.

Now you claim to be a Christian, right? Isn't the True Christian (TM) one who supports charity, helps feed the hungry, water the thirsty, house the poor, etc.
Christians should help people who can't work. But we should not help people who will not work. There's a difference.

[ October 27, 2002: Message edited by: Goriller ]</p>
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Old 10-26-2002, 11:05 PM   #58
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Originally posted by Ronin:
God changes his mind and then sends himself to be murdered so that he could refute his own prior precepts ~ brilliant argument.
There was no change of mind. The prophesied death of the Messiah was part of God's plan to redeem fallen mankind from the beginning.
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Old 10-26-2002, 11:11 PM   #59
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant:
<strong>A King is not elected. Certainly not by half of the population while the other half roots for another candidate.</strong>
This is one of the main reasons why I am against democracy. Social infighting. Even divisions within our own homes where a wife votes republican and the husband votes democrat. Social classes fighting each other over who pays how much taxes and on and on. Democracy breeds social conflict.
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Old 10-26-2002, 11:14 PM   #60
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Originally posted by Subi dura a rudibus:

Of course, if it is a gay woman, she belongs to class of people wo are LEAST likely to have AIDS.

Why is that? Is god a lesbian?</strong>
Can I field a question from an adult please?
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