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Old 05-06-2003, 05:14 PM   #1
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Default God is NOT Dead!

False Gods... Defending the one true religion.

In order for any god to die, such an entity would have first had to exist in a more realistic form than the illusionary byproducts of human imagination. There is no tangible or rational evidence to support any beliefs in any god or gods. Faith is nothing more than a pledge to deny reality. Humanity and the world around us is fully accounted for by common sense and sciences that proves our existence without the need for any gods or the supernatural. In short, there is no god. There never was any god and there never will be.

Dead is dead! Deal with it! Human life is temporary and that is all there is to it. Don't waste your life in a delusional state preparing for an afterlife that does not exist. You know in your heart of hearts that what your rational mind tells you is true. Move beyond past gnorance and turn your eyes to the reality of the present and the reality that is you. You are only what you are and nothing you or anyone else has ever aspired to will or ever has changed that reality. Not even a single grain of sand has ever been changed by human illusions that cause us to feel the whole of the universe somehow revolves around us.

No set of religious beliefs is or ever has been worth fighting for and certainly not worth dying for. Humanity must break free of ignorance and superstition and raise up and embrace common sense truth and reality. There is no evil, no evil sprits or devils. Everyone of us clearly knew this simple truth when we once perceived reality through the untainted eyes of a child. Those were our eyes and our minds before we gave way to the irrationalism of the world we were born into. The only thing we genuinely have to fear is our own irrational fears and our tendency to believe in things that do not exist.

Have courage! Use your mind to think for yourself instead of blindly lining up behind others. Make your own path through life and take full advantage of what life affords you. You will not get a second chance. Every lost day is gone forever. Do not waste your life worshiping idols to past ignorance. Do not kill or harm your fellow humans in the name of imaginary gods. You are responsible for you and how you decide to live out your existence is your choice. Don't waste it. You owe it to yourself to know the real truth before you take your last breath and return to the nothingness that preceded your birth. Be real! Be honest! Be you!

Do not support leaders obsessed by religious fantasy. They do not represent what is best for humanity. Remove those from power who degrade the true value of all life and willingly sacrifice the innocent upon alters of false religious moralities and beliefs. As the world enters the 21st century we need rational minds to deal with real problems governed by sensible priorities. Humanity is at a crossroads of moving forward into a brighter future or remaining stifled within the irrationalism that has revented real social change for thousands of generations. Evolution and reality command us to move forward and nothing is gained by our efforts to remain tied to the past. A far brighter future awaits us if we only develop the courage to force open the doors to truth, peace and prosperity.

In the name of all those who have come before us and all those who will follow, we owe it to ourselves to chose humanity over gods; to get off our knees and once again stand upright and continue the human journey into tomorrow.

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Old 05-06-2003, 05:25 PM   #2
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Bloody Vikings.
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