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Old 06-24-2003, 02:57 PM   #11
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Which God? Which moral code? Lots of both. And none of them are objective.
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Old 06-24-2003, 05:32 PM   #12
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And Wordsmyth has conveniently answered the objections I am sure Normal is about to make!
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Old 06-24-2003, 05:55 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Jobar
And Wordsmyth has conveniently answered the objections I am sure Normal is about to make!
Drat.... I kinda wanted a go at this "objctive moral standard" hooey.
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:28 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Jobar
And Wordsmyth has conveniently answered the objections I am sure Normal is about to make!
I read/skimed this post and found it lacking.
While he questions the coherence of Christian bible-based morality, he does not answer the fundamental question of the basis for an objective atheistic morality.

If the immature have a difficult time discerning the appropriate application of God's law, they at least have a standard to which they may appeal. Atheists have no such standard. They may, and in fact do, attempt to stipulate a standard, e.g., utilitarianism, but this is pure preference.

Whatever failings Dr. Craig may have as an apologist, I think he has many, simply pointing out supposed difficulties with the biblical standard does not establish atheistism as having an objective standard.

The question still stands: how do atheists explain morality as a transcendent, immaterial entity?
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:42 PM   #15
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I read/skimed this post and found it lacking.
Perhaps you should READ it, without the skimming (it ain't the post that's lacking)

The question still stands: how do atheists explain morality as a transcendent, immaterial entity?
They don't, why should they?
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:45 PM   #16
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Default Re: Why do humans speak for God?

Originally posted by Joe V.
I don't post very often on these boards, I'm mostly a lurker. I've been reading many of the discussions on these boards and I'd like to know the reasoning behind this one.

If it weren't for ordinary human beings, I wouldn't know anything about God. Who tells me that there is a god? Humans do. Who tells me that the Bible is the Word of God? Humans do. Who tells me that Jesus is the son of God? Humans do. Who tells me that I must believe or spend an eternity in Hell? Humans do.

Trying to determine if there is a god is one of the most important decisions of my life, if not the most important. I do not wish to be deceived, either by another person or by my own wishful thinking. So why does this infallible god intentionally hide himself from all of us and then rely solely on fallible humans to convince the rest of us that he exsts? To all the theists out there, why do you speak for God?

- Joe

Your question is based on a fundamental misunderstanding, at least where Christians are concerned.

We do not, with the exception of certain pentacostal types, claim to speak for God. We believe God has spoken through his creation, in his word and by his Son. We attempt to speak only where and what he has spoken.

Your assumption is that God has NOT spoken in these ways or that you can evaluate what he has said from a position of disbelief and find it unconvincing.

If he has in fact spoken by these means, then what they say is authhoritative whether it is communicated directly to you or someone else repeats it to you.

Scripture says that all men do know God through his creation but supress this knowledge, i.e., refuse to acknowledge him, because of their sinful rebellion.

God is not "infered" from creation and that is why apologists who try to prove him from creation are mistaken in their approach.

The question for you is how you know anything? How much of what you know have you presonally discovered? Have you personally experienced all the events which comprise your scope of knowledge? Have you personally tested and verified every scientific concept which you assume as part of your system?

Most of what we believe is on the basis of what someone tells us. We believe or don't based on how credible we believe the source to be.

The bible presents itself as the self-attesting, authoritative word of God. As such, its essential message cannot be "proven" by something higher than itself, i.e., human reason.

The test of any presupposition which serves as the basis for a belief system is how well it explains the nature and contentof human experience.
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:48 PM   #17
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Originally posted by Llyricist
Perhaps you should READ it, without the skimming (it ain't the post that's lacking)

Perhaps you should read it before asserting that it says something significant.

They don't, why should they?
Because they presume to speak authoritatively about the nature and meaning of human experience. Because they claim to be able to comprehensively understand the full scope of human existence based on materialism alone. Because morality, as a concept, is clearly not material.

I don't think I'm asking too much.
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:50 PM   #18
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Originally posted by Llyricist
Drat.... I kinda wanted a go at this "objctive moral standard" hooey.
That's odd. I just issued a challenge and you poo-pooed it.
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Old 06-24-2003, 06:56 PM   #19
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Wink Cart before the horse?

Originally posted by theophilus
The question still stands: how do atheists explain morality as a transcendent, immaterial entity?
Your question assumes without argument that a transcendent, immaterial entity is required for morality to exist. That would need to be demonstrated before your question would be germane.


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Old 06-24-2003, 06:59 PM   #20
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Originally posted by Howard
When I ask such questions of my Christian friends I got a variety of answers. In order of frequency…

1) God has spoken directly to humans… via the Bible, which is his revealed word. Sometimes man has difficulty interpreting the Bible (no kidding) but it's there for all to see.
Follow-up questions:
How do we know the Bible is God's revealed word?
Answer: Because it says so.
Why should we believe that?
Answer: Because it's the word of God.
And so goes the circular logic

I know that many immature believers give answers like this, but this is not the kind of answer you would get from seasoned Christians. It certainly isn't the kind of answer you've been getting from me for several years (I guess I'm not one of your "friends") and I've seen you around here enough to know that you've seen my posts.
So, posting this kind of stuff like it is typical of serious argument is disingenuous.
It would be like me posting the outrageous statements of atheist wannabes.

How would you know that the bible is the word of God? By testing it against your interpretation of things? What is the basis of your interpretation. As a materialsit, you are necessarilty limited to your own senses for knowledge.
What sense perception told you that the world is the way you assume it to be?

2) God has revealed himself in his creation. How can you look at this wondrous universe and this amazing thing called life, and not see the hand of the Creator.
Follow-up question What about all the bad stuff?
Answer: That's the devil, or man's corruption, or the difficulties and challenges God uses to test us.

Follow-up question: By what standard do you call anything "bad" (or good, for that matter). What sensory experience demonstrated this standard to be accurate?

3) God has revealed himself directly to me many times via the Holy Spirit. If you would but open your heart he would reveal himself to you too.
This of course is subjective. As such, it can neither be proven nor disproven and cannot serve as the basis for someone else's belief. It does not serve as the basis for my belief.
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