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Old 02-25-2003, 12:17 PM   #1
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Default Check out this contradiction

Genesis 8:21 -- After the flood, God said, “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.”

But in Deut. 28:22-24 -- God talks about CURSES for disobedience and he says, “The Lord will strike you with...scorching heat and drought...The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron.” Verse 38 says “you will harvest little because locusts will devour it.” Etc.

That sounds to me like he cursed the ground again, eh?
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Old 02-25-2003, 01:43 PM   #2
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Nope not a contradiction, in Gen 8:21 God is saying he will never again flood the earth (curse the ground).
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Old 02-25-2003, 05:17 PM   #3
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Hola Magus,

God said two things: (Gen. 8:21) "Never again will I curse THE GROUND because of man." And (Gen. 9:15) "Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."

Now you could say that God meant he was only stopping his curses of the ground by way of a global flood. But if he still curses the ground in general, then he's just changed the
WAY he wipes out people (and animals), like if there's a drought.
Now maybe it's not the whole world that he wipes out, but he does still curse the ground "because of man." And he later curses the ground by way of drought or plague because of man's evil, because "every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood."

So the theme is the same. God may not use a flood, but if you're bad, he'll curse your land one way or another.

Magus, I don't LIKE the God of the Bible. (Read Deut. 22:13-21) If a woman got married and her husband accused her of not being a virgin, her family had to prove that she was. And the way they had to prove it: The father had to stick his fingers in his
daughter’s vagina and show a rag with the blood on it to the elders. If there was no blood, she was not proven to be a virgin, so she was to be STONED TO DEATH. Well, any gynecologist will tell you that there is no “proof” of virginity! Sometimes, even if it's
the first time having sex, a girl won't bleed (I didn't). You may have heard the term "popped her cherry." Well, the hymen (cherry) can break by riding a horse, or by walking on top of a fence and falling down so you get hit between the legs, or it can break in many other ways. What if a girl’s hymen was broken because she was molested as a child (we all know how common molestation is), or maybe the girl had been raped previously and
no one ever found out about it? So kill the girl if there’s no proof of virginity?!

Now God supposedly gave this law to Moses, so it wasn't Moses' idea. Deut. 5:27 says that after the Israelites heard the 10 commandments, they didn't want to hear anymore of God's voice, so they told Moses to get the rest of the law from God and just repeat back to them what God said.

And don't go telling me that God could ensure that no girl was unjustly punished. You might believe that, but there's no proof. God shouldn't have made a silly law like that in the first place. And why would women have to be virgins before marriage? A man could sleep with a girl and THEN make her his wife, and then he could have many wives and have sex with all of them.

Maybe you can come up with some explanation on how there can be proof of virginity, if you are some kind of expert on the female crotch. But even if you do manage a rationalization, I STILL will never like the Bible's God, for many many many other reasons as well.

If there's a God, that God is a good God, and not the "god" of the Bible.
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