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Old 05-23-2002, 04:57 AM   #1
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" On the surface, it looks as though Satan is winning. (in the fight between evil and good)
But let me assure you this is only an illusion.
Yes, Satan is real, and so are sin and evil;
dont underestimate their reality and their power to bring untold harm to us.
But...god is sovereign, and ultimately he will triumph over all the forces of evil and destruction.

In the present age we live in a fallen sin-stricken world, and we all share in it's heartache and pain.
BUT LISTEN !.....Satan is a defeated foe!
He continues to fight but the wars outcome is certain,and at the end of time Satan will be banished forever."
Billy Graham

Dear Dr. Graham,
You have stated that god is sovereign and will prevail over evil.
Your god is the creator of all things, you yourself have stated that god controls everything in the universe and is in total control of all the lives and fates of us humans and has manifest his will through a "divine plan".

You say that this god has a plan and that he will ultimately be the winner in the fight, but as the creator of evil as well as good why is there a war
going on in the first place?

You say that Satan is real and has the power to harm humankind, but god created Satan just as he created everything else, did he make an error in this particular model of an angelic host?

It has been said that god is "perfect" he cannot
err, but here we are as human beings about as an imperfect lifeform as you could ever be.
We live in fear of war and terrorism, crime and natural disasters all these things we bring upon ourselves apparently because we have free agency
to spoil everything we touch.

Mankind was created in the image of god according to biblical text, if that is fact/truth then why are we so imperfect?
Why did this "perfect divine being" create imperfection?

The clergy always preaches that satan is real and manifests his will on mankind.
They preach that satan is the great deceiver, with intelligence and the power to directly
threaten the goodness of god.
I dont see how this ex-angel can be so powerful
and not realize that he is engaged in a struggle
he cant (according to you) win.
If god created everything, then he created Satan.

If this god is perfect, and cannot be anything but good and moral why then did he create something he knew would pose a threat to his other creations, and be the opposite of his "nature"?

And if Satan is so smart and powerful, why does he not come to the bargaining table and cut a deal with god?
If he is certain to lose the "fight", then why doesnt he bargain for a truce?
It is not very intelligent to continue fighting
battles when the outcome has already been determined. And if the outcome has been predetermined then the concept of free will is

I ask you Dr. Graham, did god err in the creation
of angels resulting in a breech and rebellion in his own kingdom, that spawned his arch enemy
If he made an error then he is not perfect.
If he let these things happen, and has planned for
the rise and fall of mankind and the struggles between his creations, we all become nothing but pawns in his "game".
If he knew through his omnipotence that these events would take place but did not have the wherewithall to stop them it questions the extent of those powers and attributes we have assigned to him.

What is the real motivation behind the actions of this divine being with respect to mankind and why would an extremely intelligent and powerful entity continue to to wage a struggle that he cannot win?

And if Satan knows as you are so sure of that he will lose whats the point?
Does humankind exist for the amusement and pleasure of the two combatants as the pieces in a chess game?
Are we to believe that we will continually be placed between the two foes each trying to manipulate their respective pieces?

And finally, what happens to those of us who refuse to play?
Why should anyone suffer for refusing to be taken advantage of and/or manipulated by these supposedly supernatural powers, who are at war between themselves?
I am interested in the opinions of the people here
and how they personally view this seeming contradiction in the nature of the supreme being
and how they feel about being manipulated and used
for entertainment.

<img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />

[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: sighhswolf ]</p>
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Old 05-23-2002, 05:42 AM   #2
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Clear, concise and to the point. The less wiggle room you give 'em the better.

I must say though you've failed to appropriately address your audience considering your letter follows a rational and logical progression of thought.

I'd be curious to hear the reply you get from it.
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Old 05-23-2002, 08:44 AM   #3
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Very nice. Two side notes, if I may?

<ol type="1">[*] In the line, "If he knew through his omnipotence that these events would take place but did not have the wherewithall to stop them it questions the extent of those powers and attributes we have assigned to him," it should be, "If he knew through his omniscience that these events would take place but did not have the omnipotence to stop them..." yes? Just a suggestion.[*] You might want to argue the fact that Satan (Lucifer, actually) was an angel and therefore did not and does not have "free will" the way humans are alleged to have, regardless of the apologetics on this that the fall changed that, since "free will" can only be granted by God (supposedly). This would necessarily mean that at all times (including now) "he" is performing God's will.[/list=a]

Just a thought, though it might bog things down into apologetics too much.
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Old 05-23-2002, 02:05 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Koyaanisqatsi:
<strong>Very nice. Two side notes, if I may?

<ol type="1">[*] In the line, "If he knew through his omnipotence that these events would take place but did not have the wherewithall to stop them it questions the extent of those powers and attributes we have assigned to him," it should be, "If he knew through his omniscience that these events would take place but did not have the omnipotence to stop them..." yes? Just a suggestion.[*] You might want to argue the fact that Satan (Lucifer, actually) was an angel and therefore did not and does not have "free will" the way humans are alleged to have, regardless of the apologetics on this that the fall changed that, since "free will" can only be granted by God (supposedly). This would necessarily mean that at all times (including now) "he" is performing God's will.[/list=a]

Just a thought, though it might bog things down into apologetics too much.</strong>
No Koy you are absolutely correct angels do not have free will, or free agency.
Thanks for reminding me of that very important fact.

I need all the help I can get.........
I am so sick of picking up the newspaper and getting struck by the Rev. Billy and his praise god crap, and now his whole damn family is into the act.

I think they all are into it for the big bucks they bring in...........just my personal opinion.
It seems that people who cant find honest work, that they can perform with skill, become evangelists......or used car salespeople.

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