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Old 04-11-2003, 08:51 AM   #41
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I believe Durant remarks that one Roman historian tried to show that the darkness on that day was simply a natural event, giving it some independent historical credence

Umm, I'm pretty sure that "one Roman historian" is covered in both Carrier's and Miller's papers. Or do you have a different name?
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Old 04-11-2003, 10:25 AM   #42
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Mageth, i don't threaten you with hell , I don't want you to go there, which is why I press the issue. It says in the Bible if someone rejects the Gospel after a few times trying to explain it, move on because they most likely never will accept it ( i stick around cause i like debating and defending insults against God and the Bible). So, its likely gonna take the Tribulation for most atheists to even have a chance at believing in God ( although a delusion will be sent over the unbelievers making it harder), so my point was, since you never plan to believe in the Gospel now without a scientific book explaining and proving every detail about God in the known universe, we will just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully you will survive through the Trib long enough to accept Jesus. I can't condemn you to Hell, you are doing that yourself. But for some people, there will be a second chance if you can live through the Trib.
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Old 04-11-2003, 10:41 AM   #43
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Originally posted by Magus55
Hopefully you will survive through the Trib long enough to accept Jesus. I can't condemn you to Hell, you are doing that yourself. But for some people, there will be a second chance if you can live through the Trib.
The "Trib".

When did the horrific biblical end of the word get abbreviated into such a cute little name?
Is there a new rap translation of the bible?
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Old 04-11-2003, 10:56 AM   #44
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Originally posted by Magus55
Mageth, i don't threaten you with hell
But your religion does. A thinking person would ask himself, do I want to preach a religion like that? Do I want to follow a god like that even if he is real? You cannot abdicate your responsibility by saying God commands you to do something. You are still making the decision to follow those commands.

Magus, even if your God existed I wouldn't worship Him. And that makes me a better person than you.
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Old 04-11-2003, 11:12 AM   #45
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Mageth, i don't threaten you with hell , I don't want you to go there, which is why I press the issue.

And "pressing the issue" is done how, exactly? By repeatedly waving your religion's threat of hell in front of my face. Here's what you said:

"Go live out your life, and believe God doesn't exist, and we'll just wait to see what happens."

So, are you gonna get some popcorn and sit in the heavenly bleachers watching while all us non-believers get thrown in the cosmic microwave? Will you holler out "I told you so, I told you so, doncha know I told you so" when it's my turn, like you're doing here???

It says in the Bible if someone rejects the Gospel after a few times trying to explain it, move on because they most likely never will accept it ( i stick around cause i like debating and defending insults against God and the Bible).

So, doing what you like is an OK excuse for disobeying the bible???

So, its likely gonna take the Tribulation for most atheists to even have a chance at believing in God ( although a delusion will be sent over the unbelievers making it harder),...

Wow, what a benevolent god you envision. Instead of doing something to save us, he's gonna make it harder for us to be saved.

... so my point was, since you never plan to believe in the Gospel now without a scientific book explaining and proving every detail about God in the known universe,...

Which is a strawman, as that is not my position. God is outside the realm of science; I've never said otherwise. If god wants to prove herself to me, she knows what it would take and should be willing to do it, if she really loves me (and really exists).

What is within the realm of science (and history) are specific events claimed in the bible. This thread questions specific events described in the bible (in particular, the extraordinary events around the resurrection), not God himself. See the difference?

...we will just have to wait and see what happens.

We've already been waiting 2000 years for those events promised as soon-to-come in the Bible. I'm starting to get a little impatient.

Hopefully you will survive through the Trib long enough to accept Jesus.

Accept or die, you infidel bastards! Isn't that one of the things you complain about in Islam?

I can't condemn you to Hell,

Then quit doing it. It's getting old.

you are doing that yourself.

I thought that was god's job, which you've seen fit to take on yourself. Why the hell would I condemn myself to hell? I told you on another thread that I've used my free will to say If there is a hell, I don't want to go there. So if god holds free will so precious, he should honor my request, shouldn't he?

But for some people, there will be a second chance if you can live through the Trib.

You need to lay off the Left Behind for a bit and start reading some non-fiction.
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Old 04-11-2003, 01:53 PM   #46
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Default people, we have a problem

Originally posted by Magus55
Very true, thats why it was so amazing and wasn't recorded much, because no one could explain it. The eclipse had to be from God, since one can't happen on a full moon. Thallus recorded the darkness at the crucifiction, but was even confused as to how it was dark, since he knew there couldn't be a naturally occuring eclipse on passover.
The Christians know about the Evil Atheist Conspiracy to never record anything about genuine miracles. If we're not careful, they'll also discover how the Egyptians carefully failed to record anything about their entire civilisation being wiped out in the flood.

Isn't it amazing how these stunning proofs of God's divine plan are suppressed by the EAC?

Or maybe they didn't happen in order to be recorded. Just a thought.
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Old 04-11-2003, 04:01 PM   #47
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Default Re: people, we have a problem

Originally posted by orac
The Christians know about the Evil Atheist Conspiracy to never record anything about genuine miracles. If we're not careful, they'll also discover how the Egyptians carefully failed to record anything about their entire civilisation being wiped out in the flood.

Isn't it amazing how these stunning proofs of God's divine plan are suppressed by the EAC?

Or maybe they didn't happen in order to be recorded. Just a thought.
Egyptians didn't exist before the flood. They were one of the first civilizations to form after the flood.
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Old 04-11-2003, 04:04 PM   #48
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If there had been a mysterious 3-hour daytime, it would have been BIG news. Even if it had only happened near Jerusalem, it would still have been big news.

It's the old newsworthiness principle:

Dog bites man -- no news.
Man bites dog -- news.

The first sort of event is much more commonplace than the second, which is why.

Pliny the Elder had collected numerous marvels in his book Natural History, but he never mentioned such an unusual darkness, which he could have remembered from his childhood. I'm sure that if he had mentioned it, the Xian apologists would have picked up on it.

Likewise, Josephus would have mentioned it, though it had most likely taken place a few years before he was born. His sources on King Herod could easily have told him of tha

And I'm sure that Suetonius and Tacitus and lots of others would have mentioned that event; they had either been alive during it or they could easily have learned of it.

I'm sure that I'll be ridiculed by certain people for applying an Argument from Silence, but I believe that it is a reasonable one when used with consideration of whether someone could have been expected to know about some event.

Thus, Pliny, Josephus, Suetonius, Tacitus, and others would not be expected to know about something unusual going on in the Americas, since they did not even know that that place existed. But if it is something that they themselves could have witnessed or easily learned about, then it's a totally different story.
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Old 04-11-2003, 04:13 PM   #49
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More than likely, other historians like Tacitus or Josephus were busy recording the crucifiction or the actions done by the Romans. Since no one could explain the darkness, they didn't consider it to be important enough to copy down, at least since it was written by Luke, Matthew and Mark.

Who knows why they didn't write it down, its speculation at this point. But the lack of lots of people writing it down, doesn't negate its happening.
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Old 04-11-2003, 04:30 PM   #50
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Default Re: Re: people, we have a problem

Originally posted by Magus55
Egyptians didn't exist before the flood. They were one of the first civilizations to form after the flood.
Man, the descendants of Noah must have been pumping out quintuplets every year to get their population up enough to be a great civilization by the time of Moses.
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