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Old 03-02-2003, 11:07 AM   #51
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Unhappy Damned

So I prayed to God just like Robinsin suggested I do, with my whole heart and soul, and sure enough God spoke to me. He spake with a voice like thunder so there was no mistaking that this was God. This could not have been some sort of trick or a delusion. When God speaks there is no mistaking that it is Him.

God said that both Robinsin and Magus55 were damned to Hell for all eternity. He mentioned the fire that burns but consumes not and something about teeth gnashing. I was too awe struck to get all the details but the gist is that Dante was very accurate.

It seems that Robinsin believes two incorrect things and Magus55 a whopping total of five incorrect things. God, of course, is not interested in a person's motivations are for believing something but only in precisely what a person believes. You two got a number of different beliefs wrong so, of course, you will suffer for eternity.

I would show pity towards you for the agony you are about to endure, but God is all good so obviously you deserve eternal torment.
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:26 AM   #52
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Well, there you have it, folks. Seems pretty conclusive to me.

Not a great deal of room for argument here.
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:50 AM   #53
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My heart goes out to you folks. I did not become a Christian until I was 35.

And my mind goes out to you. I was one until 45.

However, God did grace me with a friend whom taught me that the one unforgivable sin is to be sacreligious, and he explained it.

You'd do well to question what your friends says in the future, as his or her theology seems a bit flawed.

All you need to do to find God is ask him into your heart. Say a small silent prayer - ask God to reveal himself to you and He will - I promise! You have your doubts and rightfully so; but the process is very simple. Pray right now, close your eyes and take a few seconds....

......"God if you are there, please help me and guide me. Show me that you exist by coming into my life. I pray Lord, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen"

Been there, done that. For a good part of the first 45 years of my life, in fact, and always in absolute sincerity, even desparation. I wanted to believe, wanted God to reveal himself to me. 45 years of no answer led me to where I am now...lacking belief.

We cannot be saved by our good works......
........ I'm a good person, or I do this or that. We are all sinners and no one can enter the Kingdom of God by their good works! So, you see, Christians aren't perfect, nobody can be by design. We are all sinners against God and no one can be perfect, it is impossible!
You can only be saved by grace of God - His love for us is so great that he gave His only Son for our grace.

If it's true that "nobody can be by design, then why does your god condemn us to whatever-particular-fate-you-happen-to-believe awaits unbelievers (e.g. eternal suffering) for the built-in faults of his design?

I'm now saying a prayer for you....... "Dear God, I pray that the reader of this message will take on an understanding of you oh Lord, Please show yourself to the readers, allow them to understand your existence and Love - in the name of Jesus, Amen"

It's...not...working. No wait; it's working! I'm understanding even more fully that god's existence is wishful thinking, that praying to him is useless. Get over it; you're talking to the ceiling.

God Bless You!

And may reason enlighten you.
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Old 03-02-2003, 01:44 PM   #54
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posted by Robinson
All you need to do to find God is ask him into your heart. Say a small silent prayer - ask God to reveal himself to you and He will - I promise! You have your doubts and rightfully so; but the process is very simple. Pray right now, close your eyes and take a few seconds....
posted by Robinson
My wife was watching me read the Bible almost daily, I prayed only alone, usually out in my hot tub under the stars. Prayed, read the Bible and talked to Christian men for about a year. I still wasn't convinced,
It took rather more than just a "small silent prayer" for your god to reveal himself to you, then. The fact that you persisted for over a year and did everything possible to convince yourself only confirms what we already know: You believe because you want to and that's all there is to it.

Robinson, there are people on these boards who spent YEARS praying before they realised it was a waste of time. As for suggesting we read your fave book - don't be so patronising! Some of us have read countless books and have thought about god and religion from every conceivable angle and we've all come to the same conclusion: There is no rational reason to believe in the existence any deity and we can listen to the conversion stories of the weak, the gullible and the despairing from now until eternity and it isn't going to make one iota of difference to us. Stick around and read the debates on the upper fora - they might just get you thinking. But please only contribute when you have something half intelligent to say.
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Old 03-02-2003, 04:33 PM   #55
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I don't know about you guys... but this Robinsin character sounds like the damn Antichrist to me...
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Old 03-02-2003, 05:37 PM   #56
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Default Re: Hah ha ha ha!

Originally posted by Robinsin
Eventually owned and operated my own multi-million dollar company, had $100,000's invested in the stock market, Porsche in the driveway, a beautiful custom built home with 24 rooms and the nicest liquor cabinet/bar I've ever seen (for entertaining), we had over 30 revenue properties paying us rent, a mortgage company that loaned people money for high interest rates, and at age 30 I had over One Million Dollars CASH in the bank and was drug free for over 7 years (selling or using).
I own and occassionally operate a 1985 Ford Ranger pickup. I use it to buy and haul manure for my fabulous garden. I then spread manure all over the garden in spring. The garden is the nicest one in the neighborhood and is providing flowers and food for the table. My garden has always been chemical free.
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Old 03-02-2003, 06:15 PM   #57
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God if you are there...Show me that you exist by coming into my life.
Somehow I think my hubby might have a problem with that...

*slaps self* Bad Pensee! (Sorry folks. I couldn't help myself. )

Seriously, Robinsin, I bet I know the Bible better than you do. Unlike you, I was raised to believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God, etc. My notion of God was a very important part of my life. I was in church no less than 3x every week. Went to a private Xian school where "Bible" was a graded subject. Prayed and read the Bible every morning and night with my family. Ironically, it was a thorough study of the Bible--all parts, including the uncomfy parts that preachers like to ignore (like Numbers 31 for one)--with eyes and mind wide open that led to my deconversion. So I actually knew what ideas/beliefs/superstitions/fairy tales I was rejecting before I rejected it.
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Old 03-02-2003, 06:23 PM   #58
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Default Re: Just the beginning.......

Originally posted by Robinsin
[BI'll be back, if you'll have me?
Good-night and God Bless You All. [/B]
Come back if you want. I would like to point out to you that your testimony won't go very far here. My experiance has been that Christians like you work very hard to make their personal story of faith effective on an emotional level. The timing and delivery of one of these testimonies is important and they are much more powerful in person in a church service or a gathering where there are others of the faith. I have seen an accomplished testifier bring hundreds of Christians to tears in an amazingly short time.
Indeed it was just such a one that led me to dedicate my life to Jesus. I heard that testimony many, many times over the years and never failed to react on a deeply emotional level, even well past the time when I no longer believed the theology behind it. That man is still giving it almost forty years after I first heard it and I'm sure it is as powerful now as it was then. I'm telling you this because many Christians with powerful testimonies that never fail to move an audiance of believers often think it should work as well on non-believers which is not the case at all. Indeed it is far more likely to make them less patient with you and hurt your efforts to win them to Christ.

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Old 03-02-2003, 06:40 PM   #59
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I'm less bothered by the obnoxious, juvenile preaching here than I am by the sneaking suspicion this guy is trying to sell us Amway.
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Old 03-02-2003, 06:57 PM   #60
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Originally posted by Clarice
I'm less bothered by the obnoxious, juvenile preaching here than I am by the sneaking suspicion this guy is trying to sell us Amway.
You know Clarice, it's getting so I'm afraid to answer the door bell.

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