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Old 04-15-2003, 10:17 AM   #31
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Everyone would believe in Him, and if you knew for a fact He existed - why would you ever deny Him since you know He would punish you? ( right now, since you don't know for sure He exists, the possibility of punishment doesn't phase you). That means, no one would love God because they want to and because they believe in what He says, they would love Him solely for fear of punishment or because they had no other choice... bye bye free will.
If I did find out for a fact it had been Him all along, tent making bats would be all the reason I needed to love Him.Sir David's footage of them, has them looking all white and fluffy, hiding from the Amazonian rain in their tent. Whenever life and the world really get me down, just remembering that these beautiful (and, OK, reeeaaallly cute) creatures exist, gives me hope and a rediscovered appreciation for the beauty of life
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Old 04-15-2003, 01:23 PM   #32
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they're not technically gods, but my vote is with the endless, as depicted in neil gaiman's "sandman" comic books.

i dunno, i just like them.

If I did find out for a fact it had been Him all along, tent making bats would be all the reason I needed to love Him.
awwwwwwww. maybe the wittle bats ARE god?
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Old 04-15-2003, 02:39 PM   #33
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Originally posted by Magus55
Why thank you, coming from you i'll take it as a compliment.
Is that any way to talk to someone that pardoned you from a death sentence?

Worship me!

In fact, for not worshiping me I'll condemn you AGAIN!

And now I'll pardon you again!

Now I'm DOUBLY worthy of your praise and worship by your own logic! Even more than that silly contradictory imaginary God you used to worship!
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Old 04-16-2003, 04:47 PM   #34
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His name is Steve, he lives on 5th Avenue and created the human race because we provide better entertainment than any TV show ever created.
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Old 04-16-2003, 11:11 PM   #35
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Default Re: Re: Make up a God and tell us what he/she is like.

Originally posted by GeoTheo on 4-11-03
If possible I would like atheists to respond to this.
I am doing this as an expiriment.
I'ts not a trick question or anything just make up a god you would like to be around
or explain why you wouldn't conjure one up even if you could
I will explain after a couple days
Thank you
Originally posted by David M. Payne on 4-12-03
Here you go. I have more if you need them.

Hey Geo, it's been a couple of days plus, so what's up?


"God and religion, the oldest scam in history, and it still suck them in today. So free your mind, and your body will follow!"
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Old 04-17-2003, 05:49 AM   #36
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Default Re: Make up a God and tell us what he/she is like.

Originally posted by GeoTheo
People's god. It owes it's existence to the the existence of people, just as people owe their existence to the existence of the living cells and germs of their body.

The people's god is to people, as people are to their cells.

Are all people of earth, the body of one peoples god?
When we seed another planet, will a new people's god be born?

Are a bunch of peoples gods, the cells in a peoples peoples god? Or would that be a peoples god god?

"People" is a strange word, if you type it enough.

People people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people


BTW the peoples god (that sounds communistic or something) really isn't too concerned with people. How concerned are we, with the cells of our body?
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Old 04-17-2003, 11:24 PM   #37
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Well, I was just wondering if these made up God's would resemble the God's of known religions. So far there are some resemblances but too small a sample. Thanks
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Old 04-18-2003, 08:16 AM   #38
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Okay, here goes:

God is good and powerful, but not all-good or all-powerful. He knows an awful lot of things, but not quite everything. He is able to make very accurate predictions about the future, but is not totally infallible.

God made the universe, but did not specifically 'design' everything that has come about in it. For example, human beings or other forms of life are not part of any 'plan' he has. But, when he sees life come about, he feels compassion and benevolence towards it. Occasionally, he contacts and intervenes such lowly life, the way a veterinarian wandering through a forest might heal an injured squirrel. But this god is not ever-present. He does not interfere in every aspect of our lives, or take an interest in one desert tribe of the Middle East defeating another. Not every strange shape in a tortilla or condensation on a refrigerator that looks vaguely like a face is a sign from him. He is not, in spite of statistical evidence, a Yankees fan. He is, rather, a coolly distant figure, kind and well-meaning, but as far above us and removed from us as we are from the little animals of the forest. For god, this universe is but one of many -- to him, they are like marbles, crystalline spheres which he makes, yet which are also filled with wonders he did not fully anticipate. His greatest delight is in coming across something he has not seen before, and in watching the ongoing drama of existence itself.
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Old 04-18-2003, 08:40 AM   #39
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Default Re: Make up a God and tell us what he/she is like.

Originally posted by GeoTheo
If possible I would like atheists to respond to this.
I am doing this as an expiriment.
I'ts not a trick question or anything just make up a god you would like to be around
or explain why you wouldn't conjure one up even if you could
I will explain after a couple days
Thank you
I hear echoes of 'Man believes what man prefers to be true' in this request.


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Old 04-19-2003, 01:21 PM   #40
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My God would be a psycopath and an egomaniac. He would create a universe of creatures and make them imperfect, then punish them for being imperfect. He would make them with no knowledge of good or evil, then give them a test requiring this knowledge, then punish them for failing. Then, for good measure, he would punish all their decendents for their failure. He would pick out one race of people as his favorites, then send them out to kill whole other races of his creation, while at the same time torturing his favorites along the way. He would make up a rule book that no one could understand, much less follow, then torment his creations forever after they fail to follow said rules. After years and yaears of causing suffering and death, he would wage a war that he already knew he would win, torture all that didn't "love" him for all eternity, just to show his Glory. Oh crap! That's already been done...
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