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Old 12-15-2001, 10:55 PM   #131
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I've not found any discrepancy in a history book that is not somehow described as uncertain - for example, in Greek and Egyptian history, along with Incan and Aztec, the books admit to a certain amount of conjecture, based on evidence left behind by that society. The bible does none of this, despite a complete lack of evidence. No scientist or historian worth his salt considers the bible anything more than fiction with just enough fact sprinkled in to convert the average idiot to believing in a fairytale.
That is perception based. The bible, if read carefully, could admit to a certain amount of conjecture as well. And I had thought that I'd asserted that I didn't follow the bible letter to letter. In my opinion, it was souped up for the Crusades. The King James version was translated to create a righteous and zealous anger to in order to make the faithful think they should go out and kill unbelievers, or heathens as Kally so stated earlier. The king needed a war, and god was the scapegoat. Like I said, I'm a very NON-convential Xian.

Oh, look. Yet another little Xian creates his own little god to parade around and show everyone. "Look, mine's not as bad as theirs! Follow mine, pleeeeeease?"
What is this statement supposed to induce? Me to have a fit and amuse you with my "righteous" xian anger? I did not create my own little god. Please respect my beliefs just as I would respect yours. Childish little things like that make me embarrassed for you.

So it's when we grow aware of sexuality that we're "damned", eh? Man... I knew I should have never taken that sex-ed class...
Yes zero.. sex ed is the devil. You are really screwed now! Is that what you want me to say?

Not only does he create his own god, he's also great at karaoke. Someone put on some George Michael and give 'im a few beers. Just give me some earplugs first.
Hey! I like George Michael!

That doesn't sound like the bible to me - in fact most of what I've read there is quite the opposite. Sounds like we're not the only ones going to hell. See ya at the Burn Ward Bar
I may go to hell Zero. It is quite possible, and arrogant to just assume I am going to heaven. Though, if I do go to hell I'll look you up.
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Old 12-15-2001, 11:50 PM   #132
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Originally posted by Roarke:
<strong>That is perception based. The bible, if read carefully, could admit to a certain amount of conjecture as well. And I had thought that I'd asserted that I didn't follow the bible letter to letter. In my opinion, it was souped up for the Crusades. The King James version was translated to create a righteous and zealous anger to in order to make the faithful think they should go out and kill unbelievers, or heathens as Kally so stated earlier. The king needed a war, and god was the scapegoat. Like I said, I'm a very NON-convential Xian.</strong>
This on the bible is conjecture as well... but believable to an extent. Either way, it says nothing but ill for xians.

<strong>What is this statement supposed to induce? Me to have a fit and amuse you with my "righteous" xian anger? I did not create my own little god. Please respect my beliefs just as I would respect yours. Childish little things like that make me embarrassed for you.</strong>
I'll fess up to baiting on that one - price of admission for preaching sessions on a freethought forum. I respect your beliefs just fine, as long as they don't include the usual xian clause of "and you better believe too or you're going to burn".

However, the statement still stands, as you have chosen to play as self-appointed editor of your own scripture. That is, you and 2,000 truckloads of other christians out there. If any of it were more than nonsense, would so many people really have such different views on it?

<strong>Yes zero.. sex ed is the devil. You are really screwed now! Is that what you want me to say? </strong>
Not quite - you already said enough.

<strong>The age of danger is maturity.. puberty. With the complication of sexual impulses comes along greater responsibility.</strong>
Also, now you're on my pet peeve - associating sex with morality, when frankly, I believe (and I don't think I'm alone here) that the only immoral sex is illegal or forced sex. (I.E. child molestation and rape)

I'll give you a little credit, though... you're much more interesting than Lil and more intelligent than the ridiculous trolls we've been getting in here lately.

And ... on a personal note ... (laugh, this part is funny.) George Michael sucks!
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Old 12-16-2001, 12:05 AM   #133
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This on the bible is conjecture as well... but believable to an extent. Either way, it says nothing but ill for xians.
by zero
True, it is my interpretation. Bah. I don't speak for the other xians, only myself. To speak for everyone else would be, uhmm, unwise, idiotic, and against my principles.

price of admission for preaching sessions on a freethought forum. I respect your beliefs just fine, as long as they don't include the usual xian clause of "and you better believe too or you're going to burn".
Uhmm. I'm not preaching, I'm giving my 2 cents. If I was preaching I would tell you that if you knew what was good for you, you'd convert. If anything, I have discouraged belief in xianism. You should be happy. And I never posted "you better believe too or you're going to burn." You are labeling me with basic xian stereotypes, and frankly, I'm a little offended.

And if you didn't catch it, I was being entirely sarcastic on the sex ed deal. It's obvious that sexual education is needed for today's day and age, especially for atheists, sinners, and other such things as you'd have me label them.

Ok.. I admit, George Michael sucks with a vengeance.

associating sex with morality, when frankly, I believe (and I don't think I'm alone here) that the only immoral sex is illegal or forced sex. (I.E. child molestation and rape)
Here I'm going to have to disagree with you. While I would agree that immoral and illegal sex is definately a no-no, I believe that sex is something that should only be shared between a man and wife. I've always thought of it as god's gift to a married couple. Does this mean I think that you should burn in hell for sleeping with someone before getting married? No.. but I do believe you should acknowledge that you made a mistake. Again, this is my belief, and I have not forced it on you.. I mean, forcing would be beating down your door and offering you my lessons or the last rights..

Well.. any compliment I can get I guess. Intelligent troll it is..


by the by, I'm sure there are more than 2000 truckloads of those type of xians.
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Old 12-16-2001, 01:48 AM   #134
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Originally posted by Roarke:
<strong>I believe that sex is something that should only be shared between a man and wife. I've always thought of it as god's gift to a married couple. Does this mean I think that you should burn in hell for sleeping with someone before getting married? No.. but I do believe you should acknowledge that you made a mistake.</strong>
Well, this really belongs in the "Sexual Morality" thread (is that the name of it?)

I see sex as both a necessary bodily function and a highly-revered recreational activity.. and at the same time I'm a monogamous person with quite a bit of discipline as to who I'll take to bed with me.

At the same time, however, I don't think I'd want to marry someone I'd never had sex with. What if you get down on the wedding bed and something is terribly wrong? Sex is too important a part of a relationship, and I'd rather have an understanding of my partner in everything I can that is important way before marriage starts to pop up.

So I don't see it as a mistake, unless there are consequences (usually caused by irresponsiblity) such as diseases and/or unwanted pregnancy.

<strong>by the by, I'm sure there are more than 2000 truckloads of those type of xians.</strong>
Most likely... unless they're making some unbelievably huge trucks now.
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Old 12-16-2001, 04:59 AM   #135
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Originally posted by VeraciousMaven:

<strong>I must say, I love the way the athiests here at act as though God is man.</strong>

Well, he was at some point. Has he forgotten what it's like? Does he need reminding?

<strong>Why does God get to do all the things that we're "not supposed" to do?</strong>

Yes, why does he? Let's hear a good reason why it's okay for God to authorize genocide.

<strong>By even bringing up this argument you are admiting (even in a hypothetical way) that God exists.</strong>

And by discussing Gone with the Wind we are admitting that Scarlett O'Hara exists. Maybe she's God. Have you thought about that?

<strong>The very nature of God is that He is so vast, so powerful, so mighty, that His very existance is staggering.</strong>

I don't know about you, but vast mighty powerful things are a dime a dozen in the universe. There's millions of stars out there.

<strong>And people act as though he is their next door neighbor</strong>

Isn't he supposed to be everywhere? Or are you implying that my next door neighbor is not a christian and therefore does not have god in her heart?

<strong>whom they may ridicule at will. Learn some humility friends.</strong>

Okay. Now I'm humble. And I still think the god of the Old Testament is a vicious schizophrenic control freak. Want to actually debate that?



Bible verse wars, baby!
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Old 12-16-2001, 07:25 AM   #136
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Originally posted by VeraciousMaven:
I must say, I love the way the athiests here at act as though God is man.

response from: QoS
Well, he was at some point. Has he forgotten what it's like? Does he need reminding?
Love the tarot card reference btw. I'm just curious as to why you said "he was at some point". If you were referring to Jesus Christ, he was the son of God. Not a whole lot of difference there I admit.. Anyway, just curious.

Posted by QoS
Okay. Now I'm humble. And I still think the god of the Old Testament is a vicious schizophrenic control freak. Want to actually debate that?
Uhmm.. Yeah, I'd like to debate it. Then again, I'd argue with myself if left alone long enough.

Posted by: Zero Angel
I see sex as both a necessary bodily function and a highly-revered recreational activity.. and at the same time I'm a monogamous person with quite a bit of discipline as to who I'll take to bed with me.
Sex is not a necessary bodily function. There is a term for not having sex, it's known as celibacy. Granted that those who have the will for it are few and far between, it exists. As for a highly-revered recreational activity.. so is tennis, what's your point?

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Old 12-16-2001, 07:33 AM   #137
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Originally posted by Roarke:

<strong>I'm just curious as to why you said "he was at some point". If you were referring to Jesus Christ, he was the son of God. Not a whole lot of difference there I admit.. Anyway, just curious.</strong>

According to the doctrine of the trinity, Jesus is God, and he came down to the earth as a man. Therefore, God once was a man.
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Old 12-16-2001, 07:51 AM   #138
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Posted by QoS
According to the doctrine of the trinity, Jesus is God, and he came down to the earth as a man. Therefore, God once was a man.
Now that is an interesting and entirely debateable belief scale right there.. So, by their reckoning, god impregnated mary with... himself?!

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Old 12-16-2001, 07:59 AM   #139
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posted by Roarke:
by the by, I'm sure there are more than 2000 truckloads of those type of xians.
and another 2000 truckloads of your type.
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Old 12-16-2001, 08:21 AM   #140
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and another 2000 truckloads of your type.

You better hope not.

<a href="" target="_blank">Could this be Kally's description?</a>
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