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Old 07-31-2002, 01:04 PM   #31
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Originally posted by Kind Bud:
<strong>It's all really simple people: who are we marching for? Are we marching for Christians? If so, then the objections to the Satanists participating are understandable. Or are we marching for our own benefit? If so, then what does it matter what Christians think of our Satanist supporters?</strong>
We ARE marching for the Christians since it is they who are in the majority and conrtol our govt at the moment. Waving around Satanist stuff is gonna be like waving a red cloth in front of snorting bulls.
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:05 PM   #32
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Originally posted by RyanS2:
<strong>First, it's dangerous to use terms like everyone. Second, you are doing what we call projection. Whenever you try predicting what other people think based upon your own perceptions, it's called "projection". When you say, "Other people will think", what you really mean to say it "I think". </strong>
I give up. You are clearly either not capable or unwilling to address my stated objections.

I am assuming, of course, that you believe that mainstream, run-of-the-mill Americans have researched it understand that "Satanism" is not "worship of Satan." The problem must lie with me -- I must be the only person left who thinks that this is not the case.

Just for the record, when I said "everyone" I was actually just generalizing and was not literally stating the beliefs of every man, woman, and child in the country. I meant "the majority." It's clear that you disagree with that, though.

And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop bringing up Ellen Johnson. I *know* she has welcomed you and your group with open arms, lips, and legs. I simply don't care. If you want her opinions, read her emails. If you want mine, read my posts.

Good luck in your battle. I suggest you hire an editor for your web site.
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:15 PM   #33
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Originally posted by Anunnaki:
We ARE marching for the Christians ...
Speak for yourself.

Ryan, can I buy you a beer, or whatever it is you drink when you're having fun, when we meet in DC? If I can round up some ex-Mormons to come along, perhaps they could bring us some Pay Lay Ale.
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:35 PM   #34
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Kind Bud,please show me how I`m wrong.

We are having a march on Washington. It`s in Washington because thats our nations capital and it`s where our govt is located. We are trying to show our govt that we are here and we demand to be treated as equals. The majority of people in our govt are Christian and believe that Satan is a real entity that is at the root of many of our problems. These Christians in our govt as well as most others who live in this country are very superstitious and reactionary fools.

We are having this march to get the attention of our primarily Christian govt. How are we NOT marching for the Christians if this is the case? And how can it be benificial for us to wave around signs that make mention of the biggest villian in their imaginary religion?

[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: Anunnaki ]</p>
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:49 PM   #35
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Second, you are doing what we call projection. Whenever you try predicting what other people think based upon your own perceptions, it's called "projection". When you say, "Other people will think", what you really mean to say it "I think".
You honestly think that predicting that Joe Six-pack will think you are a devil worshipper because of the name "Satanist" is just us projecting our own biases?

You can see what we are saying quite easily if you want:

1)Go somewhere that people congregate

2)Introduce yourself to a group of these common Joes

3)Inform them that you are a Satanist, especially before you explain "LeVayian philosophy".

What do you think will happen if you do this?

Pretending that you don't think the name "Satanist" is going to cause misconceptions is a bit silly, IMHO.
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:55 PM   #36
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Ryan, can I buy you a beer, or whatever it is you drink when you're having fun, when we meet in DC? If I can round up some ex-Mormons to come along, perhaps they could bring us some Pay Lay Ale.
Rock on. Concerning the rest of the questions:

1.) It seems strange how much projection is going on here. Where in the World did I indicate in print or otherwise that Satanists would show up waving around baphomets or any other such specifically occult paraphenalia? No where, yet many people here have made that assumption. I have plenty of things you can hang me with in writing, so I kindly request that you not make-up things.

2.) Michael A. Aquino and his "Setian" beliefs were accused, (in several books), of being part of a national conspiracy of Setian leaders, due to Michael Aquino's Lt. Col. rank in the Army, the fact that he has a Ph.D., and the fact that he was stationed in a Special Forces Unit. Most people, (in occultism) attribute it to his secrecy within the ToS and the fact that he chose an exotic label. He's written all about the ordeals he had to go through because of it, so I already know as someone who has been around the occult scene for years, the pay-offs, trade-offs, and side-effects. I doubt anyone else here can claim they have been around the occult for years.

3.) Even more amusing than that, people who have never been a member of the occult, do not deal with people questioning them on their beliefs, or interacting with people at large for occultism, proceed to tell me how "most" people view Satanism and occultism. It would be the quintessential same as if I walked into your work, told you don't know how to do your job, and that I'm better than you at it. Naturally, when you inquire as to how long I've been doing your job, and what makes me the expert, I can then claim omniscience and know everything about your job, even though you're the one who does it, day in and day out.

Star, I commend you on your excellent prose, lack of hostility, and your thoughts about the size of my genitals. Remember *you* people started talking about *me*, not vice versa. Even lamer than that, talked as if any of you are experts on the subject without ever even consulting me or asking for clarification on what *my* beliefs are, not your projection of what those beliefs are.

*You* people are the ones who made claims about finding stuff on my website that was not there, and now you're mad because I'm upset about it? Next time, look before you leap.

Concerning Webster's dictionary, it's like any dictionary. They are seeking to use a minimum amount of words to convey a general impression to a mass audience. It is a far cry from a specialist book, but I do know one that is a specialist book written by a non-Satanist.

"Satanism Today" by James R Lewis. Try it out, read it, see what you think.
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Old 07-31-2002, 02:18 PM   #37
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Remember *you* people started talking about *me*, not vice versa.
The discussion I was involved with on other threads did not mention *you* by name. (If it did, I did not see this.)

Even lamer than that, talked as if any of you are experts on the subject without ever even consulting me or asking for clarification on what *my* beliefs are, not your projection of what those beliefs are.
I am an expert in the field of media. Or, more specifically, radio. My concerns are not projections, my concerns are founded on my own experiences in the field of broadcasting.

Thanks for clarifying your position on banners in the march. That is all I wanted to know.
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Old 07-31-2002, 02:27 PM   #38
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I give up.

Congratulations, Ryan, you win. Your obstinate refusal to listen to anyone's arguments and refusal to admit that anyone else might have a point has further reinforced my image of Satanists.
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Old 07-31-2002, 03:21 PM   #39
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Originally posted by Anunnaki:
Kind Bud,please show me how I`m wrong.

We are having a march on Washington. It`s in Washington because thats our nations capital and it`s where our govt is located. We are trying to show our govt that we are here and we demand to be treated as equals. The majority of people in our govt are Christian ...
What the people in government believe is irrelevant. They are our servants, not the other way around. Otherwise, I agree with your ideas about the purpose and location of the March.

These Christians in our govt as well as most others who live in this country are very superstitious and reactionary fools.
As Ryan observed, this argument is a tempest in a teapot. Of course the media coverage of the March will be reactionary, and over the top. Is anything reported in the news NOT reactionary, and over the top? Just planning the thing has already pissed off the most reactionary elements, and we haven't even set one foot on the mall yet!

We are having this march to get the attention of our primarily Christian govt. How are we NOT marching for the Christians if this is the case?
The Christians want us to shut up and go to church. We want to be treated as full citizens regardless of that. How does being nice and compliant and accommodating to their sensibilities (more accurately, your idea of their sensibilities) contribute to this aim?

It doesn't. It works against it.

I've said it before, and it bears repeating: if you want to avoid offending (reactionary) Christian sensibilities, then all you need to do is convert to Christianity, go to church and put money in the collection plate. You will get all the acceptance and adoration you could want if you just do that simple thing.

If you don't do that, no amount of supression of satanist slogans will achieve one inch of additional acceptance. What they need to know is that we will not be cowed into silence, and especially that we will not be cowed into doing their work for them by undermining our own support base.

[speling, grammar]

[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: Kind Bud ]</p>
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Old 07-31-2002, 03:55 PM   #40
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3.) Even more amusing than that, people who have never been a member of the occult, do not deal with people questioning them on their beliefs, or interacting with people at large for occultism, proceed to tell me how "most" people view Satanism and occultism. It would be the quintessential same as if I walked into your work, told you don't know how to do your job, and that I'm better than you at it. Naturally, when you inquire as to how long I've been doing your job, and what makes me the expert, I can then claim omniscience and know everything about your job, even though you're the one who does it, day in and day out.

ROFL, do you think we were born yesterday?

Joe Six-pack thinks that Satanists worship the christian devil, this is not something you can pretend isn't so. Your appeal to self-authority isn't adequate to convince us, LOL.

I can understand your wish to gain some acceptance and understanding of true Satanism, but expecting us to swallow blatant bullshit is not the way to go about it, and clearly shows how much respect you have for us.

Most people are not versed in obscure philosophies, tell Joe Sixpack that you are a Satanist and he will want to get away from you, if not kick the shit out of you. Call yourself "Setian", and he has no clue what the fuck you are talking about.
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