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Old 04-09-2003, 08:35 AM   #1
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Default Do you wish to meet you God enter(s) with Love

You are better off if you do not take weapons with you. Only take Love :x

This is your God or higher conciousness, from which you receive your image of God, or lack of.

Everytime I say “God”, I also say “higher conciosuness” The higher consciousness is the immediate God above you. It should be taken as this.

Look in the mirror. Look at who you are. Look closely. The God you worship may not be as you want God to be.

Does your God allow you to fight back if your life is threathened? Is it ok to kill here?
Is it ok to get others to kill animals so you can taste flesh?
Is it ok to smoke for your God?
Is it ok to fight for your life, considering that the world looks as it does?
Is it ok to eat obscene amounts of food, while knowingly look at people who have none?
Is it ok to pollute the world with your small leavings in the kicthen pile?
Is it ok, that we sit around minding our own business, while the world gets worse and worse?
Is it ok that you get a good salary, while others get none?
Is it ok that you can be all you can be while others cannot?
Is it ok to say, that “the worlds troubles are not mine. I will be long gone before the world is doomed.”?
Is it ok to be a munk sitting on the butt, while talking about Love and enlightenment?
Is it ok to be the president of a country and kill in the country’s name?
Is it ok to kill, for whatever reason?
Is it ok to be an oil president, and seek the selling of oil, knowing it is bad for nature?
Is it ok to invent new weapons of slaughter, because we must protect ourselves?
Is it ok toss litter out of your car, because you can’t see a trashcan nearby?
Is it ok to have sex?
Is it ok to try drugs?
Is it ok to belittle others?
Is it ok to worship others?
Is it ok to tease others?
Is it ok to lie?
Is it ok to lie if a life is at stake?
Is it ok to charge interest of your money?

All of us have commandments. Some can be bent others broken.
If you say that it is bad to lie, then your God or higher conciousness will give you a bad conscience, because you broke the commandment that you yourself have agreed should be the law.
Depending on the commandment, you will get a bigger or a smaller bad conscience.
Notice the word similarity between “conciousness” and “conscience”
If your God says “Thou shall not kill” because this is God’s commandment not mine, how can you sanction the taking of life? Unless it is a smaller God(is it smaller?) you serve, one that says it is ok to kill in the name of our country. Or in the name of freedom. Or in the name of Love. Or in the name of Allah. Or in the name of God.

The God of Killing allows you to kill, and for whatever reason as well.
God of killing allows you to kill what you wish.
The God of Love, allows you to love what you wish to Love
The God of Hate allows you to hate what you wish to hate.
The God of meat eating allows you to eat whatever meat you wish.
The God of forgiveness allows you to forgive what you want.
The God of sex allows you to have sex as you wish.
The God of drugs allows you to try drugs as you wish.
The God of freewill allows you to express your freewill as you wish.
The God of Destiny allows you to believe all is preordained.
The God of healing allows you to heal as you wish.

These God’s will make sure as best they can, that they get the right books, people and experiences to you so that you may believe as you wish. Sometimes two God’s clash, and you may doubt your faith in the God as it is portrayed to you and by you.

The supreme Lord allows you to do what you want, because God wants you to discover Him/Her just in the way form and fashion you see fit.
Jesus(God) said that if you wish to be like him, then you must choose the God of Love at every turn. Would you kill for Love? If you say yes, God(God may shake Gods head) says, as you wish. “ask and you shall be given”

We each have in measure, what we need to believe as we wish.

Is your God in compliance with the Hindu religion?
Is your God in compliance with the Buddhist “religion”?
Is your God in compliance with the Christian religion?
Is your God in compliance with the Islamic religion?
Is your God in compliance with the pagan religion?
Is your God in compliance with the Islamic religion?
Is your God in compliance with the pagan religion?
Is your God in compliance with satanic religion?
Is your God in compliance with no religion at all?
Is your God in compliance with some of the religions above?
Is your God in compliance with all of the religions above?

Which rules does your God, of which you are a representative, follow?
When you act, you act as you wish your God would act.
When I see you act, I see your God act.
When I say “thou art God”, I am not saying to you as a person that you are God, I am saying that which is behind you is God. Your God, represented by You.

Is your God the God of Love. The God of Love is the God that makes everything possible, God loves all the different ways you can express the One.

What I consider poison, my God doesn’t want you to try.
What I consider nectar, my God wish you should drink.

What do you consider poison and nectar? Is it in contradiction to my God?
I say strawberry, you say banana.
I say acid you say venom

Sometimes what is holy to another, is blasphemy to you.
How can you see what is holy to everybody? I can see what is holy to myself.
Love is the holiest of holiest :x

Love surely is nectar in the eyes of everybody and all God’s

Does your God want to disagree?

Is your God jealous?

Does your God tell you, that Jesus was the Son of God?

Does your God tell you that Jesus was not the son of God?

Does your God tell you that reincarnation is true?

Does your God tell you that modern science is the devil?

Does your God tell you that you can not be forgiven?

Does your God tell you that you can go to hell?

What does your God tell you?

Does you God have to lofty ideals, like Love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek?

Does your God tell you that it is unfair, and given todays situation, you cannot live up to these ideals?

Depending on your answers to all these questions(you can add as you wish), you will understand the way you will interpret the Bible, the Buddhistic texts, the Vedas, the Quran, the pagan texts and so on. Because depending on your belief system you are compelled to understand the world in certain ways.

As said earlier; The world is a big puzzle. Christianity is a big piece comprised of many smaller ones. The smaller pieces are for example. Holy trinity, resurrection and so on.
Hinduism is another big piece comprised of different smaller pieces.
Buddism and so on.

These larger pieces, are all in the puzzle, and so must fit in somehow. But it almost always looks like there is contradiction in the religions different portrayals of the Big puzzle. None of the pieces can be excluded.
“God’s own country” I bet you have heard this before. Maybe it is true. If we take into account that the US is based on some rules like: “No religion is better than any other” Could sound Like God was giving us a hint here.
If it is God’s country, and Jesus threw the merchants out of the house(country) of God, then something is surely not as God intended is it?
And, it seems, the God of the US accepts killing in the name of freedom.

Isn’t the devil the one that Kills, because he wishes to be free of God’s commands?

My God tells me that Love is the key to everything I wish. And by choosing Love, I get what I want and I give what God wants.

:x Love :x
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Old 04-09-2003, 08:55 AM   #2
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Please answer this Anguished Question of Truth which I have always wanted answered: if God is Love, then why is the lion permitted to hurt and kill the lamb?
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Old 04-09-2003, 08:58 AM   #3
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"ask and you shall be given"

This is the law, and Lions operate along the same law as you do.

But you were designed with freewill, you can choose your actions, a lion is driven by its instincts have very little freewill compared to you.
You are designed to comprehend what it is that is behind. Th elion doesn't ask out of it's nature, but humans can ask out of their nature.

Ask your self what your nature is, and you will discover what you are allowed to do.

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Old 04-09-2003, 09:20 AM   #4
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Behold my cat,
With its sharp claws,
And fangs undercutting
The poor mouse's flesh.

Did God create that?
How is that with Love compatible?
If Love be God's principle,
It is elusive here.
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Old 04-09-2003, 09:28 AM   #5
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God granted freewill according to size and abilities.

The cat asks: I want mouse
God: Ok, no problem I will love you regardless
Cat: Bring me a mouse
God: you need to work for it.
Cat: what?
God: yes

At the same time:

The mouse asks: I don't want to be eaten
God: no problem
Mouse: Oh my God, the cat is coming, what should I do?
God: Run, unless you want to be eaten.
Mouse: Ok I will do my best, with what you have given me.

The mouse gets eaten, and goes to God:

God I got eaten
God: You didn't run fast enough.
Mouse: But thats not fair, I was having kids, the wife was happy.
God: Don't worry, I will put your little soul into a newborn mousebody, or maybe you would like to try to be a cat!
Mouse: Gee I don't know
God: I don't either, but choose something. Whatever you choose I will give it to you.

Love is also behind the scenes

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Old 04-09-2003, 09:34 AM   #6
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This boggles my mind...

You see a God that says ''Run or die mousey!!!'' and you see love in that????????????
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Old 04-09-2003, 09:47 AM   #7
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No I see the play between two different aspects of teh One God.
The search for God is like a cat chasing a mouse. When it has teh mouse the chase and fun is over.

Also think about like this:

The cat is designed to kill mice, it doesn't have to, but it can.

It asks God: Am I the best mousecatcher?
God: You need to catch all mice if you are to be the best.
Cat: Can I?
God: Do your best

Mouse: God I wish to be the best catavoider
God: you need to avoid all cats then
Mouse: Can I?
God: Do your best

Your faith will move mountains, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will move mountains.

Who holds the bigger "Faith". It is not so important who wins, for teh cat and tehmouse are both doing exactly what God wants them too. "not a hair would move, without the will of God"
Dying is not so much a bad thing, we go to our God, who Loves us so much that we can get born again if we ask.

Reincarnation is an expression of Love

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Old 04-09-2003, 09:56 AM   #8
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"God is a spirit, and those that worship Him, worship Him in spirit and truth."


the God of Zion did not set up this earth for any other purpose than the test of sacrificial love, and acceptance of sacrifice by those humble enough to acknowledge that they are so imperfect as to be unredeemable by any other means (sorta the ultimate test of humility).

to understand the precepts of christianity, you must first learn them, and then step back far enough to see them for the concepts they espouse.

in the mind of the true believer, flesh is irrelevant. the spirit is the eternal part of the created being, and the only part god can see. "the earth is but a stage, and we upon it poor players."
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:03 AM   #9
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Originally posted by Darth Dane

Dying is not so much a bad thing, we go to our God, who Loves us so much that we can get born again if we ask.
But why do they have to suffer?!
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:07 AM   #10
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"your focus determines your reality"

do you want to suffer?

Do you accept what happens to you as suffering


is what happens to you The will of God?

If it is the will of God, praise your suffering, for God wants you to understand.

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