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Old 07-13-2002, 08:24 PM   #1
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Post "Grill a Christian" event

There's a Xian group on my university campus which is promoting an event next Wednesday where they take any and all questions from the audience concerning their faith. I'm considering attending this (mainly because I don't have any classes that night), and I'd like some imput from you guys on what arguments I should hurl their way.

As to what type of Xians they represent, I'm not entirely sure. The flyer advertising it mentioned it is being sponsered by an Episcopal church in the neighboorhood, along with a campus ministry group (Coalition for Christian Outreach, ever hear of it?).

This happens to be one of the groups I attended years ago while I was still in my Jebus-phase, and at that time it was primarily focused on Charismatic practices. Although it was technically inter-denominational, there was a heavy Roman Catholic presence within it. I don't know if there's been any changes to their theological bent since I left, but they were definitely not liberal by any stretch of the imagination.

As for the Episcopal church, it was the host of another campus ministry which I briefly attended, although I never inquired into the prevailing beliefs of the congregation itself. They could be biblical inerrantists or Spongians for all I know.

So, keeping in mind the possibility that they may be anywhere on the Xian spectrum, what would be some decent questions I should ask?

[ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: Thanatoast ]</p>
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Old 07-13-2002, 09:01 PM   #2
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Ask him if Genesis is simply Bronze-Age mythology. If he is like most episcopalians I know, he will say it is. That'll get most of the fundies in the audience upset.
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Old 07-13-2002, 09:33 PM   #3
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Ask them why the early christians plagarisd so much from earlier religions and philosophies. Give them the example of "love your neighbour as yourself" which they would normally attribute to the NT character of Jesus (Matt 22/Mark 12). Then hit them with:

Leviticus 19:18 (Judaism - about 400 years before christianity)

"This is the sum of duty: Do nothing to others Which, if done to you, could cause you pain." (Hinduism - The Mahabharata, about 150 BCE)

"I will act towards others exactly as I would act towards myself." (Buddhism - from The Siglo-Vada Sutta, about 500 BCE)

"Do not do to others what you would not like for yourself." (Confucianism - from The Analects of Confucius, about 500 BCE)

"He should treat all beings as he himself should be treated. The essence of right conduct is not to injure anyone." (Jainism - from The Suta-Kritanga, about 550 BCE)

...alternatively, ask them why the most powerful of the few original concepts attributed to the character of Jesus is the threat of eternal hellfire torment for non-compliance to the christian religion.


PS Just thought of another:

Ask them why christians always say that Jesus is their god's only begotten son, when it is clear from Psalms 2:7 that Jesus is their god's second begotten son.
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Old 07-13-2002, 10:04 PM   #4
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Ask them why they believe in god.

Then when they give whatever drivel they choose as an answer, follow up with a question that is a bit more focused.

For example, if they 'have a personal relationship' with jesus, you can then ask why they feel the need to spread the good word, since obviously only those who have had the experience of the lord would pay the idea any thought. Or, you can ask why christians almost always come from christian families.

On the other hand, they may spout another favorite generality: "Everywhere you look there is god". You can then respond with something witty and cutting about SIDS, Puppies, or something. Or you could also ask why, if god is so obvious everywhere, do christians need to hang his words up in public buildings. That one should get some good murmors out of the crowd if there are enough non-fundies.

The key to public speaking from the perspective of those listening to you, (AKA those with whom you stand the best chance of swaying) is something that gets a chukle. if you can reduce some point of theirs to an absurdity (not hard to do!), people will chuckle, which is quite good for the cause of spreading that wonderful idea called 'Thinking'.

Unless of course your in Bible Town, USA.
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Old 07-13-2002, 11:17 PM   #5
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Originally posted by missus_gumby:
<strong>Ask them why the early christians plagarisd so much from earlier religions and philosophies. Give them the example of "love your neighbour as yourself" which they would normally attribute to the NT character of Jesus (Matt 22/Mark 12). Then hit them with:

Leviticus 19:18 (Judaism - about 400 years before christianity)

"This is the sum of duty: Do nothing to others Which, if done to you, could cause you pain." (Hinduism - The Mahabharata, about 150 BCE)

"I will act towards others exactly as I would act towards myself." (Buddhism - from The Siglo-Vada Sutta, about 500 BCE)

"Do not do to others what you would not like for yourself." (Confucianism - from The Analects of Confucius, about 500 BCE)

"He should treat all beings as he himself should be treated. The essence of right conduct is not to injure anyone." (Jainism - from The Suta-Kritanga, about 550 BCE)

...alternatively, ask them why the most powerful of the few original concepts attributed to the character of Jesus is the threat of eternal hellfire torment for non-compliance to the christian religion.


PS Just thought of another:

Ask them why christians always say that Jesus is their god's only begotten son, when it is clear from Psalms 2:7 that Jesus is their god's second begotten son.</strong>
I am just curious how you came to that conclusion.
I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
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Old 07-14-2002, 04:20 AM   #6
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Simple. It states that David is god's begotten son, and if true it would have been historically earlier. Hence god's first begotten son.


[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: missus_gumby ]</p>
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Old 07-17-2002, 04:44 PM   #7
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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I just cameback from the discussion (If I can call it that). Very disappointed in it,to say the least. Unfortunately I got there late, and there were already so many people waiting to ask questions that I didnt get a chance to respond in the time allotted. The ones that I got to here seemed to come mainly from xians themselves, and those that werent were answered very simplistically, such as appealing to the argument from design.

There was one lady who questioned the xian notion of salvation in terms of, what she described, the "eternal covenant with the nation of Israel", and since it was in place that Jews didnt have to be "saved" by Christ. That was about the pinacle of intellectual discussion; all the rest was fluff.
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Old 07-17-2002, 06:01 PM   #8
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I'm curious which questions you where going to ask.
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Old 07-17-2002, 06:16 PM   #9
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Ou sont les Neigedens d'antan?

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Old 07-20-2002, 07:44 PM   #10
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Christopher Lord:

I was planning on inquiring on the diversity of xian denominations and their many conflicting views on such topics as the nature of god, the "plan of salvation", and morality. Why are there so many contradictory opinions on these apparently vital issues, even within indvidual denominations? One would think that a perfect, omniscient, omnipotent being would be able to communicate to human beings (via the bible or some other source) in a very clear and concise manner, without any serious disagreements at all.
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