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Old 06-21-2003, 05:44 AM   #1
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May I commend this site?

As "gay" has become a more positive term than homosexual, the intention is that "bright" used as a noun - "I am a bright" is used as a more positive way to describe atheists, humanists, agnostics and freethinkers.

I don't know where the term came from but the connection I have is with Monty Pythons Life of Brian - the song "Always look on the bright side of life".

As the converse of gay is straight, maybe the converse of bright should be Brian.

(start whistling everybody!)
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Old 06-21-2003, 08:21 AM   #2
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This is old news: a poor idea, its flaws already exposed.
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Old 06-21-2003, 08:51 AM   #3
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I'm with GunnerJ on this one.

If I really needed the fun, anyway, I would join Dogbert's New Ruling Class.
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Old 06-21-2003, 09:53 AM   #4
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I really, really hope this is not gaining widespread popularity. I may just start calling myself an evangelical asshole when people ask me my religion. I hate this idea.

[officespace]That is the worst idea I've ever heard in my life, Tom. Yes, this is horrible, this idea.[/oficespace]
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:03 AM   #5
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Oh and this probably also belongs in SL&S...
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:23 AM   #6
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Thumbs down

An abolutely horrible idea. Bright sounds so goofy, so cultlike. It needs white robes, nikes, and purple koolaid to go with it.
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Old 06-21-2003, 11:52 AM   #7
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Originally posted by AquaVita
Oh and this probably also belongs in SL&S...
What? We already have a thread on this rubbish, I just linked to it!

You'll rue the day you crossed me, AquaVita. I'm talking HRADCROE rue-age here. I don't mean you're just gonna go home and rue a little bit, maybe in the living room, and then quit, thinking that's enough. You're going to be rue-ing throughout the whole house.
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Old 06-21-2003, 03:35 PM   #8
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I'm no one to contend with HRADCROE.

I hereby resign my duties as a fellow human being.

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Old 06-21-2003, 06:19 PM   #9
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There's an interesting FAQ on . It attempts to deal with criticisms of the new term. Let's see how they do...

The term is just a euphamism.

A euphemism is a word that is used in place of a less socially accepted term (gays instead of homosexuals). Bright is a unique word which is not an euphemism for any other word. It is a neologism--a new word or new meaning for an established word.


Bright as a noun is indeed quite new! (Bright was heretofore only an adjective.)
Right... like "gay" for "homosexual?" (Gay used to only be an adjective too, remember.)

The noun, Bright, creates an umbrella under which all the other names of naturalistic individuals (and groups) fall. One does not give up being an atheist to be a Bright. In math terms, one would call Bright the name of a set, and some sub-sets are agnostic, humanist, atheist, freethinker, skeptic, and so forth.
This idea of the umbrella term shows up later, and yet I wonder if this is really a potent defense. I mean, an umbrella term can also be a euphamism, right? Also, the main page describes the term "Bright" thusly:

A Bright -- a person with a naturalistic worldview. A Bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements. The ethics and actions of a Bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.
Yet, isn't there already a term for this? like, "metaphysical naturalist?" The author of the page argues later that naturalism isn't an ethical system, that terms like "humanist" or "pragmatist" describe naturalistic ethics. Thus, the umbrella term. But I have to wonder, is an "umbrealla" really necessary? Why does everything have to be wrapped up in a neat package, a sound bite to encompase all naturalistic belief. The very need to have an umbrealla term seems quite religious, to me.

Are we ashamed to be atheists and trying to "cover up"? Far from it.
Let's see how long they can hold that thought. Four questions down, they say:

Take this example: If people are discussing their ideas of death, you (if you are an atheist) can offer either "I don't believe in an afterlife; I am a Bright" or "I don't believe in an afterlife, I am an atheist." It all depends on the reception you want to receive and the dialogue you want to engage in. The audience will have a preconceived notion of what an atheist is and is not.
Right, no euphemism here!

On to the question of the arrogance of using the term bright: they try to argue that there's no arrogance in calling yourself a Bright, because it's quite different from saying that you are bright. And yet, the fourth question deals with how it may be confusing to have two meanings for Bright. While we can certainly tell when a word is being used in different ways in different context, this is only because we already know of alternate meanings. My point is: there may be no intended arrogance in calling onself a Bright, but because this "new meaning" is unknown, arrogance will be assumed: people will be confused by using a term with a known meaning (clever) in a new way, and without explaining this difference, an arrogant, snooty attitude may be implied. We need only look to the original thread on the subject to see how easily this occurs.

The makers of the page argue that in time, this new meaning can be adopted. But why should it? It's a stupid-sounding term! They attempt to deal with this objection:

This term carries no weight and is rather silly!

The words that we have been using for the "types" of Brights--words like atheist, agnostic, humanist, skeptic, rationalist, secular humanist, igtheist, and so on--may seem "weighty." But, do they carry weight in our society? In actuality, those words carry almost no weight, civic weight, that is. The community of reason is a marginalized entity.
Hold it: when people talk about how the term "bright" is a light, silly term, they aren't talking about any political ramifications. They're talking about how godawfully stupid it sounds! In any situation, saying that the terms "atheist, agnostic, humanist, skeptic, rationalist, secular humanist, [and] igtheist[?]" carry little weight politically is a weak counter: Bright carries no weight, since it's a completely new meaning for a known word, and is not likely to gain much weight because of how frivilous it sounds. Does anyone seriosuly think that identifying ourselves as "Brights," a word which already has meanings and connotations, one of which is "cleverness," which could lead to confusion and assumptions of arrogance if used as an identifier, and besides which, sounds like some new-age cult term when used in this way, is going to gain the "community of reason" any "civic weight?"

Any word that is to act as an umbrella for people who have a rather wide range of beliefs (all naturalistic) cannot be a term, however weighty, already in use to describe a category of those people.

And, besides, one syllable is preferable for a word to catch on. We want a word that has a chance to catch on, eventually.
It is interesting that "catching on" can mean fame or infamy.

Think about Gay. Foolish? Light? Sure, but a perfectly acceptable word in society for homosexuals.
Accept that this was a term usesd to belittle homosexuals, and was only latter adopted by them for a subversive purpose! A similar case cannot be made for "Bright."


Freethinkers vs. Brights

Freethinkers know exactly what they mean when they use the word, freethought. It is a perfectly good umbrella word used inside the club, so to speak. It has been with us for some time. In fact, the "community of reason" is most often termed, the freethought community, a good many persons who would definitely qualify as Brights are distinctly not freethinkers.

Out in general society, freethought is used in a multitude of ways. Most of the time non-freethinkers haven't got the slightest idea of what the word means. In fact, many religious folks we know think of themselves as freethinkers (“able to freely think my way through things” is their meaning). To others, freethought is closely linked to ideas like free love, and free spirit (nonconformist, individualist, maverick, radical, oddball, and doing exactly what you want).
Hmm. You know it's funny, with a few modifications...

Brights know exactly what they mean when they use the word, "Bright." It is a perfectly good umbrella word used inside the club, so to speak.


Out in general society, Bright is used in a multitude of ways. Most of the time non-Brights haven't got the slightest idea of what the word means to us. In fact, many religious folks we know think of themselves as brights("the light of the world" is their meaning). To others, "Bright" is closely linked to ideas like cleverness, quick-thinking, and intellectual aptitude.
See if you can guess which word I changed for another.

Bright is an invented noun, a neologism. It is fresh, free, and unencumbered. It has a good shot at being a meme which will eventually pervade all of society.
Bullshit. Bright is not unencumbered: it has existing meanings, and arbitrarily using old terms in new ways will cause confusion with the old meanings. Furthermore, when a good portion of the people you hope to describe with the word think it's stupid, I think it's fair to say that it has a pretty poor shot at "pervad[ing] all of society."

And I say, "thank athe for that!"
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Old 06-23-2003, 10:20 AM   #10
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I'm an INFIDEL god damn it!

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