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Old 07-19-2003, 07:28 AM   #51
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Originally posted by Biff the unclean
She's right Mark. The Christian Hell is lifted from the religions of the Magi, Mithraism and Zoroastrianism. It's a perfect match except the Magi's god Mazda isn't a monster so Hell doesn't last forever. Of course it has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism. Since baptism is a Magi rite too, and not Jewish, maybe John told him about it, and he got the details wrong.
Baptism is actually a Jewish practice ( although not called Baptism - thats the greek word for it.) The Jewish concept is called Mikveh, which means ritual immersion.

Magus I'm glad to hear that you now consider Roman Catholics Christians now…since you included them in your numbers.
But when I say "little sect" I'm referring to the piss ant tiny cult you belong to, not Christianity.
You love god and you hate people. Even by your ridiculous figures (which go against every post you have made) you still have two thirds of humanity burning in Hell. You are still a traitor to mankind by aligning yourself with such a monster
And what little cult would that be? The one that believes in eternal punishment? Jesus is the one that said thats what it is. Any Christian who denies eternal punishment, calls Jesus a liar, in which case, why are they calling themselves Christian? You can't just throw out things in the Bible you don't like.

Where did you get the idea I hate people? And since when has mankind been nice to me? You don't care about Christians, so why should I be your ally against God? Call Him a monster all you want, I know He isn't. God is awesome and I will always put my trust and faith in Him before any human.
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Old 07-19-2003, 07:47 AM   #52
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The god who creates eternal hell should burn in it for eternity.

<inflammatory remark deleted - liv>
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Old 07-19-2003, 11:01 AM   #53
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Originally posted by Magus55
Baptism is actually a Jewish practice ( although not called Baptism - thats the greek word for it.) The Jewish concept is called Mikveh, which means ritual immersion.
Except that the Jews had Mikveh then and the Mithrains had Baptism. Both rites were taking place at that time period.
The bible doesn't say that Jesus went to the Mikveh. It could easily have, but it didn't.
It says he was Baptized and the ceremony it tells is not that of the Mikveh but it is that of they didn't get their terms mixed up. And to make sure that you know it's the Magi ceremony and not the Jewish one they give the Magi who is doing it the name of the Magi symbol of baptism The John (we call it Capricorn).

Baptism has nothing to do with Jews
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Old 07-19-2003, 11:14 AM   #54
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Any Christian who denies eternal punishment, calls Jesus a liar…Where did you get the idea I hate people?
Gee, now let me see…you told me
And since when has mankind been nice to me?
Probably not since you turned traitor to it
Call Him a monster all you want, I know He isn't.
Did you forget the infinite punishment for finite offences so soon?
God is awesome and I will always put my trust and faith in Him before any human.
Then don't expect humans to treat you any better than you deserve
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Old 07-19-2003, 05:13 PM   #55
Ad Astra
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Originally posted by Magus55
And what makes you think God is a myth? Any proof that He doesn't exist, or is that just your opinion?
It's the most logical conclusion.
Old 07-19-2003, 05:19 PM   #56
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Originally posted by Ad Astra
It's the most logical conclusion.
Only to atheists.
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Old 07-19-2003, 05:26 PM   #57
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Originally posted by Magus55
Only to atheists.
Actually, I wasn't an atheist until I came to that conclusion.
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Old 07-19-2003, 06:03 PM   #58
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Originally posted by Hedwig
Actually, I wasn't an atheist until I came to that conclusion.
What a coincidence! Me too.
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:01 AM   #59
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Default Nice try...

Originally posted by EstherRose
Ah, see here is where you went wrong. You don’t believe in the bible as the Word of God so you’ve made hell up to where it is palatable to you. You also feel hell is a corrective measure. Tell me then, do you believe that multiple life sentences in our judicial system with no possibility of parole is also a corrective measure? Or a way of keeping the irredeemable off the streets? That is what hell is. It is a place for those who have refused God’s gift to spend their eternal lives.
I didn't know you kept your god in such low esteem. On earth, we as humans cannot redeem everyone. Your deity would have no problem doing so. We may lock people up for life, BUT we do not torture them for all eternity - heck, we don't torture them at all if we can help it.

And why is an omnipotent being limited to sending people who don't want to be with him ONLY to hell?

Magus, EstherRose, you don't seem to care about Jesus' teachings. If there was a person who preached love towards your enemies, you failed to uphold them, yet you claim to have an exclusive handle on the truth. It's not for those teachings, it's because of them that you're acting the way you are!

Taking us seriously and denying it, isn't that proof that you yourselves know it to be true?

Magus, you claim that atheists are hateful. Have you honestly suggested that non-atheists should be tortured for eternity, and have atheists claimed that such an act would be 'justice'?
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Old 07-20-2003, 12:10 AM   #60
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Originally posted by Magus55
Where did you get the idea I hate people? And since when has mankind been nice to me? You don't care about Christians, so why should I be your ally against God? Call Him a monster all you want, I know He isn't. God is awesome and I will always put my trust and faith in Him before any human.
Because you think it's fair that people who don't subscribe to your particular beliefs EXACTLY should burn forever is 'fair', you DO hate humanity.

Magus, you do pick and choose which parts of the bible you want to follow. You do not show respect or help fund your enemies (which Jesus recommended as they will be shamed), as far as I know, and your behaviour here makes that very unlikely.

<flame deleted - liv>
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