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Old 06-01-2003, 10:32 AM   #31
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I got the following from the NSS electronic newsletter (NB: they give permission for any part of it to be reproduced provided they are given credit. Here is the NSS website):
However, Article I-51 (previously Article 37) of the constitution, entitled Status of Churches and Non-Confessional Organisations, is still causing concern for secularists. It reads:

1. The Union respects and does not prejudice the status under national law of churches and religious associations or communities in the Member States.

2. The Union equally respects the status of philosophical and non-confessional organisations.

3. Recognising their identity and their specific contribution, the Union shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with these churches and organisations.


SIGN The Appeal for the respect of the principles of Lay State and religious freedom in the future European Constitution by clicking on the link

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

Please find here an Appeal for the respect of the principles of Religious Freedom and Lay State in the future European Constitution, addressed to the European Convention.

The Appeal, which states that "the principles of lay State, of separation and independence between the State and the Churches, of equality and non discrimination between citizens, and consequently between the different religions and Churches, are the basis of democracy and the rule of law", in particular asks "that no direct or indirect reference to any specific religion or belief is included in the future European Constitution".

This Appeal has already been signed by 252 parliamentarians from the 15 EU Member States. Moreover, on my initiative, 243 Members of the European Parliament - from all political groups, UEN excepted - have also signed the text under the form of a parliamentary resolution. The objective would be to reach the absolute majority of the EP Members in order that this resolution becomes the position of the European Parliament.

Given the political importance of the question and the large debate that it has aroused, we have decided to solicit also the mobilization of citizens, NGOs and associations wishing to adhere to this initiative.

Therefore it is now possible to sign the Appeal on line clicking on the following link Besides, in order to give a greater visibility to this initiative, I also invite you - if possible - to put this link on the website of the association or organisation of which you are responsible.

Thank you for the attention that you will pay to this initiative.

Maurizio Turco

President of the Radical Deputies (Lista Emma Bonino) in the European Parliament


ASP 7H161 - Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Bruxelles

Phone: 0032-2-284 52 11 - Fax: 0032-2-284 92 11
Incidentally, the same newsletter also gives a link to an interesting article on the topic of the secular tradition by Michel Rocard.
Old 06-07-2003, 11:17 AM   #32
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Los Angeles area
Posts: 40,549

Well, the Pope just visited Croatia and spoke up for motherhood and the traditional supportive role of women. The Pope did not speak about his role in destabilizing former Yugoslavia, which led to a bloody civil war and all of those widows, orphans, and rape victims whose status he deplores.

Pope commends Croatia's women, boosts traditions

One of the central themes of this pilgrimage, John Paul's 100th to foreign soil in a nearly 25-year papacy, is the family.

Croatia, like most of Europe, has seen its birth rate decline steadily in recent years. A Council of Europe study in the year 2000 found the Croatian fertility rate to be "well below replacement level" for at least the third year in a row.

The main phenomenon that prevents dramatic population loss in Croatia is immigration into the country, often of non-Catholics, a trend that worries the church.

The Vatican has been demanding that a draft constitution for the European Union contain language in its preamble that salutes the Christian roots of the continent.

The pope's spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, said Friday he remained confident that the phrasing will ultimately be included, despite opposition from some member states.
The "non-Catholics" would be Muslims in general.
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