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Old 05-02-2003, 10:08 AM   #41
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He is Yohunjo Biggie, God, prophet, and patron Saint of Wendy's.

Yohunjo Biggie is very much like Angrillori's God, except for the name and the fact that he is identified by his Prehensile Goatee of Wisdom.

(P.S. -- When Magus says "God is omnipotent," does he mean "God can do anything that, being God, he can do"? It sure sounds like it.)
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Old 05-02-2003, 10:51 AM   #42
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I don't know what god I would design, but if I were quite power-hungry, my god would put me at his side after my death but would banish my enemies to the flames of hell. My god would smile on people like me (assume I'm a hetero male, many centuries aqo) but would disdain those who were not like me or who I especially hated (gays, thiefs, heathens, etc.)

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Old 05-02-2003, 10:39 PM   #43
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Make up a God and tell us what he/she is like.
Like honey butter, creamy and sweet ready to eat.
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Old 05-03-2003, 12:15 AM   #44
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Ok, let's see.

My god has no particular name. Such is the nature of things.

This god:

-Is sadistic
-Is evil
-Is cruel
-Creates the universe, replete with life.
-On any particular planet, creates inanimate, simple, complex, presentient and sentient life-forms.
-Divides sentient life-forms into groups.
-Has close contact with a few individuals.
-Tells each individual what is claimed to be absolute truth.
-Makes each 'absolute truth' contradict all the others.
-Provides for zeal and conviction in followers.
-Ensures that presentient life is mistreated by sentient life by making a common element of all but a few 'truths' that the particular species is superior to all others.
-Adds differentiating characteristics among sentient species to facilitate intra-discrimination.
-Whips followers into fanatic campaigns of conversion.
-Encourages conflict, battle and torture.
-Enjoys watching creation hurt each other.
-Preserves or detracts from various truths to keep them all on more or less equal footing to lengthen the conflict.
-All dead sentient life-forms are tortured for all eternity.

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Old 05-03-2003, 01:51 AM   #45
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My God is MATHGOD:

MATHGOD, upon finding himself alone in eternal nothingness, ponders alone in the darkness. He invents mathematics and sets to work deriving the truths of his glorious creation. MATHGOD, being a particularly slow thinker, cannot acheive much in any reasonable amount of time (even though he has eternity, he wants results NOW goddammit!!!). He is also not very bright for a god. But during his long reverie, he invents the first genetic algorithm. He knows that if he engineers the fitness function (the environment) correctly, he can create intelligent beings capable of comprehending and deriving mathematical truths.

So MATHGOD, not being very good at creating universes, fucks up and creates a huge explosion, but after a while manages to create stars and planets and other cosmic crap. MATHGOD creates the earth and the first self-replicators and carefully manages the environment on and around the earth so that humans emerge. Humans learn mathematics...MATHGOD is pleased.

The end.

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Old 05-03-2003, 04:54 AM   #46
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There's a god for ya.

To worship Reason, you have to make sense of reality in your own mind and then preach that to others. You must have pure fact, so you'll need the Scientific Method for starters.

To be one with Reason, you have to perform acts that make sense and display your grasp of Reason's nature. In this regard, you must continually evaluate your actions, in each case, context, and instance, and be able, at all times, to prove you're following Reason.

Reason loves you, oh yes, it truly truly does. As you Reason your life out, it makes sense and gives you a deep and wonderfual sense of value and purpose. Reason commands you to evaluate yourself and your actions and thusly makes you a moral being, and adds immensely to your value among your peers and to yourself.

Reason will fill your mind with truths and facts and sensible positions and ease your emotions and allow you to calmy state your views. Reason has no need for force, only those weak and feeble gods do that sort of thing. Reason can convince people to follow Her (yes, Reason is a She) and uses the power of realisation to stop violence, in cases where it is wrong.

Some people are anti-Reason. You can't convince them of anything, not even thoroughly documented and clearly supported things like evolution and the Big Bang and radiomentric dating. The anti-Reason-ers use force many times, and they avoid morality since that is Reasonable. They follow a stark, unthinking, stonefaced false deity and claim this allegedly holy beast despises freethinking, which Reason demands we partake of. They loudly dispute any advance in knowledge for knowing things about reality is a major component of Reason, and they try to kill the god of Reason this way. However, no matter how much they emit their unthinking clamor, Reason always prevails, because not even a rival god can overcome the power of a simple sensible true statement.

We evolved.

There, let all the rival gods have at it, go on, we'll all sit here and watch and wait and see if any rival god can overcome that simple fact.

So, you can see now, there is a god after all, all you have to do to see Her is Reason it out for yourself.

[NOTE: this was a mocking parody, no such god exists, if you really do think a form of thought can become a deity, you have fallen for one of Sarcasm's traps. Sarcasm is an evil deity, he wrote the Bible, and all other religious texts. Don't believe him, k?]
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Old 05-03-2003, 08:22 AM   #47
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Any intelligence that is omniscient must also necessarily be omnipotent, seems like. Therefore, anything I would want to call a god would have to be omniscient – enough.

So, put simply, this being would have a satisfactory answer or explanation for any question I could ever ask. And it would never repeat itself, or have need to repeat itself.
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Old 05-03-2003, 10:34 AM   #48
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I really don't see how omniscience necessarily entails omnipotence. What if an omniscient "god", Gloooobnarxiy, is trapped in something called an archaeopteryx chamber, and she can't do anything but think, but she can think about anything, including archaeopteryxes? So Gloooobnarxiy knows everything. So what? Gloooobnarxiy can't really do anything, being trapped in her own private archaeopteryx chamber. Is Gloooobnarxiy really worth being considered as a god?
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Old 05-03-2003, 10:35 AM   #49
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Very strange what this forum did to me when I first tried to edit my above post... lol
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Old 05-04-2003, 12:51 AM   #50
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Err, the thought to "make up" a God is nice. But this is how it is.

God, the omnipotent, who ultimately is alone, since no other being can comprehend things on His level, fractured Himself, a bit, and placed Himself in a world where everyone is part of Him. He did this so he could delude Himself that He wasn't alone even though, deep down, He knows He is.

Know thyself.

Grand Ol Designer

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