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Old 04-15-2003, 07:23 AM   #11
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Another reason people care... they're afraid we'll get their children (or even them), the same as we're afraid they'll get ours.

Every avowed atheist makes it that much easier for someone with doubts to stop going through the motions (and maybe even become avowed atheists themselves).

Everybody who doesn't go through the motions makes it that much harder for parents to peer-pressure their kids into going to church with them.

When people don't go to church, they miss 60 to 90 minutes of structured reenforcement of their beliefs. People drag themselves to church "because they believe" on Sunday mornings and they "believe" because they dragged themselves to church during the rest of the week. Break they cycle for long enough, and people won't care any more. It may not engender doubt, but it will engender apathy.

It's more likely to engedner doubt if the person's at some transitional stage in their lives.
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Old 04-15-2003, 07:31 AM   #12
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Originally posted by Bree
If your knowledge is so vast that you'd (rather rudely) state your opinion as such, then why don't you post a few verses from the text to back up your statement? It's easy to say "you're wrong" but not so easy to say why - for example, I think I recall someone on CNN telling me that the Qu'ran says X about how to treat religious infidels, but I'm not going to blatantly contradict someone on the subject until I'm damned sure I'm right.
People of different faiths have been slaughtering each other since religion began kinda setting a precedent, regardless of any book rules.
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Old 04-15-2003, 08:20 AM   #13
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Originally posted by Magus55
Oh no it doesn't. It in fact says to kill Christians and Jews, or anyone that renounces their Islamic faith.

Muslims don't try to convert Christians because it isn't a loving religion. They want Christians and Jews to be killed and go to hell. Where as we care, because we want you be saved and know God.
Perhaps unbeknownst to you, there is a whole branch of Islamic activity called da'wa, literally "invitation (to the faith)", or Islamic apologetics and mission. The methods of Islamic conversion of others are varied, and range from Christian-like evangelism to sword-point conversion, but Islam is, like Christianity, a missionary religion. Muslims who try to convert you truly love you and are trying to save you from Allah's hell.
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Old 04-15-2003, 06:10 PM   #14
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I think many religious people care deeply about the eternal fate of others. I also think winning a soul for Jesus is a powerful affirmation of your own personal faith.

For other religious people it is about control or the loss of control. Many are deeply conflicted by their need to be part of a world of desire and pleasure and the loss of control that desire and pleasure imply.

They recognize the temptations of the world as a threat to their relationship with God. Those who do not spread the Gospel risk losing fellowship with God and the blessings of the Spirit.

This fear of losing Gods favor and blessing manifests itself in several ways. One is withdrawal from secular society and emersion in the church. Another is an almost paranoid attention to those behaviors which they see as evidence of a Spirit controled Christian. One of the most important of these is evangelism.

It is my experience that the lack of control of their desires exhibited by the lost is seen as a direct threat to the spiritual well being of some Christians. Your actions can infect me. Your lack of control tempts me.

The lost must be converted or their actions curtailed by law and force. Gays, atheists, feminists, pagans, free thinkers, the list is endless. IMO the most dangerous people in the country can be found in church Sunday mornings.

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Old 04-16-2003, 01:27 AM   #15
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Why should religious people care if...

athiests or agnostics don't believe in God?
Because we're a constant and uncomfortable reminder that they're really deluding themselves.

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Old 04-16-2003, 08:14 AM   #16
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I actually think it's something else. People like people to have similar beliefs to their own. In some way it validates them and helps them builds communities of like minded folks. Many people fear those with different or unpopular views. Xians want everyone to feel special like they think they are themselves.

I don't think that atheists are that much different. Some of us may enjoy diversity more than the theists do, but I've seen many an atheist on a self guided mission to deconvert the world because they feel it's in everyone's best interest. I don't understand this attitude coming from atheists anymore than I understand Xians who feel they must save people from themselves.

I really don't see a Xian's little delusions as any threat as long as they are not fanatics. Fanatics of all breeds are dangerous to those who are tolerant. That is just my two cents.
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Old 04-16-2003, 02:28 PM   #17
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I really don't see a Xian's little delusions as any threat as long as they are not fanatics. Fanatics of all breeds are dangerous to those who are tolerant. That is just my two cents

Unfortunately, we have some of those fanatics in high places. Also, in my experience, only the most liberal of xian sects could be considered tolerant, in particular of atheism.
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Old 04-16-2003, 03:40 PM   #18
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A christian fundie in my class was actually rather tame until I reminded him that the Bible states my eternal and ultimate suffering in the lakes of brimstone and fire. I really regret that now. He's been trying to convert me ever since.

I think one main reason anybody would want to de/convert anybody else is a reaffirmation of their own beliefs, or lack thereof. Seeing that your own arguments are strong enough to convince an a/theist shows you that your beliefs are "secure", and it gives you a tremendous ego boost to boot.

I have to admit that I (as an atheist) suffered from this delusion for a while as well. It took some time to realize that I shouldn't give a wet cowpat about where people believe they're going to go when they die.
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Old 04-16-2003, 03:51 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Magus55
Oh no it doesn't. It in fact says to kill Christians and Jews, or anyone that renounces their Islamic faith.

Muslims don't try to convert Christians because it isn't a loving religion. They want Christians and Jews to be killed and go to hell. Where as we care, because we want you be saved and know God.

Is this hypocrisy or what? What about the Midianites Magus? Did the christians try to convert them? Did God try to convert them? Did the Midianites think the Jews were loving? Is the christian God a loving God? Did God care about the Midianites, and where are they now Magus? Does the history of Christianity show that it is a religion of love?
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Old 04-16-2003, 09:20 PM   #20
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They get in our faces and are completely rude and obnoxious under the ruse of "caring about our eternal souls". Bullcrap!!
They are self righteous, arrogant deceitful assholes who promote a religion of violence and intolerance, sugarcoated by them.

It's the only religion I know of whose symbol is an instrument of torture. Especially the catholics with a dead tortured body hanging on it. How incredibly sick!!!

(And don't hit me with the BS about how it represents resurrection, not torture.....)

If Jesus had been killed by electric chair in the 20th century would you all wear little electric chairs around your necks, with little leather straps and a metal cap????? HUH???
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