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Old 07-03-2002, 07:40 AM   #11
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I would be further interested in your thoughts on the Creation Hypothesis as opposed to the Theory of Evolution (to get this ron-de-lay back on topic before they toss it into Existance of God, or some damned place).

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Old 07-03-2002, 08:26 AM   #12
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And of course, we mustn't forget that the Aztecs had living proof of the existence of their god Quetzalcoatl through his visible earthly avatar, one of the most gorgeous creatures on the planet:
<a href="" target="_blank">the Resplendant Quetzal</a>.

Morpho the neotropical bird lover.
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Old 07-03-2002, 08:32 AM   #13
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Originally posted by Duvenoy:

<strong>Not silly at all. One god's just as good or as bad, or as false as any other. </strong>
Please prove that there is no God.

<strong>And if the Aztec "knew in their hearts" that they were worshiping a "false god", one would think that they would change their ways. </strong>
That’s the Devil for you...

<strong>Please demonstrate that "God" is any more real than Quetzacoatl.
Did ol’ Quetzal walk on water, heal the sick, raise the dead...? Did he put gold fillings in people’s teeth?

Thought not.

<strong>I am also interested in how differing religions are the "work of the devil", </strong>
Well, if their teachings run counter to those of the Bible, then they’ve either been corrupted by the Devil, or were his perversion of religon to start with.

<strong>another being for which there exists no proof except in various religious works including the Q'ran. </strong>
Where do you think evil comes from then? Do you think there’s no evil in the world?

<strong>I too, am sure that the bible says that it is the "inspired word of God", and you can't get much more circular that that. </strong>
God is all encompassing!

<strong>How is Christianity the "One True Way'? It seems the Aztecs were doing pretty well for themselves until the Catholic pirate Cortez showed up. </strong>
Erm, yeah... and he was what, a follower of the Great Prophet Zarquon?! Christian, I think you’ll find. Sodom and Gomorrah were ‘doing pretty well’ too, weren’t they? Cortez just showed them the error of their ways. Of course, horses and big swords helped, but God will use whatever comes to hand.

<strong>I would be further interested in your thoughts on the Creation Hypothesis as opposed to the Theory of Evolution (to get this ron-de-lay back on topic before they toss it into Existance of God, or some damned place). </strong>
What about it? The logic is simple. The Bible is the inspired word of God. Some bits may have been mangled down the generations (that’s the 2LoT causing degeneration of information ), but it is ultimately correct on all matters. Therefore, any evidence to the contrary is the work of the devil, leading thinking folks astray.

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Old 07-03-2002, 09:12 AM   #14
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I like Creator's Terrier because he's just so completely bonkers.
If god himself provided all the light that was needed for his creation,CT, why didn't he just stick around and not bother creating a sun. Then we could look up at the sky and exclaim: "That's God up there!"
Oh...sorry...I forgot. That's just what the Egyptians DID do. I also forgot that the purpose of the sun was to rule the day. Silly me.
CT in fact has done more than answer my question: he has given me an insight into the Creationist mind: I now see that in there the dividing line between the rational and the irrational has become obliterated. For the Creationist, magic and reality merge and become indistinguishable.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised: not so long ago I had a long conversation with a highly educated man who believes in fairies.
CT,'t believe in fairies too, by any chance?
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Old 07-03-2002, 09:13 AM   #15
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Creation's Terrier wrote “Please prove that there is no God.”

I was tempted to write that it is not possible to prove a negative. Or, that it is your assertion that he exists and the burden of proof is on the person making the assertion. However, instead I’ll quote Richard Carrier:

“Christian Theism in its most basic sense entails observations that would necessarily be made by everyone everywhere and at all times, and thus it is as easily disproven as the alien in the bathtub. For instance, God is theoretically omnipresent, and granted us the ability to know him (to feel his loving presence, etc.), yet I have absolutely no sensation of any God or anything that would be entailed by a God, even though by definition he is within me and around me wherever I go. Likewise, God is theoretically the epitome of compassion, and also all-knowing and all-powerful and beyond all injury, yet I know that what demonstrates someone as compassionate is the alleviation of all suffering known to them and safely within their power to alleviate. All suffering in the world must be known and safely within the power of God to alleviate, yet it is still there, and since the Christian 'theory' entails the opposite observation, Christianity is false.”

See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Old 07-03-2002, 10:18 AM   #16
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Methinks Creation's Terrier is having a bit of fun with y'all...
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Old 07-03-2002, 10:24 AM   #17
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I think so too; the name is way too similar to "Darwin's Finch"...
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Old 07-03-2002, 10:34 AM   #18
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Perhaps he really is just the "Lord's Lapdog"???
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Old 07-03-2002, 11:13 AM   #19
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Hi all, ive been gone for a while and im too lazy to read this entire thread so could someone tell me what were talkin about?
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Old 07-03-2002, 11:14 AM   #20
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Too lazy to read the two sentence OP?
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