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Old 01-22-2003, 01:23 PM   #1
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Default Southern Baptists and 'interfaith evangelism'

This guy is a piece of work.

He's especially interested in evangelizing Unitarian Universalists, it appears.

If Southern Baptists are serious about winning North America to Jesus, then Southern Baptists will get more serious about interfaith evangelism. And if Southern Baptists get more serious about interfaith evangelism, then Southern Baptists will have to learn to unpack the complex suitcase of Unitarian-Universalism.
For those UU's who are secular humanists:

Secular humanists are basically atheists who deny the very existence of a personal living God. Therefore, arguments for the existence of God prepare the UUA heart for evangelism. It is very difficult to apply John 3:16 to the life of someone who rejects the very existence of a God who loves the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son. There are several compelling arguments for the existence of God, but space does not permit us to look carefully at them here.
Yeah, right. He then goes on to refer to the same old tired arguments that have been tossed around on the SecWeb for years (and soundly refuted each time).

I thought I'd invite him to the SecWeb and see how much he can defend his arguments.

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Old 01-22-2003, 03:24 PM   #2
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I despise the arrogant evangelising of these southern baps, yet their targeting of the Unitarian Universalists interests me.

The baps have a bit of point by going after the UU church. The UU church extols reason and welcomes many differing viewpoints yet wants to remain among the protestant sects and roll out jesus-belief in the background. I say,"rubbish", why doesn't the UU make the break and become a totally agnostic, secular organization and boot all the mumbo-jumbo religion?

I always loved the line from Erasmus Darwin, who was Charles Darwin's grandfather. He called Unitarianism:"A featherbed for a fallen christian". That is what it is. A safe sect for thinking people who still have a bit of the old belief in there somewhere.

Those evil baptists know darn well that the UU people believe a little bit of religious stuff and they want to fire it up in them. Those baps want to set that "featherbed" on fire.
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Old 01-22-2003, 06:26 PM   #3
Robert G. Ingersoll
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Wink What a joke.

I was raised as a southern baptist, but shortly after I became a self-recognized atheist, I discovered the UUs group here and attended their meetings faithfully (hee hee) for several years, and I still occasionally go.

The present 'minister' of the local group is a self-described theist who even thinks of herself as a liberal christian. Most of the members are atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, freethinkers, and there's a good contingent of 'new age' types.

Almost all of this group, like UUs in general, are well educated, well-read, above average in intelligence, and engage in discussion and debate on ontology and theology all the time. They always just agree to disagree.

If any southern baptists think for one second they can make inroads in this group, then they have another think coming. UUs are absolutely allergic to the idea of hell.

southern baptists would be well advised to move on and try to evangelize, perhaps, the Jehovah Witlesses.
Old 01-23-2003, 03:59 AM   #4
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And their idea of evangelizing neopagans is to tell them that they are really worshipping the Devil. A curious depature from the usual "all things to all people" strategy, like professing to be super-rational.
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Old 01-23-2003, 04:09 AM   #5
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Default Simple translation

"We're right and you're wrong"
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Old 01-23-2003, 07:00 AM   #6
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You may also consult the following five books for detailed arguments against atheism and for Christianity: Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig, Scaling the Secular City by J. P. Moreland, Christian Apologetics by Norman L. Geisler and Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli.
Perhaps they should add, "Don't be surprised if the humanist you are trying to convert has read some of the above recommended books and can critique the authors' arguments."
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Old 01-23-2003, 07:10 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Nightshade
Perhaps they should add, "Don't be surprised if the humanist you are trying to convert has read some of the above recommended books and can critique the authors' arguments."
Or even "If you are the sort of Christian who wants to understand the intellectual foundations of your faith enough to read books like this (for that purpose, and not just for the purpose of evangelism), don't be surprised if you manage to think your way out of your present faith."
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Old 01-23-2003, 02:21 PM   #8
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Red face Oh Barf!!

So that doesn't mean they've given up on doing stealth conversions of Jews?? That's what Jews for Jesus is -- from what I've read on Jewish websites. Jews for Jesus are one of the most reprehensible, incomprehensible, just plain crazy bunches of nuts I have ever seen.

Michael Servetus lived in Transylvania in the 1500s. He came up with the concept of One God (Unitarianism) and Universal Salvation (Universalism). He wrote nasty letters to John Calvin and John Calvin got so pissed that he invited Mr. Servetus to Geneva so they could have a nice kind, loving Protestant Barbecue of Mr. Servetus, to show him the error of his ways in a nice, loving, slow burning greenbranch fire at the stake.

U-Us don't necessarily believe in God anymore. Each fellowship or church is different and has a different variety of beliefs.
A lot of people need the community of a group that gathers regularly without all the judging and condemning and basic "you're a piece of shit without Jesus; oh wait, you're a piece of shit anyway, but with Jesus it's OK" brainwashing crap.
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