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Old 05-16-2002, 07:38 PM   #41
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Originally posted by yygke:

(referring to penelties for abuse of suing)

Please back up your blind assertions. I've worked pretty hard to show that they are abusing their suing priveliges, whether or not the laws of the state/nation recognize such abuse.

I don't appreciate your remarks that work to negate my statements without any foundation at all.</strong>
You haven't done any work at all. You have just posted abusive and insulting comments about two young women and their parents who are asserting their rights under the US Constitution. You evidently think either that the issue is too trivial to waste anyone's time over, or that there is no right to intellectual integrity of non-belief, but I'm not sure which. Why don't you clarify that?

If you favor a society where individuals have no rights, I think you're living in the wrong country.

Certainly the federal judge did not think that the issues were trivial, because the women won their case. It was the school district that was abusing the legal system by forcing them to go to court to enforce the law.

I don't have time now to dig up references on the penalties for filing a frivolous lawsuit, but they are out there.
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Old 05-16-2002, 09:12 PM   #42
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All just because some Commie Atheists and the ACLU and the Clintoon appointed judge is an idiot.
Yes indeed.
As time goes on, many more may realize that the Holy Inquisition was not entirely a bad idea, at least in principle, if not practice.

Frankly, I'd love to see a good old fashioned mass liberal butt booting, but we all know they don't have the testicles to do the job themselves. They run to the courts to sling paperwork. Well, DEFY THE BLASTED COURTS!!! What do they think they're going to do anyway? NOT A BLESSED THING!

Number one, I don't hit women but in your case I might make an exception.

Communists are atheists. They don't want anything competeing with the authority of the state.

Not worse that when atheists force celebration of pederasty - the part of their religion of Sodom and Gomorrah. This that Christians are being silenced does not mean that when Muslims become a majority in this country the Islam will be silenced too. No, it works ONLY against Christians, because only Christians have the principle of humilty and turning the second cheek in their religion. Atheists, Muslims and others will have their way.

This should have come as no surprise. Atheism has been the official state religion for over thirty-five years. Liberal judges are the high priests who ensure the atheists' jealous non-god will have no other gods before it.
Atheists are the only group whose First Amendment rights on matters of religion are protected by the state without qualification
Bring back JOSEPH P McCARTHY and let's get a witchhunt started.All these people filing lawsuits to stop patriotism are TRAITORS pure and simple.They must be publicly scorned and their reputations trashed.I am ashamed of our courts for even allowing these lawsuits to be heard.A waste of taxpayer time and money.
Secular Humanism is currently the state sponsored religion which wouldn't be half as bad if moral relativism wasn't their dogma.
People who are going to burn in HELL usually are uncomfortable when they are reminded of the fact.

<img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" /> <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" /> <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" /> <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" />
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Old 05-16-2002, 09:24 PM   #43
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Okay yygke, you claim that the two atheist girls do have a choice, either sing the xian song or refuse to sing and fail the class. But these girls have the protections from the establishment of religion as all US citizens do. Why should they be the ones forced to choose between the lesser of two evils when it's the xians who are actively violating their rights?

Just to make this more interesting, what if the two girls were Moslem and felt they were committing blasphemy by singing it? What if they were Catholics who disagreed with the Protestant version of that prayer (with the extra "for thine is the kingdom" crap at the end)? What if they were simply xians who took Matthew 6:5-8 seriously and did not believe that public prayer, or ritual "babbling like pagans", was proper xian behavior, and therefore sinful?

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Old 05-16-2002, 10:19 PM   #44
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Originally posted by Bible_Humper:

<img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" /> </strong>
Bible_Humper - were those quotes from the Freeper Board? You can't expect any rationality from there.
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Old 05-17-2002, 07:50 AM   #45
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Originally posted by PopeInTheWoods:
<strong>Just to make this more interesting, what if the two girls were Moslem and felt they were committing blasphemy by singing it? What if they were Catholics who disagreed with the Protestant version of that prayer (with the extra "for thine is the kingdom" crap at the end)? What if they were simply xians who took Matthew 6:5-8 seriously and did not believe that public prayer, or ritual "babbling like pagans", was proper xian behavior, and therefore sinful?

That's the real issue - establishment of religion. "Sing this Protestant Christian song or you can't be in choir" is establishing Protestant Christianity as an official religion. And you can't do that in this country. That's why the Pilgrims came here, so they wouldn't have to sing Anglican hymns.

Incidentally, the Presbyterian college I went to had a baccalaureate ceremony on graduation day. Baccalaureate was at 11 in the chapel, and was totally optional, even if you wanted to participate in commencement. Commencement was at 12 on the lawn. Everyone was happy. This was a private, Christian college, so they could have had a religious service as part of commencement if they wanted, but they didn't want to force their religion on anyone who didn't want it. The rest of the Christian world could learn something from that.
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Old 05-17-2002, 09:54 AM   #46
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That's exactly the problem...these girls weren't given the choice whether or not they wanted to sing this "song" or not. It was required. That's why the judge sided with them, and rightfully so.
I live in Omaha, which is a stone's throw from Woodbine, and since these girl's were not part of the graduating class I'm afraid that they are going to suffer for standing up for their rights. They still have a couple of years to go in a place where free-thinking is unthinkable.
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Old 05-17-2002, 09:56 AM   #47
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Originally posted by Krieger:
<strong>In the "Public Pulse" section of the Omaha World Herald's website a bunch of redneck-dumbass-xian-fundies were raving about this.</strong>
And, oh yeah, for an eyeful of redneck-dumbass-xian-fundies the Weird Herald will provide EVERY time.

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Old 05-17-2002, 11:28 AM   #48
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An absense of prayer will make the graduation an official atheist event.

By that logic, any event not involving prayer is an official atheist event. Did you pray in the shower this morning? If not, you took an official atheist shower. Did you pray before taking your dog for a walk? Uh-oh, looks like you went on an official atheist dog walk. Did you pray before hiting the "post now" button? Maybe you made an official athesit post.
I liked this post.
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Old 05-18-2002, 08:02 PM   #49
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Thumbs down

Some dumbasses can't figure out that seculat doesn't equal atheistic.
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Old 05-19-2002, 03:57 PM   #50
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So, if these girls really think that there is no God, why are they so upset? It's not going against any religion that they belong to, and it isn't a prayer in their eyes, it's simply a silly song to no one. If they are really that stubborn and prideful, and they think that they are TOO GOOD to sing a song to some god that they don't even believe exists, then don't sing. Get an "f" or whatever the consequence is. It's choir class. Enough rambling, but that's my opinion.
"...stubborn and prideful...think they are TOO GOOD to sing a song...". Dang! Give those atheists the First Amendment and the next thing you know, they get uppity ideas about expecting equal protection just like what more deserving Christians get.
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