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Old 05-01-2002, 06:22 AM   #21
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Hey, I just saw that I hit 1500 posts (though now that I've posted this post and edited it, both have switched to 1503 ) with that last one. Woo...hoo...

I have way too much free time on my hands...

leonarde, I've posted a response to your first post <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> in case you want to address it. I didn't feel a response in this thread would be on-topic.

[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Koyaanisqatsi ]</p>
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Old 05-01-2002, 10:02 AM   #22
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And as Jesus is hanging in the cross he calls out "Peter, Peter, Peter!"

and Pete says "Yes, Lord?"

Jesus then replys "Peter, I can see your house from here!"
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Old 05-01-2002, 11:49 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Ether:
<strong>Hello everyone

I am wondering if anyone knows what exactly happened when Jesus died on the cross? I mean something was completed when that happened, Jesus mission was to die but for what purpose?

I know many like to say that it was to clean our sins and stuff like that but I dont think that is what really happened, maybe that is just part of it but not the whole thing.

Hope you can tell me something about this.

Good Day</strong>
he did not die

read the sign of jonah

you will see what the miracle was

just like jonah did not die when tossed into the ocean

so jesus did not die when people thought he would

thus there was no death of jesus

search internet for sign of joanh or look it up in the bible.

Luke 11:29 - When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, "This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah.

this is the most important sign or miracle as can be seen

Matthew 12:40 - For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

the sign is that he wont die just as jonah did not die.

hence no ressurection,


[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: jojo-sa ]</p>
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Old 05-02-2002, 01:16 PM   #24
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Actually, the reason he did not die is because in order to die you must first have a body, and be a living thing.

Stories like Jesus are flights of fancy, sometimes encapsulating society's truths. But they are not coporeal. A straw man to tell what society thought back then.

Jesus is the sacrecrow, hanging in a field plowed by some ancient mid-eastern society; nothing more.

The only thing that really grew there anyway was thorns; when I visit (rarely) I see literary figures choking on thorns - prophets, kings, believers, and saviors. Dry and parched, nothing inviting. People who try to replow this literary field always get the same crop - thorns.

Mouths full of thorns - Lousy field - Silly scarecrow.

I could while away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head, I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

I'd unravel ev'ry riddle
For any individ'le
In trouble or in pain

With the thoughts you'd be thinkin'
You could be another Lincoln,
If you only had a brain.

Oh, I could tell you why
The ocean's near the shore,
I could think of things I never thunk before
And then I'd sit and think some more.

I would not be just a nuffin'
My head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry
Life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain
- The Scarecrow
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Old 05-02-2002, 08:42 PM   #25
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Originally posted by jojo-sa:

he did not die

read the sign of jonah

Of course he died and read the precautions made by the Chief priests to ensure that he would die and not be raised before the third day in which case he would become the "final imposter" (Mt.27:62-64). Also read "it is finished" and so on, but noticed that it was to be "different kind of death" (as foreshadowed). That is to say, if Jesus was an imposter only the imposter Jesus was needed to die and if the imposter did not die Jesus would become the final imposter--who would be worst than the first imposter (verse 64c). Of course this is possible and not just possible but that was exactly the problem of the children of Israel . . . which is why they wandered for 40 years and died nonetheless.

The sign of Jonah is the sign needed for rebirth and has nothing to do with crucifixion. Rebirth is needed "to enter the race" while crucifixion is needed the "complete the race." Hence "it is finished."

[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Amos ]</p>
Old 05-02-2002, 08:53 PM   #26
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by SmashingIdols:
<strong>Actually, the reason he did not die is because in order to die you must first have a body, and be a living thing.

No, for you to die you need to be looking at your own body from the outside. If you are a singular being you cannot die but will just cease to live. As perceived by others you will die, certainly, and if you are one of those others (your human identity) you will indeed die.

As it was with Jesus the exterior imposter (also called persona or human identity) was crucified.

[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Amos ]</p>

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