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Old 03-19-2003, 10:07 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Schrodinger's Kitten
Uh, no. According to Roddenberry it's a matter-antimatter reaction that generates unbelievable amounts of energy which powers a drive system that creates a field that negates time dilation and g-force effects and instantly propels a vessel at trans-light speeds.
A field that has never been observed in nature, cause you know what that field would have to be? The warp drive has to expand space in order to move rest mass to velocities greater than light. What can expand flat space? Just ask yourself what can compress or curve space? If you answered gravity little Johnny you got it right! So to expand flat space you need anti-gravity…Now little Johnny there is no such thing as anti-gravity. Get it Kitten? There’s no such thing as anti-gravity. Do you know what type of energy you get from a matter anti-matter reaction? You get gamma radiation. Do you know how many tons of lead you would need to build walls hundreds of feet thick, to contain the radiation from a reaction that moves, something like an aircraft carrier, from 0 to the speed of light? The ship would be one huge giant piece of lead with maybe two crew members! LOL


See, just as viable and non-fictional as the "theory" of creating nano-starships to explore the universe.
You just don't get...Your ignorance of the real problems of exploring the galaxy effectively is obvious. Rather than challenge the ideas on the site, you resort to piety criticism. [ deleted insult ].


Most of the content of site referenced in the OP is fiction, and bad fiction at that. The typical dreck of the new age movement.
Again you hide behind your ignorance.


I said "Trek plays fast and loose with science" not science fiction. Of course, the page you referenced doesn't even come close to touching on science which makes Trek at least seem a little more reputable.
No, Star Trek takes loose ideas from science, adds some techno babble, [deleted insult]. E.G. time travel...Ahhhh! I bet ten to, a hundred to one, you don't even have a clue as to what time is, or how time dilation works. But heck I bet you believe relativity predicts backward time travel, it's pure bunk. Oh and the black holes, yeah, they're all tunnels to distant places in the universe, yeah right. The center of the black hole has never been observed, relativity doesn’t predict anything about the center of a black hole other than there is no space there. Oh, but Star Trek says it's possible and Roddenberry really knew his stuff. LOL Yeah I know all kinds of physicists have made speculations about the center of a black hole. They’re all trying to sell you a book and guess what? It works cause you bought the book.

The site states that it uses physics that has been observed and documented. Key note physics that has been observed!


And you still haven't answered my question: how does one debunk a space opera? Particularly since it has very little basis in real science and is concerned more with telling a story or exploring the human condition. And that includes "Clark [sic]."
Oh but the site does tell a good story. It describes a civilization that is not the polarization of genera of western Christian ethics and villains that would surprise a two-year-old. E.G. In Star Trek the reason ETs don't make contact with primitive societies, and that includes the evil Klingons and others, is because a civilization is not ready yet. On the site the reason the ETs don't make formal contact is due to their curiosity about us. Their questions that they have about us we could not answer. That then leads to the real reason ET explores the galaxy. What that means, short sighted one, is that ET would conduct experiments that would violate all sorts of human rights issues. So the final realization is; what all the Trekie dorks out there, who want to meet ET, really don't want their wish to come true. An ET here means some of us are going to be sacrificed to satisfy someone's curiosity. Get it?

Can I request that this thread be moved to ~Elsewhere~ since it's quite obvious that it's not concerned with real science?
Really? Other than the lack of evidence for the claims, what's not real about the science that describes ET's technology?

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Old 03-19-2003, 10:46 PM   #22
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A field that has never been observed in nature, cause you know what that field would have to be? The warp drive has to expand space in order to move rest mass to velocities greater than light. What can expand flat space? Just ask yourself what can compress or curve space? If you answered gravity little Johnny you got it right! So to expand flat space you need anti-gravity…Now little Johnny there is no such thing as anti-gravity. Get it Kitten? There’s no such thing as anti-gravity.
Nonsense! Haven't you been following up on the latest scientific breakthrougs in astrophysics? Antigravity, i.e., the cosmological constant, has come back in a big way. Currently, they think it's what's driving the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and the larger it expands, the stronger the force gets. According to Inflationary theory, which forms the bedrock of modern cosmolgy, there is indeed such a stuff as "negative energy" or false vacuum, which might be used to create positive spatial curvature. Then there's also the so called "exotic matter" which they're thinking about threading wormholes with. Finally, those "nano-ships" had better have one hell of a navigation system, because if they collide with so much as single speck of interstellar dust when travelling at near light speed, the ensuing explosion would make a nuke look like a cherry bomb in comparision.
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Old 03-19-2003, 10:49 PM   #23
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The site states that it uses physics that has been observed and documented. Key note physics that has been observed!
Well of course! If he says it's "observed", then it must be true.
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Old 03-19-2003, 11:33 PM   #24
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Originally posted by Dominus Paradoxum
Nonsense! Haven't you been following up on the latest scientific breakthrougs in astrophysics?.....
No astronomer is claiming that anti-gravity is expanding the universe! Your mumbo jumbo of positive spatial curvature from quantum vacuum energy is absolutely laughable. There is no polarity to gravity, period! Oh and threading wormholes? Oh yeah we've observed those wormholes all over the place.

Have you ever seen those films that repel dust? Electrostatic fields can guide dust particles away from the ship’s hull. In a large ship this becomes a big problem to due the distance the electric field would have to radiate to provide protection, but in a small ship the distance is so short that the electrostatic effect is extremely effective. Larger obstacles would obviously have to be avoided.

Navigation for a small ship would be no more of a problem than it would be for a large ship. In fact navigation for any star ship could use a similar technique to GPS. Only you need to use satellites that are in far polar orbits around the sun. Even after leaving the solar system, the Solar Positioning System would be effective. So along as there are at least three signals from the SPS, the ship can triangulate its distance and position in the galaxy.

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Old 03-19-2003, 11:39 PM   #25
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Originally posted by Dominus Paradoxum
Well of course! If he says it's "observed", then it must be true.

The site has links to other sites for reference to the science it describes. But despite that, who hasn't heard of EPR, nano-technology, buoyancy, solar sails, neurons, axons, dendrites, the hippocampus, visual cortext, a database, virtual reality, van Neuman machines, fractals, etc?

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Old 03-19-2003, 11:51 PM   #26
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Default Re: The mechanism of the paranormal?

Originally posted by MorganV12
Here is a link that has a different bend on the paranormal.

What do you think?
What do I think ? I think it's crap. I think it's little different from a thousand other wildly contradictory bogus websites claiming UFO's & extraterrestrials. I think it's little different from a million other science fiction stories which are available at your local bookstore, in fact a good many out there are actually far more credible.

As for nano-starships being a unique idea, obviously you're not familiar with Douglas Adams, just for starters.

You know what might make yours just a little different, Morgan ? How about just the tiniest piece of evidence ? Maybe just one of these billions of nanobot explorer ships ? Maybe the post mortum recovery of one of the nano-devices which created the mass illusion in Fatima ? Maybe some verifiable information which current science is unaware of ?

No ? Didn't think so.
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Old 03-20-2003, 12:07 AM   #27
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No astronomer is claiming that anti-gravity is expanding the universe!
Yes, actually, they are. It even made it into time magazine a year ago. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Read:, and be sure to check out the section labeled "Why bother with the cosmological constant?"








Thus, as I said, I you have no idea of what you're talking about and should not be listened to in the future. Q.E.D.
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Old 03-20-2003, 02:58 AM   #28
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Default Re: Re: The mechanism of the paranormal?

Originally posted by echidna
You know what might make yours just a little different, Morgan ? How about just the tiniest piece of evidence ? Maybe just one of these billions of nanobot explorer ships ? Maybe the post mortum recovery of one of the nano-devices which created the mass illusion in Fatima ? Maybe some verifiable information which current science is unaware of ?
No ? Didn't think so.
Hello? Can't you read blatantly says there's no evidence!


As for nano-starships being a unique idea, obviously you're not familiar with Douglas Adams, just for starters.
Exactly which story of his are you referring to?

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Old 03-20-2003, 03:03 AM   #29
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Originally posted by Dominus Paradoxum
Yes, actually, they are. It even made it into time magazine a year ago. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
[ deleted insult ], you can't even read English! It says that the quantum vacuum energy is a pressure, not anti-gravity. DO you understand the difference? Really do you? [deleted insult]

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Old 03-20-2003, 06:07 AM   #30
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Default Re: Re: The mechanism of the paranormal?

Originally posted by echidna
What do I think ? I think it's crap. I think it's little different from a thousand other wildly contradictory bogus websites claiming UFO's & extraterrestrials. I think it's little different from a million other science fiction stories which are available at your local bookstore, in fact a good many out there are actually far more credible.
Agreed. And it becomes a delusion when one starts believing the stories with no proof. The repeated ad hominem attacks and acusations of the ignorance of everyone here kind of backs that up as well. I'm sure there must be a conspiracy in the general scientific community to cover up The Truth (tm).
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