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Old 07-17-2003, 08:26 PM   #21
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Genetic flaws and christians

Originally posted by Magus55
Nope, we still live in a corrupt world.
Then what's the point? The more you talk about your god, the more it sounds like a mafia run Vegas the end the house always wins, not you.
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Old 07-17-2003, 08:48 PM   #22
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Magus - You still haven't answered my question on god's direct interference. So how would you explain away this one?
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Old 07-17-2003, 09:50 PM   #23
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Genetic flaws and christians

Originally posted by Hedwig
Then what's the point? The more you talk about your god, the more it sounds like a mafia run Vegas the end the house always wins, not you.
Whats the point of what?
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Old 07-17-2003, 09:52 PM   #24
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Genetic flaws and christians

Originally posted by Magus55
Whats the point of what?
Could you clarify your question? Why would God have to change the genetics of someone?
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Old 07-17-2003, 09:53 PM   #25
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Genetic flaws and christians

Originally posted by Magus55
Could you clarify your question? Why would God have to change the genetics of someone?
That's your position. According to you, your deity had to change the DNA of humans to take 'original sin' into account.
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Old 07-17-2003, 10:13 PM   #26
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Default Do unto others...

There is mockery Magus because the dogma you continually display is both ridiculous and heartless. One would not expect a passably educated person in the present day to believe such primitive myths. But even that would not rate you the treatment you complain of had you not chosen such a hateful version of this myth. A more inhumane philosophy than your flavor of Christianity would be hard to find.

In this thread you are blaming birth defects on innocent people. That is disgusting. If it is something that you truly believe then your belief is disgusting.

You cannot show such unbridled contempt for humanity and then expect humans to welcome you derision.

The reason you receive incessant sarcasm and ridicule is because the gentlemanly nature of the posters and the rules of the board prevent anything worse.

I try to answer questions based on my beliefs as best and truthfully as possible. You could at least try to be a bit less obnoxious.
Then understand this…your version of Christian beliefs is obnoxious, offensive and immoral. I specify "your version" because it does not resemble the belief of any other Christian here.
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Old 07-17-2003, 10:23 PM   #27
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Default Re: Do unto others...

Originally posted by Biff the unclean
In this thread you are blaming birth defects on innocent people. That is disgusting. If it is something that you truly believe then your belief is disgusting.
Good post Biff, but remember that Magus does not consider anyone to be 'innocent.' However, he believes that his god extends grace through the 'age of accountability' to these 'guilty' ones, hence illustrating the inconsistency of his beliefs. Either he has a new god for each rule, which breaks the 'One god' thing he believes in, or he's just not taking his previous statements into account.
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Old 07-17-2003, 10:39 PM   #28
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Default Re: Do unto others...

Originally posted by Biff the unclean
There is mockery Magus because the dogma you continually display is both ridiculous and heartless. One would not expect a passably educated person in the present day to believe such primitive myths. But even that would not rate you the treatment you complain of had you not chosen such a hateful version of this myth. A more inhumane philosophy than your flavor of Christianity would be hard to find.
I'm assuming by this statement that you consider 5 billion people to be stupid morons with no education or intelligence? And the arrogance comes out. I guess atheists are the only intelligent ones on the Earth?

And Christianity isn't inhumane or hateful. Its the most loving thing on Earth, but you are too blinded to realize it. I don't know of anything more loving than God coming to Earth in the flesh and giving up His mortal life to save muderers, rapists, theives, and people who spend their whole lives hating and rejecting Him. No human on Earth would ever do that. For a family member sure, but not a stranger or an enemy.

In this thread you are blaming birth defects on innocent people. That is disgusting. If it is something that you truly believe then your belief is disgusting.
And what is your definition of innocent? Who determines the meaning of innocence? You? Society? or God? Since God is the ultimate authority of the 3, and since He created morality, and the laws of the universe, His definition of innocence is correct, yours isn't. And He said no one is innocent. Thats the problem. You are basing God's actions, and Christianity on YOUR standards, when you should be basing your actions on GOD's standards. God's standards and morality will always be infinitely higher than yours, despite you thinking yours a better just because you lack understanding in God's methods and purposes.

You cannot show such unbridled contempt for humanity and then expect humans to welcome you derision.
How do we have contempt for humanity? Yes, I see humanity as extremely destructive and sinful ( including myself), but that doesn't mean I have contempt for it. I strive to show people the path that leads from the destruction, and towards peace and love in God. Its a shame you can't see that .

The reason you receive incessant sarcasm and ridicule is because the gentlemanly nature of the posters and the rules of the board prevent anything worse.
And you say I have contempt for humanity? Pot Kettle Black.

Then understand this…your version of Christian beliefs is obnoxious, offensive and immoral. I specify "your version" because it does not resemble the belief of any other Christian here.
Based on my observations of this board, Atheists are not holding any candle to the lack of obnoxious and offensive attitudes here. I come to this board and see constant ridicule, hate, sarcasm etc for the people as well as the beliefs that you don't agree with. On the lower forums I see constant jokes made about Christians, or disgusting and immoral posts about sex buddies. That is immoral, but atheists obviously think screwing around with anyone is perfectly moral and righteous.

And then you go to a board like Rapture Ready, and see love for fellow Christians. Welcoming posts to those who are new and seek guidance or the truth. Yes, we do point out errors in false doctrines and beliefs ( Catholicism), but that is attacking the organization, not the people. We so strongly defend against those cults parading as Jesus loving Christians, because we know based on God's word, its false and blasphemy.

Other than pointing out false doctrines, and cults ( which God told us to do), we show nothing but respect and love for Everyone, even atheists. Atheists at this board, oth, show true hatred in their posts against those who aren't atheists. ( we are called idiots, morons, delusional , stupid, and other more offensive terms). The people at RR are some of the most caring people iv'e ever met, and I don't even know them. I have yet to see that from any atheist here. Atheists are a more hateful and prejudice group than Christians ever could be.
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Old 07-18-2003, 04:50 AM   #29
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Default Re: Re: Do unto others...

Originally posted by Magus55
Atheists at this board, oth, show true hatred in their posts against those who aren't atheists. ( we are called idiots, morons, delusional , stupid, and other more offensive terms).
Well given your arguments and stance on religion.... if the shoe fits.
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Old 07-18-2003, 10:27 AM   #30
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And Christianity isn't inhumane or hateful.
I was quite specific when I said "YOUR FLAVOR". Your sect practices a Christianity unlike any other's

And what is your definition of innocent?
Since we are talking about birth defects then we are talking about the unborn and the new born they will do just fine for examples. I'm another example. I am innocent.

And He said no one is innocent. Thats the problem. You are basing God's actions, and Christianity on YOUR standards,
It's not god, there is no god. It's not even the concept of god because the rest of the Christians are not this hateful. It's you and you little sect that is this hostile towards the human race, and it's obnoxious. You hate everyone and everything and call your hatred Christian Love. MY standards are a lot higher than that. I, as a human, find such hatred as you hold of the human race to be disgusting

How do we have contempt for humanity? Yes, I see humanity as extremely destructive and sinful ( including myself)
Question answered.

I come to this board and see constant ridicule, hate, sarcasm etc for the people as well as the beliefs that you don't agree with.
Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

And then you go to a board like Rapture Ready, and see love for fellow Christians.
And only for fellow Christians. And only for a specific sort of fellow Christian.
If you are the wrong type of Christian you are thrown out.
If you are an Atheist you are thrown out.

But here you are on an Atheist board. Making nasty cracks about Atheists being immoral because they don't share your sexual hang ups and you are in no danger of being thrown out.

We so strongly defend against those cults parading as Jesus loving Christians, because we know based on God's word, its false and blasphemy.
LOL…you are the cult, not them.

we are called idiots, morons, delusional , stupid, and other more offensive terms
Like Damned to Hell? Any Atheist say that to you?
If you aren't delusional it should be simple enough to prove. Produce your god, show that it isn't a delusion.

Atheists are a more hateful and prejudice group than Christians ever could be.
So you associate with us every day because….?
There are those who think you are a sock puppet who is trying to make Xians look like morons to any lurkers who might be on the fence. Because you are pushing people further from Christianity with you antics.
Myself, I think you are for real. And I think you deserve everything you get...and then some... for being such a nasty son of a gun.
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