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Old 03-01-2003, 10:41 PM   #31
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Ah but of course, it is just a prelude to the amazing power of good investing, only to be found in Robinsin's book, just published this year "How Jesus and Good Investing can make YOU RICH!!"

I was going to give the benefit of the doubt here, but this seems so scripted that I just can't resist chuckling.
It sounds almost like a Chick tract, only it doesn't have the omnipresent Bob anywhere in it.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:53 PM   #32
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Now, if you believe in God, then you automatically believe in satan. he too is real.
So why would an omniscient god create satan and evil(he did create them, according to your mythology)? Just to piss himself off?

Is it because this being you call "god" isn't benevolent, isn't omniscient, isn't omnipotent, or doesn't exist?

Personally, I prefer the latter explanation.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:57 PM   #33
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Robinsin, that's great. Your conversion story is empirically distinct, yet functionally identical to all others - yet another in a seemingly endless series of diatribes, all culminating in an imploration to "think" with our emotions as opposed to our intellect. And, you should take particular pride in knowing that you have added exactly zilch to support the idea of God's very existence.

With respect to Visa...

Computer ~ $1000
Registration to IIDB ~ free (donations accepted )
Imagining the look on an Evangelical's face when his deeply personal conversion account fails to so much as raise an eyebrow ~ priceless
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Old 03-01-2003, 11:00 PM   #34
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Default Re: Just the beginning.......

Originally posted by Robinsin

Don't look at me or them and justify why you don't have a relationship with God.

I don't have to justify my non relationship with god to anyone. I don't believe in a god.

It's between you and Him. He's not going to say, "well in comparison to Joe, your about a C+). You and Him baby, that's it. A relationship with God can be very simple and easy. It all starts with my original post. Ask Him, He is already knocking on your door, just open it! Forget your choir boy memories, the pastor that did this or that, the religous guy who swore at you, whatever it is that man did or does to turn you away - man is full of sin! I am a sinner, saved only by the Grace of God.

These reasons have nothing to do with my atheism. My atheism is a result of the total lack of evidence for your god. Add to that all of the contradictions and absurdities found in xtianity, belief becomes an exercise in irrationality.

How many of us asked your god for enlightenment? I know I did.
You will say that I did not do it earnestly. You cannot know that, as you are not omniscient.

So the question becomes, why didn't god answer when I was desperate to hear him?

Yes, yes, god doesn't do things in any humanly recognizeable way, nor does he funstion on any meaningful time scale. Nor does he perform miracles, oh wait, yes he does. But jsut not on demand. Well, that is debateable isn't it? He certainly did in the OT. Hmmm...

Now, if you believe in God, then you automatically believe in satan. he too is real. satan won't attack couch patatoes, men and women who'll never do anything with their lives. sometimes satan can even provide a comfortable status, just to keep you on the sidelines and out of the game. Your faith will be tested, satan doesn't want you to believe in God.

What does this have to do with anything?

There is a book series published called the "Left Behind Series", start with book no.1 and read it. It is in a very good story format and uncovers many of the things that life is all about.

From what I've heard, its tripe. But there is no accoutning for taste.

Before i read that sort of thing, you're going to have to demonstrate that your god exists so that I might start fearing his retribution.

I'll be back, if you'll have me?

Sure, come on back, but let's have some dialogue instead of preaching.

Good-night and God Bless You All.

And a merry xmas to you too.
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Old 03-01-2003, 11:19 PM   #35
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Originally posted by Magus55
2) God doesn't work on your time.
You're telling me. I gave him my number two months ago, and he said he'd call me that weekend. Whatever.
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Old 03-01-2003, 11:26 PM   #36
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Old 03-01-2003, 11:32 PM   #37
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Sorry for rambling... I posted the three threads one after the other due to length of them. I see there were responses in between, sorry I'm new at posting on this BBS system and still learning.

I like the humour and directness of the posters here. I don't hang with alot of Christians today, most of them are to good for me sorts, I've a few good friends that are Christians, but I actually get along and enjoy the company of many heathen friends. I don't go around preaching and praying everywhere I go. I have a close and personal relationship with God. My family and I pray together, we read the Bible and follow our hearts.

I guess I'm telling you about my secular success because most people strive for these things in life, of which I had accomplished. It is far easier to accomplish something than to maintain it. I'm no big shot, in fact I am humbled often.

The reason I'm here is because a friend sent me an email with this site posted to it and said check this out. I suspect he wanted to get me going after being here himself. Oh look at all this crap about God, I'll send this to Rob and twist his cap???

I arrived, I read some of the interesting stuff on this site. A little different. There are some lost souls here, no doubt. Perhaps I shouldn't be here, but God works in my life, so I posted a small testimony in what looked like the correct forum - something about belief in God(s). One of the moderators booted me outa there and put me here :notworthy I guess I don't know what I'm doing here yet?

My story is true, as God be my witness. I would be happy to discuss further anybodies true interest in finding out more about God. I am truly an open minded person. I have explained where I come from and my accomplishments in an effort to remove barriers. I am not interested in bashing about, although there is some good wit about some of the posts. I have had many trials and tribulations since becoming a Christian, my faith has been tested over and over; but I am a happy person and truly live a blessed life. Challenges, oh yes, life is full of them! But circumstances don't make a man, they reveal him!

Funny you talk about a book? Hah ha, I am very much an entrepenuer; seems like money takes care of about 90% of lifes challenges, so with it around I can focus more correctly on the 10% which is usually more important anyway. I plan on learning about writing a book sometime in the future. I'm semi-retired (mostly just tired) now, but very active in sports still and I've got alot of energy. One of my friends made millions inventing a game, another made millions investing in the stock market, others in real estate, but no one has written a book that I know personally. Maybe one day - Sorry OT?

God gives us all, each and everyone of us, the free choice to choose. We cannot control our own children and God does not control His children, But like a father, He wants the very best for you, He loves you.

Test of Faith?
I have little and non-believers have much.
I'm wrong - oh well, ant food.
You're wrong - oh my gosh - wiener roast for eternity.
I'm right - eternal life
You're right - oh well, ant food.

Seriously though, I am not motivated by what will happen when this all ends, recognition or status. I believe in God because it fulfills me, it brings out the best in me, I'm continually blessed by Him, I have love and life in abundance, I enjoy being a follower, I enjoy having the Christian bond with other Christians, I love giving my children their choices, I love the morals and ethics.

I don't like non-Christian beliefs, I am very much a traditionalist, I like being a Christian because of me. I use to go to the same Church for years and years. Then we moved and now we don't frequent one Church anymore; we don't ever outcast anyone in our lives - we make friendships with everyone God puts in our lives, we accept them for who/what they are, just as Jesus would. I wore a WWJD bracelet for years to remind myself to love and respect. (then they became popular - I took mine off).

I don't have to talk about my beliefs with my friends, they know just from being around us. We believe in something called, "lifestyle Evangulist", which is to say that our lives, everyday should say all there is to say about Jesus. I can remember when I wasn't a believer; often, and there were alot of things that turned me off from Christian people and Religions. I know that God gave me those experiences for a reason, a gift to use, so I remember and try not to make those mistakes in my life.

So, I've for real; no infomercial, no con and certainly not perfect by far! If my story can touch one more person, then that is why I posted today. I'm going to bed now,

enjoyed conversing with ya!
Good night again,

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Old 03-01-2003, 11:47 PM   #38
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Default Re: Hah ha ha ha!

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Old 03-02-2003, 12:07 AM   #39
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Which Jesus are you referring to, Robinsin? Obviously not the one in the New Testament. You know, the one who said, "whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple," and, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God," and, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." Surely you don't worship that Jesus.

Test of Faith?
I have little and non-believers have much.
I'm wrong - oh well, ant food.
You're wrong - oh my gosh - wiener roast for eternity.
I'm right - eternal life
You're right - oh well, ant food.
Please keep in mind that we only disbelieve one more god than you. Well, actually at least three, but that's a different discussion. If the Hindu faith is correct, for example, you are engaging in idolatry. If Mohammed was right, again, idolatry. If Siddhartha was right, you are doomed to repeat your mistakes over and over until you get it right (and so are we).

As a matter of fact, since there is no safe position like the one you have fooled yourself into thinking, it's probably best not to be a wiener at all! Go brag somewhere else.
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Old 03-02-2003, 12:34 AM   #40
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is he serious?
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