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Old 02-05-2003, 03:02 AM   #21
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When I was little, I thought it was "godfaring," as in "seafaring."
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Old 02-05-2003, 06:39 PM   #22
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So far Christian explanations consist of "love is fear". Sorry, but no one would fear a truly loving God; but you would fear one who sends floods and puts you in eternal hell, and once you are dead and knows that God exists would not forgive you.
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Old 02-05-2003, 08:11 PM   #23
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Default God fear

Originally posted by Irishbrutha
1) Explain why it's a bad thing to fear

No one said fear is a bad thing.

2) Explain how a God worth fearing is secondrate

No one said a god worth fearing is second rate.

3) Explain to us whom exactly it is that refers to good Christians as "god-fearing" to the exclusion of all other descriptions.

No one said anyone refers to good Christians as God fearing
to the exclusion of all other descriptions.

a) sub-point - explain why we should accept your premise that the use of "god-fearing" as a mark of excellence in Christianity excludes any other criteria for a standard of excellence among Christians.

No one said the term "God fearing" excludes any other criteria
as a standard of Christian execellence.

b) sub-point - explain why you came to the conclusion that this phrase specifically excludes the idea of loving God.

No one said this phrase specificaly excludes the idea of a
loving god.

This is the proposition you'd have the most difficulty defending.

I would imagine so, seeing as there is nothing to defend

3) Let us put aside for a moment my objection that the use of the phrase "god-fearing" does not entail what hindu would have us believe it does.

She did not say what she would have us believe "God fearing"

Meaning why should modern Bible-Belt Christianity's choice of phrases be representative of the whole of the Christian system which was laid out by the Apostles.

No one said any phrases should be representative of
the Christian system laid out by the Apostles, least of
all those of Bible-Belt Christianity.

Anyway, on the whole I'd say this. I think you would do well to determine first what Christian's do believe regarding fear and love before determining to undermine it.

No one has tried to undermine any Christians here. She
only raised a question, and a good one at that.

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Old 02-06-2003, 04:01 PM   #24
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Default Re: christians, Why God-fearing?

Originally posted by hinduwoman
This was raised by a Hindu in an article.

He points out that in Christianity God is someone to be feared, and not loved. Therefore, a good christian is always called God-fearing.
It is a point. There is no phrase "god-loving".
Any apologetics for this?
The article misrepresents Christianity and is a simple fallacy of affirming the consequent. The proper argument would be, "A good Christian is called God-fearing, therefore I think that in Christianity, God is someone to be feared." In context, "God-fearing" in Elizabethan English means reverential love and awe for God. Hebrew words tend to have multiple meanings and the word for fear is also the word for worship. A God-fearing person can and should experience no fear at all. This is one of those common misconceptions like "Hail Mary!" as opposed to the correct, "Hail, Mary."
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Old 02-06-2003, 04:07 PM   #25
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Why create or allow Hell to exist then?

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Old 02-06-2003, 04:33 PM   #26
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Originally posted by Ronin
Why create or allow Hell to exist then?

Hell... eternal separation from God? not necessarly a firy place where one is submited to eternal physical torture. Just a thought cast your way.....
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Old 02-06-2003, 04:40 PM   #27
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Default Re: Re: christians, Why God-fearing?

Originally posted by long winded fool
....In context, "God-fearing" in Elizabethan English means reverential love and awe for God. Hebrew words tend to have multiple meanings and the word for fear is also the word for worship. A God-fearing person can and should experience no fear at all. This is one of those common misconceptions like "Hail Mary!" as opposed to the correct, "Hail, Mary."
Translations like the NIV are meant to be modern English translations. It is true that the Hebrew word translated as fear can also mean "revere" or "be in awe of"...
The way that Hebrew word is translated depends on the context that the word is used... it is sometimes translated as "reverence" but it is mostly translated as the English word "fear" or "afraid" - and in the NIV especially, the translators would intend the words to be understood in a straight-forward way, without the reader having to worry about "Elizabethan English", etc.
The Greek word translated as fear is also sometimes translated to mean "reverence" (once).

What do you think about this passage?

Mt 10:28
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

Let's say "fear" was translated as "revere" (be in awe of) in both cases.

"And revere not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather revere him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

The first part sounds strange - who would have a fearless awe for someone who is hurting and killing them??

Let's say that only the second word is translated as "revere"....

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather revere him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

The linkage between the first half and the last half is really bad... in the first half it is talking about who not to fear, and then it talks about who not to fear and who to revere. Also, in the second half it is talking about a threat - something that people would fear - rather than it being a good example of the amazing things God has (supposedly) done. (like create the world, etc)

So how would you translate that passage - using straight-forward English - no "Elizabethan English" or any other type of obscure English is allowed.
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Old 02-06-2003, 04:50 PM   #28
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant
Hell... eternal separation from God? not necessarly a fiery place where one is submited to eternal physical torture. Just a thought cast your way.....
Do people get really bored in hell and try to end their lives, but can't? If so, that is still a fairly inhumane punishment.
BTW, what was the parable of Lazarus and the rich man about? (Luke 16)... it talks about the rich man burning in "Hades"... also in Revelation, it looks like Satan and the cursed people both burn in the Lake of fire... does Satan get a worse punishment than people? And is it simply eternal separation from God?
Also, if hell means "eternal separation from God", how did Jesus visit hell, since he's God? Maybe he became completely human for a while, but how then did he escape hell without his God-like powers? Did the father and Holy Spirit come to his rescue? Why are there many verses saying things like hell involving physical punishment and fire? (see religious article) Many Christians believe that it is obvious that hell involves physical punishment... if they're wrong, then it would be the Bible that misled them - the Bible could have been much clearer about the nature of Hell.
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Old 02-06-2003, 04:52 PM   #29
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Hell... eternal separation from God? not necessarly a firy place where one is submited to eternal physical torture. Just a thought cast your way.....
Sabine ~ seems like you're just making it up as you are going along....I never said fiery place, though you assumed the most common notion...curiously.

Define "God"...and would the said "separation" from such entity, state, thingamabob cause me "suffering" or "pain" as understood in literal terms?

Which brings us full circle...

...Why create or allow Hell to exist then?

Let the real thinking begin.

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Old 02-06-2003, 05:16 PM   #30
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Originally posted by Ronin
Sabine ~ seems like you're just making it up as you are going along....I never said fiery place, though you assumed the most common notion...curiously.

Define "God"...and would the said "separation" from such entity, state, thingamabob cause me "suffering" or "pain" as understood in literal terms?

Which brings us full circle...

...Why create or allow Hell to exist then?

Let the real thinking begin.

Oh want conventional answers from conventional christians. The thought that a christian could have a different understanding of "hell"should help you refocus on the individuality behind faith. I will certainly not enter your circle ( quite vicious I would add) and redefine again and again what I have already explained so many times in various threads. Like it or not Ronin, I have my very own view of " hell". It should not concern you though since you have no desire to even be in God's presence for an instant. But it rightfuly concerns me as a believer.... so what iz ze trouble my dearrrrrr?
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