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Old 08-09-2002, 10:16 PM   #1
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Post a few questions for creationists

Creationists, I am curious to see how you answer these questions:

If evolution does not occur, why do virtually all the world's biologists agree that it does? What explains this?

Are all these biologists deluded, are they all complete morons, or are they all engaged in a worldwide conspiracy to lie about what they observe? What do you think is the most reasonable explanation for their acceptance of evolution?

Why do most of the Christian denominations accept evolution?

Why does the Pope accept evolution?

Are all these Christians deluded? Are they all morons? Why is it that the only people who seem argue against the theory of evolution are fundamentalist creationists?

If there are actually valid arguments against evolution, why wouldn't other groups of people, other than fundamentalist creationists, be submitting these arguments to the scientific community in an effort to gain fame and fortune?

Can you name any non-fundamentalist, non-creationist groups that do this?

Do fundamentalist creationists actually submit their arguments to the scientific community, or do they only present them in non-scientific forums, such as church-sponsored lectures and debates?

What research do creationists actually do, apart from reading Genesis?

Why can't creationists offer any theory that successfully competes with the theory of evolution?

Why is it that creationists spend all their time attacking evolution--ALL of their time, but they never offer any theory of their own--apart from the claim that "Godidit"? Do they have a scientific theory? Is it even possible for them to have a SCIENTIFIC theory?

If creationism is true, why is it that so many creationists feel the need to resort to dishonesty and deception? Why can't these people simply point to the facts that support their position?

How do you feel about being associated with such people?

The links below provide numerous examples of the dishonesty of prominent creationists.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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If evolution is false, how is it possible for predictions based on the theory of evolution to be successful over and over and over again (regarding where certain fossils will be found, what they will look like, or how a disease might become resistant to antibiotics, etc.), while creationists are apparently incapable of making any successful predictions at all?

If creationism replaced evolution as the guiding principle of biology, how would that improve science and medicine? In other words, what are the practical, real world benefits to science and medicine of abandoning evolution and replacing it with creationism? Are there any at all?

Are you aware that many people, in fact many Christians, regard your anti-evolution efforts as actually damaging to Christianity, in the same way that the Catholic Church's persecution of Galileo for heliocentricity was damaging to Christianity?

Can God use evolution as a method of creation, as most Christians seem to believe? Yes or no?


[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: MrKrinkles ]</p>
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Old 08-10-2002, 02:38 AM   #2
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Very simple.

Y'see, Satan has more power than God does so he does it this way to make us stop believing in God.

which makes you question something else..

if God is more powerful, why is Satan winning?

*gets images of Satan and God in bondage with Satan holding the leash and saying "bark for me, B**ch"*
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Old 08-10-2002, 05:18 AM   #3
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&gt;Creationists, I am curious to see how you answer these questions:
If evolution does not occur, why do virtually all the world's biologists agree that it does? What explains this?

It's a huge world wide satanic conspiracy. in fact, many biologists have serious doubts about evolution but are afraid to voice them because their fear for their lives or jobs. People have been murdered just because they have expressed doubts about evolution. But the evilutionists control the government and justice system.

&gt;Are all these biologists deluded, are they all complete morons, or are they all engaged in a worldwide conspiracy to lie about what they observe?

Yes, yes and yes.

&gt;What do you think is the most reasonable explanation for their acceptance of evolution?

The ones you just gave.

&gt;Why do most of the Christian denominations accept evolution?

No christians accept evolution. You can't be both a Christian and accept evolution. So the denominations that do, aren't really Christians.

&gt;Why does the Pope accept evolution?

Because he's a senile old fool working for Satan.

&gt;Are all these Christians deluded? Are they all morons?


&gt;Why is it that the only people who seem argue against the theory of evolution are fundamentalist creationists?

Because fundamentalists are the only ones who accept the TRUTH of GOD'S WORD. They are the only ones willing to fight against the evils of SATAN.

&gt;If there are actually valid arguments against evolution, why wouldn't other groups of people, other than fundamentalist creationists, be submitting these arguments to the scientific community in an effort to gain fame and fortune?

Censorship. Scientific publications are controled by evolutionists and reject creationist papers to hide the truth. Other groups reject the truth of GOD'S WORD and work on the assumption that evolution is true.

&gt;Can you name any non-fundamentalist, non-creationist groups that do this?

It's only fundamentalists creationists who dare.

&gt;Do fundamentalist creationists actually submit their arguments to the scientific community, or do they only present them in non-scientific forums, such as church-sponsored lectures and debates?

As noted above, there's a huge censorship conspiracy. There's no other choice but to publish in our own journals.

&gt;What research do creationists actually do, apart from reading Genesis?

No other research is nessasary. If God wanted us to know more, he would have told us. However, other research is done. For example, the erruption of Mt. St. Helens layed down layers very quickly. Evilutionist tell us it takes billions of years. Obviously they are a bunch of liars.

&gt;Why can't creationists offer any theory that successfully competes with the theory of evolution?

That's a lie. Creationism totally refutes evolution. Evolution is just a religion for atheists.

&gt;Why is it that creationists spend all their time attacking evolution--ALL of their time, but they never offer any theory of their own--apart from the claim that "Godidit"? Do they have a scientific theory? Is it even possible for them to have a SCIENTIFIC theory?

Scientific theory is specifically defined to exclude the truth of GOD'S WORD.

&gt;If creationism is true, why is it that so many creationists feel the need to resort to dishonesty and deception? Why can't these people simply point to the facts that support their position?

The claim that creationists are dishonest is a lie. Creationists have never been caught in a lie or even a minor error. Ever.

&gt;How do you feel about being associated with such people?

Such people don't exist.

&gt;The links below provide numerous examples of the dishonesty of prominent creationists.

All lies written by those who wish to persecute Christians and surpress God's truth!

&gt;If evolution is false, how is it possible for predictions based on the theory of evolution to be successful over and over and over again (regarding where certain fossils will be found, what they will look like, or how a disease might become resistant to antibiotics, etc.), while creationists are apparently incapable of making any successful predictions at all?

No prediction of evolution has ever been successful. For example, evolution predicts that rocks will turn into humans but that's never been observed. The location of fossils is because of Noah's flood. Anbiotic resistence is just variation with in a kind. It's not like monkeys giving birth to humans.

&gt;If creationism replaced evolution as the guiding principle of biology, how would that improve science and medicine? In other words, what are the practical, real world benefits to science and medicine of abandoning evolution and replacing it with creationism? Are there any at all?

Evolution has surpressed scientific progress to a shocking degree. If it were replaced with creationism, we'd have cures for cancer and lots of other diceases. Even better than that, you wouldn't burn in hell for all eternity which is far more important.

&gt;Are you aware that many people, in fact many Christians, regard your anti-evolution efforts as actually damaging to Christianity, in the same way that the Catholic Church's persecution of Galileo for heliocentricity was damaging to Christianity?

Yes, but they aren't real Christians. They've been corruped by Satan. Or else they are afraid of loseing their jobs. They have rejected the TRUTH because of evilutionist propaganda.

&gt;Can God use evolution as a method of creation, as most Christians seem to believe? Yes or no?

No. God is a loving God who would never use such a cruel method of creation. You must either accept that or God will toss you into the fires of Hell to burn and suffer for all eternity. You flesh will burn and you will scream in constant agony.
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Old 08-10-2002, 05:34 AM   #4
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Making sense now.
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Old 08-10-2002, 06:51 AM   #5
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I looked around a bit to see what the creationists say. Here's one from <a href="" target="_blank">ChristianAnswers.Net</a>.

In one way or another, bias and presuppositions affect every scientist's theories, priorities, research, methods, decisions and interpretations. Whether it be molecules, test results or rocks, evidence cannot evaluate, prioritize, or interpret itself. Humans suggest meanings for evidence - interpreting it, based on their beliefs, and building theories upon it.
So somehow, they expect us to believe that only fundamentalist YEC Christians are correct when interpreting scientific data despite their biases.

In Josh McDowell's book, Why Skeptics Ought to Consider Christianity, it is argued that most scientists accept evolution simply because they receive training which ignores the alternatives. The evolution section of his book was 'ghost-written' by Glenn Morton, who once wrote several articles for the Creation Research Society Quarterly. It's a delicious irony that he is now an <a href="" target="_blank">evolutionist</a>.

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshade ]</p>
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Old 08-10-2002, 09:48 AM   #6
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I am sure that your answers are similar to the ones that creationists would actually give. I would be curious to see a real response from a fundamentalist creationist though.

Fundamentalist creationists just don't seem to understand that they have already lost this debate. The best they can do now is join their wiser Christian brethren in accepting evolution and crediting it to God's divine plan.


[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: MrKrinkles ]</p>
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Old 08-10-2002, 10:16 AM   #7
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Originally posted by MrKrinkles:
I am sure that your answers are similar to the ones that creationists would actually give. I would be curious to see a real response from a fundamentalist creationist though.
Was it that obvious?

Fundamentalist creationists just don't seem to understand that they have already lost this debate. The best they can do now is join their wiser Christian brethren in accepting evolution and crediting it to God's divine plan.
[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: MrKrinkles ]</strong>
Richard Dawkins: "Join me and we can end this destructive conflict."

Ken Ham: I'll NEVER JOIN YOU!!!

RD: Carl never told you what happend to the evidence for creationism.

KH: He told me enough! He told me you censor it!

RD: No! There IS no evidence!

KH: NO! That's not true! That's umpossible!

RD: Search your feelings you know it to be true!


[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Pantera ]

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: tgamble ]

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: tgamble ]</p>
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Old 08-10-2002, 10:51 AM   #8
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Originally posted by tgamble:

Richard Dawkins: "Join me and we can end this destructive conflict."

Ken Ham: I'll NEVER JOIN YOU!!!

RD: Carl never told you what happend to the evidence for creationism.

KH: He told me enough! He told me you censor it!

RD: No! There IS no evidence!

KH: NO! That's not true! That's impossible!

RD: Search your feelings you know it to be true!


Good one! I'll have to remember this.

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshade ]

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Pantera ]</p>
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Old 08-10-2002, 11:13 AM   #9
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Originally posted by Nightshade:

Good one! I'll have to remember this.

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshade ]

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Pantera ]</strong>

Creationists are so mockable!
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Old 08-10-2002, 01:15 PM   #10
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I was interested to see if anybody would turn up and try to give serious answers. I've been asking this on another board every time they start on about scientists using fatally flawed techniques and depending on wrong assumptions and using taxpayer money to commit fraud - I think I'm up to six times I've asked in less than a month. And never once has any of them come back and attempted an answer. Wonder why...
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