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Old 07-27-2003, 07:20 PM   #1
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Default How to get rid of religion?

I've been thinking about our lot in this world, as atheists, particularly in the U.S.A. Our president's father, a former president himself, doesn't appear to think we're even worthy of citiizenship. I don't know what his son, apparently a puppet, thinks. His words are better than his father's on that score, but I don't trust him, since I expect as a BAC, he believes we're all hellbound. A recent thread here says the majority of people polled would not vote for, nor trust an atheist. We're outnumbered, and I strongly suspect, being outbred and outconverted.

So, what can we really do to improve our lot? How can we increase our numbers, and gain converts? Is there anything we can really do? It is so exasperating to live in a world populated by the brainwashed masses.

The brainwashing of the religious is so thorough that I expect attempts to deconvert are mostly futile. I know every attempt I have made has failed. (just one) But, damn! There must be some way to improve this situation! The religious people are actively spreading their horrible insanity. Generally atheists politely keep to themselves, (perhaps for their own safety, in some situations) Is there nothing that can be done?

Well, I guess this site is a good start.

Religion is superstition.
Faith is pretending.
Science is real.

I'm thinking of having that put on a T-shurt. But I think I'd be afraid to wear it.
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Old 07-27-2003, 07:33 PM   #2
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I'm not sure why you'd want to get rid of religion completely. I don't think we can do that without stooping to the brainwashing level of fundies, and then we would be just as bad as they are.

Anyway, about the best thing we can do is just make it known that we exist and are good people. Be patient and talk to people about our beliefs and explain to them why we think the way we do. Even if we don't deconvert the world, we would at least shatter the misconception that Atheists are evil people who eat kittens. If they see us as decent, honest people, then they are likely to remember us when something important comes up. So, while we wouldn't necessarily be actively deconverting people, we would be gaining supporters and friends who can understand our situation.

That's my $0.02.
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Old 07-27-2003, 07:54 PM   #3
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Originally posted by I ate Pascal's Wafer
Even if we don't deconvert the world, we would at least shatter the misconception that Atheists are evil people who eat kittens.
But kittens are sooooo yummy, and I have this special sauce....

But seriously, deconverting the world is an impossible task. While religion may be silly and farcical in many of our eyes, but that is because we use reason as one of our priorities. Even some of the people who believe in a higher power on this board use a sort of reason, and most don't try to force their own reason on others unlike some believers. The problem is that a lot of people don't like reason, they don't consider it a high priority because they want quick answers to life, something nice easy and handed down. The only way to cater to these people is to proselytize as the fundamentalists do, and I personally wouldn't want to stoop to their level.

I don't think atheists/agnostics/deists/freethinkers/etc. will improve their numbers at all. The point that we have to do now is to make the believers respect our rights to our opinions, that I think can be done, but it will take time.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:00 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Adrammalech
But seriously, deconverting the world is an impossible task.
True, of course... but it's fun to think about.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:02 PM   #5
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I guess my fear is that if we don't increase our numbers, our numbers will eventually decrease to the point that there are none of us left, or, to the point that there aren't enough of us left for anyone to care when they line us up and shoot us. Maybe that's an exaggeration. But I would like it to be so obviously an exaggeration that I wouldn't have to mention that it's an exaggeration.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:05 PM   #6
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Perhaps Christians would trust you more if you weren't attempting to eliminate religion.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:08 PM   #7
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Originally posted by Division By Zero
True, of course... but it's fun to think about.
That is it. We could all go on Atheist camping trips and sing songs around the fire...

OH! There ain't no God in me!
Oh, there ain't no God in me!
Humanity, just let it be!
'Cause there ain't no God in me!

Everybody used to love him.
Everybody used to praise him.
But that idea is outta their head!
'Cause we all know that God is dead!
We all know that... God! is! Deeeeeead!
Old 07-27-2003, 08:13 PM   #8
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Originally posted by Godless Wonder
I guess my fear is that if we don't increase our numbers, our numbers will eventually decrease to the point that there are none of us left, or, to the point that there aren't enough of us left for anyone to care when they line us up and shoot us. Maybe that's an exaggeration. But I would like it to be so obviously an exaggeration that I wouldn't have to mention that it's an exaggeration.
We do not need to actively deconvert people like christians need to actively convert people. As science and logical thinking matures people will deconvert themselves. It is the beauty of the whole thing.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:15 PM   #9
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Originally posted by notMichaelJackson
Perhaps Christians would trust you more if you weren't attempting to eliminate religion.
Ok. I'm trying to eliminate superstition. (but religion is superstition.)

I don't want superstitious christians to trust me. I want them to stop being superstitious christians because they realize their superstitious beliefs make no sense. I know the futility of arguing with superstitious christians. As soon as you try to use reason, you are already on the wrong path according to them. I'm not saying what should be done. I'm asking what should be done. If you're a superstitious christian, there's probably nothing you can tell me, because you are locked inside your mental straitjacket.

I suspect there is simply NOTHING that can be done, except to sit back and endure the insanity I'm sure this is the kind of frustration that drove L. Ron Hubbard to invent scientology.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:16 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Godless Wonder
I guess my fear is that if we don't increase our numbers, our numbers will eventually decrease to the point that there are none of us left, or, to the point that there aren't enough of us left for anyone to care when they line us up and shoot us. Maybe that's an exaggeration. But I would like it to be so obviously an exaggeration that I wouldn't have to mention that it's an exaggeration.
I can't speak for everyone here, but I came to Atheism independently of anyone else. It is basically something that I concluded on my own, and only then did I actually meet other people who didn't believe. There will always be people who come to the realization that God doesn't exist. Even if the rest of us were wiped off the planet and the only influences on people were theistic there would still be those who question the theists and eventually shed religion.

If theists decided to up and kill us, there really isn't much we can do about now, so having fewer of us really wouldn't change things much. I seriously doubt that theists will decide to kill any of us no matter how few there are, so I see no reason to worry about this.

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