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Old 02-23-2003, 07:51 AM   #31
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Originally posted by Infinity Lover
If everything happens for a reason, there also has to be a reason why there doesn't seem to be a reason for so many things that happen.
Theres a reason why everything happens. The simple and obvious reasons are constantly being overlooked or ignored while people continue to ponder "Gods plan".
It`s impossible to find reasons or inswers in something that doesn`t even exist.
It`s like with the kids suicide and the parents asking "Why"? The kid was depressed and depressed people are prone to suicide. Case closed.

For me purpose is found in what we make of life, not in how it ends up getting destroyed. Every death that doesn't teach us to honour life is in vain.
I agree although this has nothing to do with my original questions.

I prefer to find continuity and comon ground between believers and non-believers, rather than division. I hope both points of view can agree, that the problem's never what some 'god' failed to do, but what we fail to learn.
It sure must be nice to sit back and say that from the Netherlands. Come live here for a few years and see if you still feel like singing the same hand holding tune about unity.
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:08 AM   #32
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Originally posted by Magus55
God isn't protecting America - why would he protect America and no where else? He doesn't take sounds between countries.

Those tragic events are not God's fault - They are natural consequences of the fall of humanity and Satan.

Amazing how much people love to blame God for your own failures. Humans choose to reject God - suffer the consequences of that choice. God gave us Free will, bad things happen because of it.
Then I trust then that when Christians say that God watches over us that is what he does -- just watches.
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:11 AM   #33
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Aren`t we all supposably praying for his protection and blessings?
No, that was the point.

In the 70's and 80's I used to intercede quite a bit for gang problems. After a couple years of praying, the gangs got together and made peace and the problems nearly stopped.

But there's a big problem. Nobody thanked God. I doubted it was my prayers. A few weeks after the peacemaking meetings, almost everybody forgot about it.

Here's how the world works: We get into deep crap before we ever pray. We pray and things get better. Very few people thank God and virtually all of them wonder if it would have happened anyway. When times are good, even the Christians forget God.

Skeptics of all people should agree with that assessment. It's not like good times make them run to church, is it?

If I were God, I would be frustrated to the point of doing nothing. He's more forgiving than that. And if you were God and nobody believed or prayed or thanked you until they got into trouble and you bailed them out, you would do what?

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Old 02-23-2003, 09:16 AM   #34
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Originally posted by Radorth
No, that was the point.

If I were God, I would be frustrated to the point of doing nothing. He's more forgiving than that. And if you were God and nobody believed or prayed or thanked you until they got into trouble and you bailed them out, you would do what?

Do a better job than I'm currently doing. Of course, there's always the possibility that I don't exist, but it's better for believers to discount that.
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:51 AM   #35
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Originally posted by Radorth
No, that was the point.

In the 70's and 80's I used to intercede quite a bit for gang problems. After a couple years of praying, the gangs got together and made peace and the problems nearly stopped.

But there's a big problem. Nobody thanked God. I doubted it was my prayers. A few weeks after the peacemaking meetings, almost everybody forgot about it.
So you prayed,gangs stopped fighting,nobody bothered to thank God for responding to the prayers so God said "fuck all y`all' and undid the magic that had made the gangs stop fighting?

Here's how the world works: We get into deep crap before we ever pray. We pray and things get better. Very few people thank God and virtually all of them wonder if it would have happened anyway. When times are good, even the Christians forget God.
So millions of Christians all over the world only start praying when they get get in deep crap and God not only requires begging and pleading on your knees,but gets pissed and takes it all back if you forget to send him a thank you card?
How come people are constantly using the expression "thank God" after everything from surviving a plane crash to finding their car keys under the couch? God almost always gets all the thanks and credit whenever anything good happens to us.
I suppose now you`ll tell me that none of these people really mean it when say say "thank god"?

I think it would benefit us all if you would keep your ideas about how the world works to yourself.

Skeptics of all people should agree with that assessment. It's not like good times make them run to church, is it?
I can`t speak for your "skeptics",but as an atheist I see no reason to go to church during good times or bad.

If I were God, I would be frustrated to the point of doing nothing. He's more forgiving than that. And if you were God and nobody believed or prayed or thanked you until they got into trouble and you bailed them out, you would do what?
I don`t speculate what I`d do if I were an imaginary entity.
And I don`t agree with you about how nobody is praying. People all over the world are constantly praying for themselves,other people and for the sake of the world in general regardless of if YOU think they are doing it right or not.

AND these people doing the praying make up at least 80% of the population. Are you going to tell me that your God is mad at YOU because I and a few others don`t believe and don`t pray?
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Old 02-23-2003, 10:16 AM   #36
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Default Re: Re: Re: Is God against America?

Originally posted by Fenton Mulley
So it is God who causes bad shit? I thought Amie was just telling us that "shit happens" on it`s own,but now you`re talking about "Gods wrath".

Moral: How can you expect me to believe you when you guys (Christians) can`t even get you answers straight?

So if being the most religious people doesn`t protect you from "Gods wrath" whats the point of all the prayer breakfasts,national days of prayer and general daily religious overkill in this country?
Whether you call it wrath or discipline depends on the way you take it. If you are a believer, you'll regard "bad things" as discipline, to help you get back on the right path. If you are a pagan, bad things will only make your anger against God even more pronounced.
There is a distinction to be drawn between being religious and obeying God. I know in the US, there are many religious people. But I also know that in the US, many of those religious people hold views diametrically opposed to my own, and those of the bible.

So being religious constitutes hypcocrisy, unless your outward form is a true reflection of spiritual religion.
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Old 02-23-2003, 10:25 AM   #37
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Originally posted by Magus55
Those tragic events are not God's fault - They are natural consequences of the fall of humanity and Satan.
Amazing how much people love to blame God for your own failures.

Far less amazing than the fact people actually believe angels and demons are floating around somewhere, controlling everything.

Anyway, that god has lifted his veil of protection from America is all the fault of people like this guy.
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Old 02-23-2003, 10:28 AM   #38
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Is God against America?

Originally posted by Old Man
Whether you call it wrath or discipline depends on the way you take it. If you are a believer, you'll regard "bad things" as discipline, to help you get back on the right path. If you are a pagan, bad things will only make your anger against God even more pronounced.
Pagan? Who`s talking about Pagans and since when are they angry at god(s)?
Your response sounds more like Christian hatred and arrogance than anything else.

There is a distinction to be drawn between being religious and obeying God. I know in the US, there are many religious people. But I also know that in the US, many of those religious people hold views diametrically opposed to my own, and those of the bible.
So says you.

So being religious constitutes hypcocrisy, unless your outward form is a true reflection of spiritual religion.
So the bulk of people calling themselves "Christians" are not pulling their own weight and just riding on the coat tails of a few REAL Christians like yourself?
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Old 02-23-2003, 10:43 AM   #39
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is God against America?

Originally posted by Fenton Mulley
Pagan? Who`s talking about Pagans and since when are they angry at god(s)?
Your response sounds more like Christian hatred and arrogance than anything else.
The world has much to be grateful to the US for, such as being the world's largest exporter of pornography - a multi billion dollar enterprise I read in a news item.

And then they ask, why should God hate the US? - bizarre. (Heard what God did to the Moabites who led israel into sexual immorality? God does not show favortism Rom 2;11).

So says you.
So says Christ.

So the bulk of people calling themselves "Christians" are not pulling their own weight and just riding on the coat tails of a few REAL Christians like yourself? [/B]
Judge for yourself, how many of the 77% of the population of the US (who call themselves Christian) actually obey the bible.
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Old 02-23-2003, 10:48 AM   #40
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is God against America?

Originally posted by Old Man
Judge for yourself, how many of the 77% of the population of the US (who call themselves Christian) actually obey the bible.
I actually agree with you on this point.
You sound like the type of guy who really follows the bible. When was the last time you stoned someone to death?
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