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Old 03-01-2003, 09:48 PM   #21
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Default Re: Hah ha ha ha!

Originally posted by Robinsin

Let me start by saying I lived a life of terrible sin, no sign of God as far as I knew? My Mother was married 3 times, My Father 5 when I moved out on my own at 16. I was a special child - very capable from athletic stock. I did well in sports excelling in football, rugby and lacrosse as well as many others. I virtually received straight A's throughout school, without much effort. In high school, I was on the honour roll, living on my own, holding 3 jobs (part-time), drinking, whoring and selling drugs to high school peers. I was in the "in" group due to my status in life (mainly my sports car and apartment) and I was in the "geek" group because most of my subjects were high academic - Everyone thought I should become a Doctor - so I was taking the courses.
Life of a heathen, none the less - ended up graduating, getting some lousy labor jobs, selling more drugs (good $$$), getting married and having kids. After my Divorce (go figure) got tired of working for idiots who knew less than I did, I went back to College and got my Engineering. (Sold drugs then to).
College brought out the best in me academically - I became top student without much effort at all- A lot of it had to do with manipulating people/profs - believe it or not?

To the point....
Upon graduating, I became very successful in my career and things started to change for me - for the better. I was soon remarried to my current wife (very happily married) and we had more children (5 in total); Eventually owned and operated my own multi-million dollar company, had $100,000's invested in the stock market, Porsche in the driveway, a beautiful custom built home with 24 rooms and the nicest liquor cabinet/bar I've ever seen (for entertaining), we had over 30 revenue properties paying us rent, a mortgage company that loaned people money for high interest rates, and at age 30 I had over One Million Dollars CASH in the bank and was drug free for over 7 years (selling or using).
This is either a very interesting introduction, or a very protracted way of witnessing.

In any case, it is good to see that you are not a one time hit and run type of guy.

So, since you are here, and since I have nothing else to do this beautiful Saturday night, let me ask you, what are you hoping to accomplish by visiting and posting at this fine BB?

And let me warn you as well, witnessing goes not very far here. Its a bad, bad tactic if you want to discuss something.

A lot of people here are x-theists, mostly of the xtian flavor. Myself included.

Many of us have read and meditated on the bible. And many of are quite well versed in biblical archeology (myself NOT included in that one).

Are you an inerrentist? I ask because it is crucial to have some sort of starting point when discussing things with new theists that drop in.

Well, have fun here, and try not to get into too much trouble.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:02 PM   #22
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Thumbs down Nah.

Anyone who boasts so shamelessly about his material wealth whilst at the same time trumpeting the virtues of evangelical Christianity is up to something fishy.

Sorry, Robinsin. Clever username, but you had no credibility to begin with, and you have even less now.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:09 PM   #23
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I tend to agree Philosoft. When someone goes into specifics of what they earn/own my first thought is "Bullshit". If someone simply says something like "I was a sinner and my life was shitty, I was poor, etc. but since I found Jesus my life has improved, I have a good job/income, live well, etc." I'm far more likely to believe them.

Even if they are telling the truth, fact is who here gives a damn what they own/earn? No-one, that's who. Spouting off about how rich you are is, frankly, a sign of insecurity. What does one who's found Jeebus have to be so insecure about I ask you?
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:18 PM   #24
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Default Re: God Bless YOU!!!!

Originally posted by Robinsin

God Bless You!
No thanks, the last thing I need is a blessing from a blood thirsty, revenge driven, "loving," mythical sky fairy.

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Old 03-01-2003, 10:20 PM   #25
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Maybe he is not really an xtian at all but one of those pep talk seminar guys who has a book to sell.

Anyway, here is MY story. I make $1035 a month, live in an apartment with two cats, and work in a lab as a graduate student. I also have two hats.

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Old 03-01-2003, 10:21 PM   #26
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So! At age 30 I was accomplished - never borrowed a penny from a friend or relative - at age 23, after living on my own for 7 years already - Decided to go for the brass ring.

From age 30 to 35 life continued to become more and more successful in the business world. I rose to political postitions, supported charities and functions, helped many, many people (always seemed to be financial help they'd need), operated several companies as President. Volunteered for many things, here and there. Playing the game, so to speak.

I was hooked on reading, books like "Trump", Iaacoca, success, success. Started to buy every success cassette program available, reading, listening, learning. Part of my success was my "high retention" ability. I could read something once and retain it forever, it seemed.

You'd never guess? With all that success, there was something missing - an emptyness that couldn't be filled. I had a beautiful wife and family, played sports, worked hard and was successful, tons of friends, etc. etc. - But something was missing?
Now get this straight - there was no mistaking me for a Christian, I looked upon Christian people as weak - requiring that crutch and all that. They pretty much stayed clear of me - afterall I had an opinion on everything and anything - if I didn't I'd go and get one (library, computer, etc). I had no mentor as I knew no one of equal success personally.

Through a new business venture - where there was the potential to make millions; I became associated with some Christian men. These men where different - true men of Character, they walked the talk, say to speak. These guys wanted to pray over breakfast - but not with me present; they'd ask if I would mind and I said, "yes I would!" I would ask them, "Do I gotta be a freakin' Christian to do business with you guys or what?" They'd say "no,no". Keep that crap to yourself!
I'm 6'4", blonde haired (now grey), 240 Lb Irishman and been known to punch first, ask questions later if the matter recons it? So most people just didn't mess with me - I knew it and could care less. (Just painting the picture)

Then one afternoon, a bunch of us where standing around shootin' the breeze after a grueling business meeting/morning - and the topic came up again. "ReLiGion" Oh gawd! I put in my 2 cents when this gutsy man spoke up and said, "What was it that you didn't believe about the Bible when you read it?" I hadn't. No big deal, No fear. I just told him that I hadn't read it, so there. He rebuttled by, " Oh an opinion based on ignorance and not knowledge - I see?" and it was over and done with.

Well, this particular guy, I'd heard was like a back-up preacher at his small town church and he was not a man of many resources. In fact I'd recently loaned him about $20,000 to see if we could keep him out of bankruptcy - he was close to being broke. The next day he showed up in my office with a gold leafed study Bible that has my name engraved on it, also in gold. He said some things are worth more than money (or something like that) and he softly presented some ideas to me, very distant and non-threating manner... I accepted his gift, knowing damn well he probably didn't have lunch money.

I became a "student" - non-believing, prove it to me, let's get this done and over with, where is He? I didn't go to one Church meeting, or listen to one guy preach. I just listen to them and then I'd say, "where can I find that in the Bible" and I'd go study for myself. I was taught about the power of prayer, and read up on that too; so I was praying - daily. (I actually prayed for my stocks to double - true story).

My wife was watching me read the Bible almost daily, I prayed only alone, usually out in my hot tub under the stars. Prayed, read the Bible and talked to Christian men for about a year. I still wasn't convinced, but I was a good student. I decided I was going to attend this big Church service that was coming up in my area. Some of the Christian men had been trying to get me to Church, but I wouldn't. I'd decided I was going to this service and no one knew, I just heard about it. We were up really late with friends on the Saturday night, our kids were at Grandmas house and I got up Sunday morning - it was early for us. (Probably another reason for not going to Church - we got up at the crack of noon on Sundays) I was about to sneak off to Church and my wife woke up. She said where are you going? She knew I was thinking about it and said, "I'm coming". She was in bed and I had my suit on. This women takes an hour to get ready to go out. I said, "I'm leaving in 15 minutes flat, cause I'm not gonna be late" She was ready in 10???? Now what's up with that - that was not like her. She hadn't even opened a Bible to this date.
I attended the Church and sat at the very back and listened. At the end of the service they did an alter call - asking believers to state their faith in public. I had no preconceived notion of ever doing anything like this. I was literally ripped out of my seat. I stated the sinners prayer in front of a huge service with many others. I went back to my wife, who was in tears (In her mind I'd lost it)
I left the Church with full intention of getting outa there... back home; and the very next person I run into outside, was the guy who gave me the Bible. I lost it and broke down - I'd been saved that morning!
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:23 PM   #27
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Its an infomercial.

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Old 03-01-2003, 10:37 PM   #28
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Okay, Robinsin. You now tell us your incredible business success came before your Christian rebirth. Why do you feel this is important to your conversion story? Are you just boastfully running your mouth or do you believe God bestowed financial windfall upon you in order to effect your conversion?
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:38 PM   #29
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Originally posted by Robinsin:
I left the Church with full intention of getting outa there... back home; and the very next person I run into outside, was the guy who gave me the Bible. I lost it and broke down - I'd been saved that morning!
Wow, that's amazing! Halleluia! I am, I was wrong.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:40 PM   #30
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Default Just the beginning.......

This was only the beginning....... that year 30 of my close and personal friends became Christians and I became an evangulist under my own steam and terms.

I went to a business conference once and one of the keynote speakers was a Preacher; I was reading the Bible at that time and thought, I'm gonna go for that one and did. I prayed, "God give me some insight this evening - maybe I'll get a little closer to ya with a good talk"

The guy spoke for what seemed like forever, I was totally put off! He talked about God this and God that and he was not suppose to speak about Religion, it was right in the brochure! What really got me was at the end he said, "now according to the guidelines of this business format, I'm not suppose to talk about politics or religion - hah, only the two most important things that can affect a business! You know what the sad part is, I haven't spoke about Religion once tonight and some of you don't even know that?" Whaaaaat!!!! That stuck me like a sword. What on earth was this nut talking about.

It took me awhile to get that one. Now I know. Do you? Belief in God, Love of God, God's Love for you..... it's all a personal relationship between you and Him. Period, end of story. Religion on the most part is man-made. Baptist, Catholics, Mormons, etc. etc. Religion!

Politics and Religion - that's what wars are fought over. This is very serious stuff. Very serious.

Don't look at me or them and justify why you don't have a relationship with God. It's between you and Him. He's not going to say, "well in comparison to Joe, your about a C+). You and Him baby, that's it. A relationship with God can be very simple and easy. It all starts with my original post. Ask Him, He is already knocking on your door, just open it! Forget your choir boy memories, the pastor that did this or that, the religous guy who swore at you, whatever it is that man did or does to turn you away - man is full of sin! I am a sinner, saved only by the Grace of God.

Now, if you believe in God, then you automatically believe in satan. he too is real. satan won't attack couch patatoes, men and women who'll never do anything with their lives. sometimes satan can even provide a comfortable status, just to keep you on the sidelines and out of the game. Your faith will be tested, satan doesn't want you to believe in God.

There is a book series published called the "Left Behind Series", start with book no.1 and read it. It is in a very good story format and uncovers many of the things that life is all about.

I'll be back, if you'll have me?

Good-night and God Bless You All.
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