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Old 03-21-2003, 09:02 AM   #211
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Originally posted by Amie
you guys they deleted my thread over at CF
...go figure...
Tis okay,,,

I'll start a thread questioning why so many threads
are deleted/locked/edited in comparison to this board..

we'll see where that leads..

It will have to be Monday though...

Unfortunately, work has me busier than a one-legged man at an ass kickin contest...

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Old 03-21-2003, 09:04 AM   #212
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Default Re: Re: The Christian Forums Outcast Thread

Originally posted by Sauron
And don't even get me started on Louis "Bullshit" Booth.
Thanks I read that while eating lunch and spewed sweet tea on the guy next door... NOW he's pissed.... BAHAHAHHAHAHH
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Old 03-21-2003, 09:08 AM   #213
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Originally posted by Sauron

I want in on this!

Hell, this is just like D&D - let's create characters! Gotta get extra constitution points, though. Getting mobbed by mindless fundibots is a +2 attack.

You're in on the overthrow plot...
Check out Brimshacks, Anna's, and my characters and make one up to fit in...

Once the stage is set.. outta make for one hell uva comedic night...

(don't try IslamicFundamentalist... that guy lasted all of 5 minutes)
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Old 03-21-2003, 10:48 AM   #214
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Annabel, I like perfume smelling notes as much as the next guy Annabel, but too much smears the ink, and that's how I wound up in Freehold, Iowa instead of getting on the freeway toward the airport. And the time before that, you printed the directions on the back of a map of the midwest. Did you know that? Now my spring break is all used up, and I never got to see you. (Sigh!)

Wow, I owe Marcel a big thank you. Thank you.

…and Sauron, you won't need any con points since you are obviously the evil arch-mage. Just hang in the back and cast the decisive spells. Let a an expendable old orc hold the line for you; that's what were here for.
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Old 03-21-2003, 11:37 AM   #215
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Brim, I just think you're "Direction Challenged".

Okay, I'm on my way to Freehold, Iowa as we speak. I'm having tea at Sister Bunny's house.

Look at that van that just drove by, it says..Landover Stoning Committee on the side.
Oh Damn.
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Old 03-21-2003, 12:57 PM   #216
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Originally posted by Smilin
yep,, I sure know how to flushe me out...

like cockroaches flying out of the woodwork...

Sauron.. you used to be on CF... you get banned too?
I was banned for a month - one of the meathead moderators couldn't figure out that when I said "nutcase fundamentalist" I was referring to bin Laden.

I'm back there now. eldermike keeps shutting down anti-war threads I start, because he doesn't want to allow "people with an agenda" to run the discussion.

He does that, while leaving open all the pro-war and pro-Bush threads. And the double standard totally escapes him. Must be all that christian training.
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Old 03-21-2003, 01:29 PM   #217
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I just left CF for good after this exchange

Today at 08:39 AM Francie said this in Post #11

you are so hypocritical, where are you when millions of unborn babies are slaughtered in american clinics because women don't take the consequences for their behavior!abortion is nothing but murder! animals have more rights than babies in america!If all you war protesters really cared about human rights there would be no homeless in america. or abortion, or kids starving in our own country or kids being abused so much ! it is the liberal stance in America that has broken down the moral fiber of our great country!God BLESS president BUSH ! GOD BLESS AMERICA! AND GOD BLESS THE INNOCENT PEOPLE IN IRAC , BUSH IS DOING THE RIGHT THING! CHRISTIANS LET"S TAKE AMERICA BACK!LET"S stand up for our christian beleifs and moral values!

LadyShea replied
This is the kind of sickening stupidity that drives thinking people away from Christianity and these boards and I am leaving. Over 80% of Americans are CHRISTIAN, approximately 90% of lawmakers and politicians are CHRISTIAN, over 80% of prison inmates (murderers child abusers rapists) are CHRISTIAN...YOU are the majority so if there are problems the majority needs to take responsibility for them not blame the less than 15% of us who are non-religious.
Hateful group of people over there and I am through with them...they make me sick

HOLY SHIT I just caught a few things there I had this an atheist troll? Does anyone know Francie and is she for real or is she playing fundie?
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Old 03-21-2003, 01:30 PM   #218
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Originally posted by Smilin
Can we charge a 'cover charge' as well?

Of course Annabelle gets in free..

I know there's more CF members here as well...
I'm waiting for them all to flush out...
Well I only just found this topic so - hey all.
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Old 03-21-2003, 01:33 PM   #219
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Damn!! Damn!! Damnn!

I just got off the plane in California! Damn! …DAMN!!!

(Good luck Sauron. I really don't think CF is worth the effort right now. The recent double standard is blatant. Erwin used to ensure that we were treated fairly, at least he tried. Reading some of the more recent statements, it is clear that the moderators no longer feel obligated to treat the unbelievers with any semblance of decency. Having lost all respect for the site, I'm inclined to think it's best I just stay away.)
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Old 03-21-2003, 01:40 PM   #220
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Yeah, what pisses me off, is that we are expected to respond to posts like the one you just described Ladyshea without the slightest suggestion that the poster is doing anything wrong. I.e., we must remain on the defensive, and if we plead politely enough, some of them might condescend to allow that we aren't all bad people, not completely anyway. That's why I always say it isn't about tolerance. I'm not satisfied when some right wing mutherfucker decides to TOLERATE me. The point is they are wrong on all of these offensives, dead wrong. I simply won't grant the moral high ground to those fascist bastards. And if they want a reasonable argument, then they can do it without the sweeping condemnations and pre-emptive attacks. But anymore, you cannot argue a forthright case, you have to beg for respect over there, or you're being the bad guy. Absolutely Disgusting!

Hi Chickenfingers …er, I mean Crazyfingers.
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