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Old 05-21-2003, 10:02 AM   #211
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Strangely enough Muffin---and I am sure you know this quite well and Ronin has not a clue----------

Prayer does work.

I don't know why. But I'll take it. If Ronin tried it, I have a funny feeling it would work for him too.

But, somehow I doubt that he will try it.

You do not know what you are missing out on Ronin.
My mother was a Roman Catholic grandmother, the daughter of a Euchee warrior shaman.

I am a police officer and a violent crimes detective.

I've held dying infants in my arms...and tried everything from prayer to a lucky rabbit's foot.

Your nonsensical supernaturalistic hocum is pure bullshit...and, I assert, that you know it.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:05 AM   #212
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Originally posted by Ronin
I will remain. The universe is eternal. I enjoy your company.
You enjoy the company of one who is 'rapidly losing credibility?' How is that? Let me go down to the very bottom part. My ORIGINAL post was as follows:

Not a month ago, my wife's aunt stuck herself with a needle filled with, and was found positive for, Hepatitis C. On top of that, she was pregnant. She got the runaround from the doctors, and so on and so forth, because none of them would touch her with a 10 foot pole because of the situation.

Well, one day my wife was watching CBN and Pat Robertson (whom I'm sure everyone here has the UTMOST respect for ), and when they prayed, she prayed for her aunt. Pat then said "I don't know who, but someone out there has had their blood infected. (I forget the exact words.) I want you to know that Jesus can and has healed you." I said "Well, that's cool, but, well, let's see what happens." I'm not one of those to just believe that miracles happen all the time.

Well, I'll be danged if we didn't call her the next day, and she found out that somehow the Hepatitis was GONE from the bloodstream. A miracle? Maybe, maybe not. You can figure out what I believe. But there are still and will still be people who could hear of miracles all day long and would not believe in them in the least.
Let me say right now that if I had said, right up front, "I should point out that I am getting this story secondhand, from my wife" it might make everyone here feel a little better. Anyways, continuing on. You said:

So you are confirming for us that without any real intervention at all your Aunt was *cured* of such a devastating disease as Hep C via a television set?

Perhaps you should investigate for yourself exactly how this incident occurred prior to making such a recommendation for others to emulate.

Are you now recanting your assessment of the event you proposed by implication?

You are rapidly losing credibility here, Muffinstuffer.
First things first. It is obvious that I should have said "This story comes from my wife, and is secondhand information...I will have to go back and verify that it is 100% correct." However, my intention was NOT to say it DEFINITELY was a miracle, because my ORIGINAL POST said, and again I quote,

A miracle? Maybe, maybe not.
Second, I'm not 'recanting.' I'm admitting that it is indeed possible that the information I have is wrong. I'm saying that the story came secondhand, from my wife, and as such, there is definitely the possibility for error, and I will have no problem saying so if there has been.

But the entire point of my post was NOT to advocate prayer ONLY as a remedy for sickness, nor was it to say "This is definitely a miracle, y'all! I know it for sure" because I SAID "Maybe, maybe not" in the ORIGINAL POST. My original point was to say that there are those who could receive 100% proof that there was no REAL means (as opposed to spiritual or whatever) by which one was healed, and would STILL find a way to NOT attribute it to a miracle. That was, essentially, the last sentence of my original post concerning the whole Hep-C episode.

If I ever do not have all the facts correct, or am mistaken, or misspeak, I sincerely apologize, and I affirm here and now that I will make every effort to obtain as much evidence and proof as I can concerning things like this in the future. But I would ask that people not rush to put words in my mouth.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:06 AM   #213
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Originally posted by Ronin Your nonsensical supernaturalistic hocum is pure bullshit...and, I assert, that you know it.
Yeah, we know what we believe is total bull$h!t. But we believe in it because it is just so much FUN.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:09 AM   #214
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Yeah, we know what we believe is total bull$h!t. But we believe in it because it is just so much FUN.
Dying isn't fun, suffering needlessly based upon some fairy tale isn't fun...especially when there are real medical doctors about.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:12 AM   #215
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Originally posted by Ronin
Dying isn't fun, suffering needlessly based upon some fairy tale isn't fun...especially when there are real medical doctors about.
Argh. Argh, I say! :banghead:

I refer you once again to a comment I posted above:

Did I say ANYWHERE within my post that I think praying through a television set for an intervention is preferable to real medical treatment? I said that my wife prayed when they had the prayer time on CBN, and that she said something concerning blood infections and that it was healed by Jesus, and that the next day my wife's aunt found out she was negative. Somewhere else on this very same board, it was I who said, in response to a post about someone who just 'prayed' for themselves to be healed, "I think that some people don't realize that maybe God put doctors on this earth to HEAL PEOPLE."
Let me make this clear. While I believe that Christians are CALLED to pray, and while YES, I DO believe that prayer ALONE can heal, I do NOT believe that we should NOT take people who are sick to doctors to seek medical advice, because I believe that's what doctors are HERE FOR.

PLEASE tell me you see me typing this.

*throws arms wide and screams "I like doctors! I really do!"*

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Old 05-21-2003, 10:23 AM   #216
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You enjoy the company of one who is 'rapidly losing credibility?' How is that? Let me go down to the very bottom part.
I enjoy your company because you have remained, that means that you are reading my least briefly...and that is a good thing.

Let me say right now that if I had said, right up front, "I should point out that I am getting this story secondhand, from my wife" it might make everyone here feel a little better.
Do you not find your wife trustworthy?

Why propose something, of which you were not certain, to support your supernaturalistic point?

First things first. It is obvious that I should have said "This story comes from my wife, and is secondhand information...I will have to go back and verify that it is 100% correct." However, my intention was NOT to say it DEFINITELY was a miracle, because my ORIGINAL POST said, and again I quote,
So, then you do now state, specifically, that this was not a confirmed miracle or to be taken even as implied evidence that such a miracle took place?

Second, I'm not 'recanting.' I'm admitting that it is indeed possible that the information I have is wrong. I'm saying that the story came secondhand, from my wife, and as such, there is definitely the possibility for error, and I will have no problem saying so if there has been.
Excellent. The you have shown us that you can be deceptive and then fully explanatory only upon rational examination.

That is what Christianity is all about...this sort of implied crap.

Welcome to truth.

But the entire point of my post was NOT to advocate prayer ONLY as a remedy for sickness, nor was it to say "This is definitely a miracle, y'all! I know it for sure" because I SAID "Maybe, maybe not" in the ORIGINAL POST. My original point was to say that there are those who could receive 100% proof that there was no REAL means (as opposed to spiritual or whatever) by which one was healed, and would STILL find a way to NOT attribute it to a miracle. That was, essentially, the last sentence of my original post concerning the whole Hep-C episode.
But it is only now revealed as an implied and unverifiable piece of bullshit, therefore, not valid in anyone's mind except the credulous ( "credulity" me, it'll help you).

If I ever do not have all the facts correct, or am mistaken, or misspeak, I sincerely apologize, and I affirm here and now that I will make every effort to obtain as much evidence and proof as I can concerning things like this in the future. But I would ask that people not rush to put words in my mouth.
You put the words out in the most deceptive of ways and were called on it.

Seek out the truth and don't take any of us for fools or Christians...we expect more accountability than your dreamworld.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:27 AM   #217
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Let me make this clear. While I believe that Christians are CALLED to pray, and while YES, I DO believe that prayer ALONE can heal, I do NOT believe that we should NOT take people who are sick to doctors to seek medical advice, because I believe that's what doctors are HERE FOR.

PLEASE tell me you see me typing this.

*throws arms wide and screams "I like doctors! I really do!"*
If you DO believe prayer ALONE can heal, Muffinstuffer, then WHY take the sick and suffering to real medical doctors?

Is your Christian mindsnare so tight that you can not perceive this contradiction?
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:35 AM   #218
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Originally posted by Ronin
If Christ, in fact, said "I came not to bring peace but a sword," it is
the only prophecy in the New Testament that has been literally fulfilled.
There's corollaries to that one too of course:

And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. Mt 10:21

And let's get the whole prophesy in there too, because it's definitely relevant:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Mt 10:34-37

Oh so true!

And of course we all know there's more too:

And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. Mt 19:29

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children,and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Lk 14:26

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Mt 10:14-15

Oh and what a wonderful impact this has had on peace and civility throughout history:

He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Mt 12:30

Yeah, history sure shows what Jesus and the NT has done towards peace and tolerance.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:42 AM   #219
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Originally posted by Ronin
I enjoy your company because you have remained, that means that you are reading my least briefly...and that is a good thing.
Yes, I am reading your posts, and as I have said, short of someone flat out telling me to get lost, I will remain.

I will address these next posts together.

Do you not find your wife trustworthy?

Why propose something, of which you were not certain, to support your supernaturalistic point?

So, then you do now state, specifically, that this was not a confirmed miracle or to be taken even as implied evidence that such a miracle took place?

Excellent. The you have shown us that you can be deceptive and then fully explanatory only upon rational examination.

That is what Christianity is all about...this sort of implied crap.

Welcome to truth.

But it is only now revealed as an implied and unverifiable piece of bullshit, therefore, not valid in anyone's mind except the credulous ( "credulity" me, it'll help you).

You put the words out in the most deceptive of ways and were called on it.

Seek out the truth and don't take any of us for fools or Christians...we expect more accountability than your dreamworld.
First, I do in fact find my wife trustworthy, but she does make mistakes. As do I.

Second, you're absolutely right. My original point was to illustrate NOT that miracles do not exist, or that we Christians can be sneakily deceptive, but that I could have 100% 'proof for a miracle' and it would not matter to some. But given the fact that I haven't confirmed/verified everything she has told me myself, it won't be much of an illustration if it is not 100% proven, will it? And for that I apologize. However.....

Third, I didn't come here intending to be deceptive. Think what you wish about me - I know that you will anyways - but my original point was not to prove to you the validity of the whole situation. It was to illustrate a point.

Fourth, how about showing the least bit of civility? Never once did I take you for a fool, nor anyone else here, and I hardly think that calling me deceptive or that saying Christianity is all about implied crap, or that any of the other comments about Christianity or myself are productive or positive in any way, shape or form. If you HONESTLY believe that I INTENDED to lie and deceive, then say so, and I'll apologize for making you think that, but I will not apologize for intentionally BEING deceptive, nor will I apologize for being a liar, becuase I intended to do neither.
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Old 05-21-2003, 10:45 AM   #220
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Thanks, brettc ~

I still await the reconciliation that even the most liberal of christians can provide given this primary source of Jesus' alleged perfect goodness.

My Christian friends...Sabine, Helen, seebs...please provide the connection.

Btw ~ I respect you as humans, but really do sincerely want you to provide a forthright answer.
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