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Old 11-21-2002, 03:02 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Egoinos:
<strong>That photograph was and is used deliberately. I've seen better photographs of Hindley, where she looks like a normal person. But they don't get shown because it is much more comfortable to us to demonise and de-humanise someone like her than to admit to the fact that she was as human as any of us.</strong>
The difference would be I've never sexually abused, tortured and/or murdered anyone. I know I know... I'm nitpicking again....
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Old 11-21-2002, 03:20 PM   #22
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Originally posted by sullster:
<strong>I know I brought this up in another thread, but you Brits did start a group called, "Alpha", which has come over here to the USA and is selling christianity.

I totally admit that the USA is awash with rabid theism, but you Brits act like you live in a country of atheists from one corner to the other. What about the Alpha group? Are they not true Englishmen or are they descendants of the children fathered by American soldiers during WW2?

Sometimes I tire of the British condescension on this issue. Especially considering that England rammed protestant christianity down the throats of all its colonial outposts. Now, England is atheist after infecting the world with theism. Oh, sure.

[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: sullster ]</strong>
No its not at all (has that been suggested?) its just Britain seems much more relaxed about religion. You do get preacher types singing the "glory of the lord" but they are looked upon with embaressment, candidates for a "care in the community" scheme.
Saying "I believe in god" is seen as the same as saying "I'm a gullible idiot".

As an aside I live in the East end of London and many saturday ago a jesus lover in the high street was shouting out to poeple Jesus loves us, etc. An Asian man walked up to them and shouted in their face "well Mohammed loves me".

Don't you love multicultural Britain.

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Old 11-21-2002, 04:03 PM   #23
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally posted by sullster:

... What about the Alpha group? Are they not true Englishmen or are they descendants of the children fathered by American soldiers during WW2?
Over here, over-paid, over-sexed and over Alpha ?

Especially considering that England rammed protestant christianity down the throats of all its colonial outposts.
Not really. The Puritan colonisation of England is portrayed as fleeing persecution; in reality, they simply weren't allowed to put into practice the nasty theocracy they wanted to, so they termed this "persecution" and went off to America.
The triumph of a more-or-less moderation throughout England (though not in Prodo Scotland) is one of the most-misrepresented and forgottten episodes in history, muchly because it fits in with the idea of future Americans fleeing nasty Europe.
On the whole, English missionarizing was fairly limited, and often at odds with English colonial authorities.

Now, England is atheist after infecting the world with theism. Oh, sure.
The English always did have a nasty underhanded habit of being in the right and not being afraid to say so, even if it did take them a few centuries to accomplish it....
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