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Old 08-28-2002, 10:46 PM   #1
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Post Arrogant Atheists


Goodday. I have come to you again for epxlaining the TRUTH About the ALL MIGHty GOD. You atheizers play all games all day and never be relised that you are dening GOD the FATHER SON HOLY GHOSt. so i will give you facts. Proff of GOD is all to be found in nature. The rule of 3 proves TRINITY. I will explain in 3 steps to miror truth of GOD.


STEP1) LOokj at snow! See how it is PURE and WHITE like robes of saints??? (Revelation 6:11 + 7:9 + 7:13) This is become snow is a METIFORE for PURITY like HOLY SPIRIT/. NOw is it a coinsidince that snow has 3 forms??? NO!!!!!! ONly a fool say so!!! snow can be ice or water or steam. Steam is HOLY GHOST form of snow. WATER is JESUS form of snow. ICe is FATHER of snow. THis importnat simbolizm. Even IT is obviouz thaat all things have theis 3 forms. See that ROCK can melt to lava and even then get hoter and make steam which is its final form. That this important simbol of 3 is presant in all of world profes it is not 'axident' of chance. Just like HOLY SPIRIT the truth of snow is sutle which is furthor prof of it. So Explaiin athiest why is 3 so Important in Nature???? Not axident!!! Try again!!!


STEP2) Now understand shrowd of turgin. Shrowd of turgin is JESUS proff. See that shrowd came from JESUS himself. KNow HIS BLOOD sanctyfyed it. Like JESUS shroud was dowted by NONBELIFERS. But it was later profen TRUE!!! SATANIC SCEINTIST tryed to lie that shrowd was fake. buT CHRISTIANS show that sceintist were wrong. There was germs on shrowd that made stupid sceince test of radiation go rong. NOW it is known fact that shrod of turgin is from JESUS time. This lie about shrowd was its CRUCIFICTION just like JESUS was CRUCIFIED. THEN shrowd was Burnd in fire. This syumbolize when JESUS go to hell to preach to UNSAVED. AFter that JESUS rose again from DEAD and DEfeated death. Shrod of turgid also rose again. IT defeatd fire and lies of sceintist. How explan symbolizm and truth of shrowd atheists??? How explane it age and way It cant be made by HUMANs even TODAY???


STEP3) NNow I prof GOD THE FATHER. SEe that earth it self is proff of FATER GOD. EARTH and UNIVERS are big nad huge. This Bigness suymbolize the FATHER who is BIGest part of TRINITY. importrant to knkow abot this symble. Atheist say univers jump out of dark hole in space. STUPID!!!! I neber see this happon. DID you???? No Planet and SUN dont shot out of dark holes. THEY Must be CREHATED by GOD!!! if You Athiest say NO then YOU must SHOW ME planet or sun coming out of dark hole!!! TO much zorkification!!!! CAN You Do it???


SO there it is! Prof of GOD by CREATION itself. Proff is evreywere! CANNOT Miss it unles You lie to self!!! OK will you MASTER ATHIESTS axcept my profs and converT??? Or do You prafer HELLFIRE??? Go Ahead see if you can trik your way out of my points!!!! You never will becase GODS truth is ETERNAL!!!!!!!!!

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Old 08-28-2002, 10:56 PM   #2
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Wow, your poor spelling, useless OOOing and circumstantial evidence have shown us LITTLE more proof than any other redneck Christian has shown us.

Please...give us something more than a little bit of pathetic Jewish mysticism mixed with poor grammer (showing your obvious lack of education, intelligence or social class).

Arrogant? Maybe slightly...but not as arrogant as your belief that you will LIVE FOREVER.

It's pretty "arrogant" to believe God has chosen YOU for eternal life!

The irony is too thick to swallow.
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Old 08-29-2002, 12:57 AM   #3
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The earth is a big nad? Does that make us all pubic lice then?
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Old 08-29-2002, 01:00 AM   #4
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Well, this is probably a troll, but I guess it might be a kid. So I'll answer.

Do you think medieval saints had access to bleaches and washing products unavailable to the general population? If so, don't you think they were selfish not to share them? If not, then where did you get the notion that saints wore "pure white" robes?

Not all substances have 3 forms. Ever seen a flask of molten wood? Ever heard of plasma (a 4th state for any chemical element)? Ever heard of allotropes, like graphite and diamond (different solid forms of carbon)?

The Trinity was invented by Christian theologians centuries after the death of Jesus.

The Shroud of Turin is a medieval forgery. This has been proved. If the shroud was genuine, the amount of bacteria present on it would have to outweigh the linen itself to make the test go so badly wrong. The test shows the shroud to be less than half the age the Christians want it to be, so there would have to be more bugs than linen, and even then we're assuming that ALL the bugs are modern: for older bugs, you need even more to skew the result by that much.

Those bugs aren't there. There is no sign of any thick coating of bacteria in any photograph of the shroud.

Also, the picture is wrong. It would be distorted if the shroud had been wrapped around a body. It is actually a rubbing, laid over a raised bas-relief and brushed over with red tempera paint (which contains protein from ingredients such as egg white, which was mistaken for blood proteins by some people).

Stars and planets form from dust clouds in space that collapse under their own gravity. The Hubble Space Telescope has taken photographs of stars and planetary systems that are forming now.

And the Bible is bunk. Nobody has ever succeeded in explaining away the vast amount of evidence for an ancient Earth and the gradual development of modern creatures from common ancestors over millions of years. Also, the Bible contains hundreds of contradictions, historical errors and failed prophecies. Even most Christians no longer believe that the Bible is the "inerrant word of God": it CANNOT be. Instead, they believe that it was written by people who were sometimes "inspired" by God.
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Old 08-29-2002, 01:16 AM   #5
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It's clearly, obviously and undeniably parody. And very good parody at that.
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Old 08-29-2002, 01:43 AM   #6
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It is a good parody. But it belongs in RRP more than here
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