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Is there an actual first-hand quote for PJ using the "scientific priesthood" phrase? I could only find it in some report about a Congressional (?) testimony PJ was in.
In any case, here's the second installment of Mike Gene, selectively filtering out the IDiocy at ARN:
Mike B: I would have to ask, however, if you have a similar file of the goodly number of times that those of us who accept the theory of evolution as the current dominant paradigm have been accused of being part of a conspiracy to lie about pretty much everything, of bringing down civilization, of being too stupid and evil to see what is right in front of us, of being the reason the Nazis arose, of being against God, and of being personally and generally damn to Hell for all eternity. While I haven't recorded the citations, I can attest to all of these, and more.
Mike Gene: Are you sure this has happened here on ARN? I can see this happening on other forums, as it does, but here? Perhaps you are confusing forums. For example, who said you are damned to Hell for all eternity because you accept evolution? There are only a small number of IDists/ID sympathizers here on ARN - Bilbo, PLA, RFH, bertvan, mturner, Leonard, nobody, Jack, vivid, etc. Are you suggesting these people have been employing this rhetoric. I simply can't recall any instances.
But, we read these little tidbits at ARN:
mturner: Since when is, 'consistent with', synonymous with, 'proof of', JP? You sound like a member
of the new Washington Gestapo.
<a href=";f=13;t=000291" target="_blank">;f=13;t=000291</a>
creationist: third, you disagreement with oxnard, coming from that notoriusly even-handed talk
origins website is like visiting a nazi website for the truth about jews....i dont fall for propaganda like
that,but someone has to believe it i suppose.
<a href=";f=14;t=000092;p=" target="_blank">;f=14;t=000092;p=</a>
bertvan: [article redacted by moderator] STORMTROOPERS FOR DARWINISM
Didn't those meek fellows in the clean lab coats give us nuclear bombs and biological weapons? The age of
innocence ended in World War II.
In a forthcoming instalment, we will examine some more documented cases and delve deeper into the subtler
dimensions of the conspiracy.
<a href=";f=14;t=000037" target="_blank">;f=14;t=000037</a>
brauer about julbon: It was I (among others) who complained about Julbon's use of the phrase "Culture of Death" to describe the supporters of the NCSE (which most emphatically include myself).
In general I have a pretty thick skin. I can handle (and have handled) being called all kinds of names by Julbon. And I've apologized to him for my own extreme language.
But that thread had no business being in this forum, and I'm glad it got yanked. If Julbon can't handle it, then it's probably best that he stay away.
<a href=";f=12;t=000053" target="_blank">;f=12;t=000053</a>
Douglas: If not, though, just read through "In Six Days" edited by John Somebody-or-other. But not knowing how detailed or lengthy "The Origin of the Species" is, it would be unwise of me to agree to read it (besides, after work I am so tired it's difficult to concentrate or remain awake). Maybe I will, maybe I won't - but I don't know why I should read Satan's propaganda.
<a href=";f=13;t=000300" target="_blank">;f=13;t=000300</a>
Arm (Philip Johnson?):Darwinism may not REQUIRE or sanction "might is right," but does it have any place in morally CONDEMNING in an objective sense the horrible acts which you described or in morally REQUIRING in an objective sense values which you and I would agree are virtuous? For example, you assert that "Science is not value-neutral"; from where did you derive this moral ought command and the specific "values" which you did not mention? You also morally condemn in clear terms acts such as ethnic cleansing and the Holocaust, and you were not simply speaking of your personal, subjective tastes (you strongly implied that these acts are objectively wrong); from where did you derive these moral ought prohibitions? You could not have derived them from Darwinism, as you stated before. Darwinism, it seems to me, may not require acts such as ethnic cleansing, but it ALSO DOES NOT PROHIBIT such acts - IT ALLOWS FOR THEM.
<a href=";f=13;t=000242;p=1" target="_blank">;f=13;t=000242;p=1</a>
Mike Gene: According to many of our "experts" who dominate academia, tribalism is simply a product of natural selection. The brain, too, is simply a product of natural selection. Ergo, to be mad at Bin Laden is akin to being mad at Hurricane Hugo.
<a href=";f=1;t=000963" target="_blank">;f=1;t=000963</a>
nobody: [title of thread] "A form of social Darwinism"/"promoting the right of the strong to dominate the weak"
[commentary] Our thoughts and beliefs do have consequences in the real world. This rather rough story again makes that point. We will continue to have more of this kind of horror, in my opinion.
[text of article]
Satanism -- which has no official structure and means different things to different people -- typically involves worshipping Satan, the Devil, and a travesty of Christian practices and symbols.
Many adherents see it as a form of social Darwinism rejecting religious norms and promoting the right of the strong to dominate the weak.
Its practice often involves ceremonies with sex and sacrifice to tap dark primal forces. Most Satanists reject moral codes, saying an individual must determine what is good or bad.
Modern forms of Satanism draw on a host of traditions, from ancient Egyptian mythology to Celtic cults and Haitian Voodoo.
<a href=";f=1;t=001722" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001722</a>
Douglas:"Mental child abuse"....I can envision many conversations like the following hypothetical one taking place, in a Dawkins world:
Teacher: "Evolution. Humans have evolved certain attitudes regarding what they consider 'right and wrong, good and evil' - there is nothing 'objective' about such things...they only depend on our chemical, genetic, makeup."
Student: "So, it is only human 'convention', which is 'inspired' by evolutionary preference, that gives us our notions of 'right and wrong, good and evil'?"
Teacher: "Exactly so."
Student: "So there is no afterlife, and no eternal or even temporal spiritual judgment for a person's actions?"
Teacher: "Yes, that is correct."
<a href=";f=1;t=001522" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001522</a>
julbon:Atheistic Marxism is still considered fashionable and Marxist Darwinists are not called to account for what they did and supported. In the life sciences Marxism is not shunned at all.
There IS no backlash in science against communists or Marxists!!
Only, it seems, against religion and believers.
That tells you all you need to know about the life sciences.==
<a href=";f=13;t=000305;p=2" target="_blank">;f=13;t=000305;p=2</a>
Julbon: Well==The Darwinian Atheistic Mind-Control censors are at it again.On this subject, the Left says, no diversity or alternative theories are to be allowed.
The totalitarians call for help from their minions throughout the land to suppress opposition. But, they will lose, because the word is out. We understand them now.
<a href=";f=1;t=001747" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001747</a>
mturner: Muslims blame Darwinism and Materialism for the WTC horror. Do they have a point?
IDJon: Hmmm...I think they have a point, in a way. I believe when we pulled God out of our schools and society, that has resulted in severe consequences. If we all evolved, what's the point of morals? I'll end with a quote from Hank Hanegraaff.
Douglas:"Christianity" cannot be used, legitimately, as an "excuse for terror". "Darwinism", on the other hand (and as IDJon ["IDJohn"?] pointed out), can legitimately be used as an "excuse for terror" - if there is no ultimate, objective morality, and if life is essentially a "survival of the fittest", where everything really boils down to gene reproduction and survival, an argument could be made that those who hold to certain religious views or ideologies would better enable the human race to survive, and that those who hold to and promote the "Western", secular, world-view would lead to the extinction of the human race through greed and lust, and "softness". They would be wrong, but within a "Darwinian" scenario, there would be no real basis to argue that they were.
mturner: Darwinism is liable to a charge of fundamentalism because it is no more more immune to it than any other belief system. Step into any stockbrokers office, chamber of commerce meeting, or indeed anywhere business, trade, commerce, and finance are discussed by the rich and the 'wannabees', and you'll hear the slogans, 'survival of the fittest', and 'global competitiveness' again and again.
<a href=";f=1;t=001018" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001018</a>
[From a thread entitled: "Psychological Effects of Being an Evolutionist"]
Douglas: But, regarding your question, I recall when I bought into "evolutionary theory" (in its non "theistic" form) - it made me quite depressed and cynical, and lessened any guilt I might have had in how I viewed my "neighbor" (that is, I no longer felt that there was anything intrinsically wrong in not "loving" my neighbor - I felt that since we were all merely accidents, with no real "purpose" or destiny beyond death, it didn't matter anyway). I thank God that He delivered me from my atheism, and showed me the truth about myself and about Jesus.
nobody: The way I see it, evolution can lead to atheism because it claims that we are just animals. Smart animals, but still animals. Some evolutionists are extremely vocal about their atheism. Some don't push it. Some may not even think about it all that much.
I'm not sure you can make a rule that covers everyone. I am aware of cases where people that were raised in Christian homes became atheists due to being confused by the myth of evolution/abiogenesis. In those cases in particular I think evolution has been devastating on them. An absolute shock.
Douglas: No one who has a more than completely superficial understanding of the implications of evolution can accept it as true, and also be a (true) Christian. The two cannot mix.
And how do you know that these people are actually "Christians", dayton? Just because they say so? Don't you think that there is a basis to decide, even as those who claim to be "fundamental Darwinists" (not of the "neo-Darwinian" sort) can be checked to see if they are correct or not, by checking their views with Darwin's? So, it's "Back to the Bible" - doesn't that make sense?
The Bible indicates that it is necessary to believe in a literal Adam and Eve, and their literal sin, in order to understand the nature of our own relationship to God, and the necessity of Jesus' sacrifice. The one does not follow except from the other, dayton.
<a href=";f=1;t=001797" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001797</a>
Douglas: [More from previous thread] This is a more subtle issue, probably than the others in the paragraph above which I mentioned, but it boils down to one or a few of them. If a person UNDERSTANDS that evolution requires death prior to Adam and Eve's sin, or BELIEVES that evolution implies that Adam and Eve were not literal human beings (and still accepts evolution as being true [macroevolution, that is]), THEN their belief in evolution affects their salvation, in my opinion. Some people just don't think of the implications of evolution, and such people might be saved, if they accept everything else about the Gospel. However, those who fall into the former "category" deny a teaching which is central to the need for the Gospel itself - that is, that sin and death entered through one man, and that death is an evil, which Jesus has overcome. If death occurred PRIOR TO a literal Adam and Eve literally sinning (and this is what evolution implies is the case, that death occurred prior to any such thing, or that no such thing ever actually occurred), then God essentially "sanctions" death as part of His "process", and the meaning and significance of Jesus' death is stripped of much of its power and essential truth.
<a href=";f=1;t=001797;p=2" target="_blank">;f=1;t=001797;p=2</a>
More to be added...
[ September 01, 2002: Message edited by: Scientiae ]</p>