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Old 10-11-2002, 08:08 AM   #21
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(what follows is partially sarcastic, however realizing that sarcasm is hard to determine without the necessary verbal cues, I have placed this disclaimer for the benefit of those who cannot recognize it, such as say, Ford Prefect, who is genetically incapable of recognizing sarcasm).

$1,000,000 challenge to Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind

As you all know, Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind in an incredibly altruistic gesture towards increasing the knowledge of human kind (and when I say kind, I mean kind) has made an offer of $250,000 to anyone who can prove that evolution is true as opposed to the science of the remains of the ancient writings of a group of psychopathic goat herders (who of course had the knowledge and wherewithal to use King James’ English, thus proving its truth). Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind has greatly expanded the generally accepted definition of evolution (heritable genetic change in a reproducing population over time) to include things such as the big bang theory, abiogenesis, and creationist strawman arguments against evolution in an brave and forethought possessing attempt to help science obtain knowledge of the one universal true origin. As a non-scientist, I think I speak for scientists everywhere when I say thank you Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind.

One thing that makes me uncertain about the honesty of Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind’s claim is that I don’t think that he has $250,000 to reward anyone who provides him with the evidence he desires (as evidenced by the screeching sound of goal posts being moved that one hears as soon as he or she visits Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind’s home page). So I am issuing this challenge to Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind, I have a check for $1,000,000 if he can mail me $250,000. I would even be willing to fly down to Florida from Detroit to pick up the money. I will have my crack team of accountants (details about the members of my crack team are available upon request) count the money. I don’t anticipate this process taking more than a week. Once verified I will mail my check. AND as a further gesture of good will, since Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind states that all his money goes directly to god, I will help him out by mailing the check directly to the god of his choosing (all I need is an address and since Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind has sent so many checks to god in the past, I’m sure he has the address on file).

I’m sure that Dr. <sic> Kent Hovind will be happy to clear up this matter as quickly as possible being the man of obvious integrity.


“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled in the entrails of the last priest”

Denis Diderot
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Old 10-11-2002, 12:11 PM   #22
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Hello Denis, and welcome! That was hilarious - thanks!


P.S. You can introduce yourself <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> if you so desire.
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Old 10-11-2002, 12:30 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Doubting Didymus:
<strong>Now all he needs to do is get hovind to agree with him, and then get hovinds panel of experts chosen by hovind to agree with him also. Oh yeah, and of course hovind reserves the right to never even submit this particular challenge to himself or his panel. I also doubt that this letter 'proves' to hovinds satisfaction that matter 'created itself', whatever that means, or that macroevolution is the 'only possible explanation'.

Another thing I doubt is that hovind even has access to 250 000 dollars, unless it is currently holding together his legal defense funds.

Personally I think it is a very good letter. The transition from grey wolves to small, exotic 'toy' dogs is my personal favourite proof of macroevolution.</strong>
Is that really "macro evolution"? They are all still dogs of a sort. Can't they all still breed with one another? Isn't one of the signatures of a new species being incapable of breeding with its predecessor?


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Old 10-11-2002, 12:37 PM   #24
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Thanks for the welcome. I'll go over to the introduction page. My name is actually Dave, the quote is from Denis Diderot (or at least that's what they guy who runs positive atheism says on his web page, and we know if you read it on the web it has to be true )


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled in the entrails of the last priest."
Denis Diderot
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Old 10-11-2002, 01:06 PM   #25
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FYI on the Dr. Dino case:

In re Hovind, Chapter 13, No. 96-04256, UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA, PENSACOLA DIVISION, 197 B.R. 157; 1996 Bankr. LEXIS 693; 78 A.F.T.R.2d (RIA) 5065; 10 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. B 1, June 5, 1996, Decided, June 5, 1996, FILED; June 6, 1996, ENTERED.

If you're near a law library or have access to Lexis/Nexis, it makes for some fine reading.

Also, apparently has the decision posted:
<a href="" target="_blank">HERE.</a>

I verified the Talk.origin's version in Lexis/Nexis and it appears to be accurate.

Favorite excerpt:

“In the face of all of the foregoing, the debtor apparently maintains that as a minister of God everything he owns belongs to God and he is not subject to paying taxes to the United States on the money he receives for doing God's work.”
Bwaaa-ha ha ha ha ha!

It would appear that the IRS repo'd some of his property to compensate for not paying taxes. I seem to remember someone saying Dr. Dino was in jail but I can find no reference to it.

Does anyone have a citation to an article?
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Old 10-11-2002, 01:24 PM   #26
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Is that really "macro evolution"? They are all still dogs of a sort. Can't they all still breed with one another? Isn't one of the signatures of a new species being incapable of breeding with its predecessor?
show me a chihuaha wilfully getting it on with a grey wolf or great dane, and I'll accept they're fully of the same species.
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Old 10-21-2002, 10:27 PM   #27
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Update: $250,000 Evolution Challenge Accepted!

As of October 21, 2002 Dr. Hovind has not responded -- let alone awarded the $250,000 prize to Callahan.

Maybe the check is in the mail?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is waiting until he resolves his legal problems?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is humbly and carefully preparing his statement to the world admitting he was wrong about evolution?
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Old 10-21-2002, 11:34 PM   #28
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Originally posted by Camaban:
show me a chihuaha wilfully getting it on with a grey wolf or great dane, and I'll accept they're fully of the same species.</strong>
Not only that: I'd hate to see what happens to a chihuahua artificially inseminated with Great Dane sperm.

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Old 10-22-2002, 02:10 AM   #29
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Originally posted by John:
<strong>Update: $250,000 Evolution Challenge Accepted!

As of October 21, 2002 Dr. Hovind has not responded -- let alone awarded the $250,000 prize to Callahan.

Maybe the check is in the mail?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is waiting until he resolves his legal problems?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is humbly and carefully preparing his statement to the world admitting he was wrong about evolution?</strong>
But most likely he knows that responding to your letter, or even acknowledging its existence, would jeopardize the income he has for years been able to generate without actually being a productive member of society.

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Old 10-22-2002, 03:06 AM   #30
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Originally posted by John:
<strong>Update: $250,000 Evolution Challenge Accepted!

As of October 21, 2002 Dr. Hovind has not responded -- let alone awarded the $250,000 prize to Callahan.

Maybe the check is in the mail?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is waiting until he resolves his legal problems?

Maybe Dr. Hovind is humbly and carefully preparing his statement to the world admitting he was wrong about evolution?</strong>
Maybe Fred Phelps will be making a large donanation to GLADD. Maybe Mickey Mouse will be elected president....
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