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Old 08-20-2002, 04:48 AM   #1
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Post Fundie horrors.

So, a Nigerian Sharia court has condemned a mother to death by stoning for the crime of adultery.
In the UK, our BBC Radio 4 Today programme had an interview with a Muslim academic who defended the sentence.
He failed to mention that while Sharia law requires four witnesses to testify against a man accused of adultery, an unmarried woman who’s pregnant or has given birth can’t be anything but guilty.
He did not justify the absurdity of a law which requires no less than four witnesses to one of the most private acts performed between a man and a woman, and he did not comment on the diminished likelihood of witnesses being present where the punishment for it is death by stoning.
This academic epitomised the religious Fundamentalist”s (Christian, Muslim, Hindu - whatever) perverse. sense of values which places religious dogma above Humanitarian principles.
Are they loathsome, or what?
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Old 08-20-2002, 09:27 AM   #2
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>Are they loathsome, or what?</strong>
No, they just love the Lord above all else.

cavite ne illam vitam securam ematis pro vita post illam - beware lest you trade this sure life for a life after this one.

[ August 20, 2002: Message edited by: Heathen Dawn ]</p>
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