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Old 07-24-2002, 02:12 AM   #1
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Post atheists

When David Mathews writes that word you can hear him spitting it out and see him wiping his tongue; it represents a dreadful aberration which he finds irresistibly fascinating, and that's why he hangs around here. It’s sort of dangerous but he knows his Church will keep him safe.
Which is neither here nor there: I think “atheist’ is full of negative connotations and for 99 per cent of us doesn’t actually do us justice.
Does anyone else feel the same?
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Old 07-24-2002, 02:22 AM   #2
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I'm perfectly happy to describe myself as an atheist.

That's what I am (amongst other things).

That some people associate the term with a host of negative connotations is a problem of prejudice on their part.

Unless you can suggest a more cuddly name to adopt I'll stick with atheist.
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Old 07-24-2002, 03:38 AM   #3
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Here is something David Mathews wrote on the Bugs and Complaints thread:

there is a Christian who has taken issue with my views and written several bulletin articles denouncing me.

You may read these articles at:

<a href="" target="_blank">Creation Account: Interpretations & Consequences</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">The Creation Account & Voices of Compromise</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">The Bible, Science, Skepticism & Creation</a>
So he has something in common with non-Christians here, in that he's villified (sp?) by at least one conservative Christian.

Maybe that commonality subconsciously draws him here

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Old 07-24-2002, 04:05 AM   #4
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I also am content to be known as an Atheist. In fact, I am 1 of only 2 or perhaps 3 people over the last 10 years or so who has clearly identified himself as an Atheist in letters to the editor in our daily newspaper. Do I deserve a medal or what? Seriously, I have received remarkably little flak, but the one printed in this mornings edition may draw some.

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Old 07-24-2002, 06:20 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>I think “atheist’ is full of negative connotations and for 99 per cent of us doesn’t actually do us justice.
Does anyone else feel the same?</strong>
Yes, when talking with Christians in RL, I always identify myself as a "nontheist". It's a less aggressive term, and much clearer.

Unfortunately, too many Christians around here have been programmed to have an immediate negative reaction to the very sound of the word "atheist", and even "humanist". It's similar to how people tend to respond to the word "anarchist". The words immediately shut off their brains. If I use the term "nontheist", they seem calmer and more open as I explain what that means.

It's a clearer term because "non-" is more obvious in meaning than "a-", and there is no need to argue over nontheism's definition, since I'm providing that.

Sure, Christians might taint the word "nontheism" with time, but for now it's a useful term.
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Old 07-24-2002, 06:51 AM   #6
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too many Christians around here have been programmed to have an immediate negative reaction to the very sound of the word "atheist"
I used to think that the actions of certain agressive atheistic organizations were to blame for atheism having a bad rap. I think I may have erred. I can remember many sermons "back in the day" that reinfored the stereotype of equating atheism with evil. Recently, after my mother sent me a sermon transcript on the topic, I can see that nothing has changed. Not only is atheism singled out, but the pastor also took shots at secularism and secular humanism.

Another example is one of my best friends. He's quite conserveative and what I would call a lip-service Christian at best (hasn't been to church in years). Well, we've had many discussions on the God topic and he knows where I stand. Recently he called me and we drifted onto the topic of homosexuality and God. He's literally appalled by the notion of homosexuality (and has always been) and I think much of his view stems back from his church days. He also can't believe that I changed my view regarding "them". When I told him the myth that religion propogates does not fit the "facts" in regards to the homosexuals that I know, well, the phone got silent.

The God thing is even worse...

He saw fit to slip God into the discussion. Naturally, I asked him which God?

He replies, "you know, the one God."

I reply, "which one would that be?"

At this point there is silence and he then changes the topic to the upcoming Frazier fight.


I also have amassed quite a collection of books, notes, and papers on this topic. Suffice to say that when I offered to send him information he said he doesn't want to read any of that. Again, you could hear the fear in voice.

I'm really not sure how we can overcome this because there is more of them than us, and, the myth is being perpetuated.

Following my newly developed, and ever evolving, "doctrine of passive aggression"; I now respond when witnessed to--no matter where I am. Though I must admit I've been using the handle of "rationalist" because "atheist" tends to scare some of them.

After they ask me what a rationalist believes in, I explain that I use reason to reach my conclusions. Most of the time they stop here, but a few have asked if that means I don't believe in God. At that point I politely explain the finer points of atheism and agnosticism and let the chips fall where they may.

A recent example of how this negative stereotype is being reinforced would be Pat Buchanan's appearence on Donahue. You could literally hear the hate and disgust in his voice every time Pat mentioned "that atheist in California". Granted, Pat is a hores's arse but there are a lot of people that buy into his message.

Maybe we need an organization in charge of PR?
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Old 07-24-2002, 07:20 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>I think “atheist’ is full of negative connotations and for 99 per cent of us doesn’t actually do us justice.
Does anyone else feel the same?</strong>
I think this is probably true. Conversely, the term "christian" holds nothing but negative connotation for me. When I'm in conversation with someone who goes out of his way to describe himself as one, I take a deep breath and prepare for the worst. Living in New York I've never actually met a christian who really takes the bible seriously, so I'm usually safe. Still, the very word "christian" hits my ear in at least as ugly a fashion as the word "atheist" hits theirs. But nobody ever started a war in the name of "no god," so I feel, at least, that my knee-jerk prejudices come from historical observation; and as both a gay man and an atheist, the rise of my defenses is solely in the interest of self-preservation. I wonder what is there excuse?

In the end, I don't see christians abandoning their self-definition because folks like me find it offensive and I have no intention of describing myself as anything other than an atheist because it's an accurate descriptor. I am a person, not an educational tool meant to explain myself and live my life according to someone else's comfort level. If we're going to live in a pluralistic society, we're all just going to have to understand that there are people that we just don't "get" and that's OK.


[ July 24, 2002: Message edited by: Reverend Godless Sodomite ]</p>
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Old 07-24-2002, 07:24 AM   #8
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>I think ?atheist? is full of negative connotations and for 99 per cent of us doesn?t actually do us justice.
Does anyone else feel the same?</strong>
Well, I'm actually an objective noncognitivist agnostic nontheist, but that's too hard to say and it only confuses people so I just get right to the point and say atheist. The truth is I'm endlessly amazed at peoples misunderstanding and curiousity regarding that label. My future sister-in-law asked me once, "Do atheists hate god?", with a very sad tone in her voice.
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Old 07-24-2002, 10:37 AM   #9
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I identify strongly with the remarks by Eudaimonist and Bibliophile.
Rather than “atheist” I regard myself as a rationalist. That’s positive. It sets an agenda. To be a rationalist is something to be attained - it's an aspiration - and not easily achieved because the irrational creeps into so many of our thought processes without our even knowing it.
I also like “rationalist” because it casts believers as “irrationalists.”
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Old 07-24-2002, 10:39 AM   #10
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>I think “atheist’ is full of negative connotations and for 99 per cent of us doesn’t actually do us justice. Does anyone else feel the same?</strong>
I don't.
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