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Old 04-08-2003, 12:26 PM   #641
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All your posts are gone on CF. What happened?
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Old 04-08-2003, 01:27 PM   #642
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Originally posted by Annabel Lee

All your posts are gone on CF. What happened?
yes... all 3300 (+) of them...

check this out: (my letter to the editors)

I'd like to know why I was banned without the consideration and common courtesy of a discussion. I can understand a warning, or a simple request if I broke any particular rule. I would have gladly deleted any post found offensive if simply requested. But the practice in your forum seems to simply delete/censor/edit any offensive post without the decency to first have a consultation with the poster. Additionaly, the fact that every single post of mine during the past year (3,000 +) has been deleted I found very disappointing. I would imagine that someone as myself who is a severly backslidden Christian would have been more than welcomed within your forum. My experience wasn't that (as well as others who have been banned, simply for being different than the majority and having the guts to stand up over it.) Don't think that the hate comments, admitted ignorance, arrogance, and rudeness exhibited by you moderators isn't known. Word does travel. And consider this, If other members are aware of the hate statements, I'm sure the omnipotent, all-knowing Christian God is as well.

Nevermind making me a member again. I'm severly disappointed that all my posts were deleted. A great majority of them I spent a lot of time researching not only to satisfy my own curiosity, but for the benefit of all who were truly interested in seeking truth. Your actions, without explanation, is an indicator that my contribution was just a waste of my time. But I'm not surprised, I got the same treatment when I did attend regular church services. In other words, if your faith is being tested and you no longer agree with us.. we don't want anything else to do with you.

I do hope Christians reconcile their differences one day, and learn to treat others of different races, religions, cultures, and sexual orientation with the degree of love I once thought the religion stood for.


(I do hope you deleted my prayer requests as well. I didn't take the time to check)

----- I received no e-mail so sent this one.
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Old 04-08-2003, 01:54 PM   #643
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That's terrible, Smilin.... I'm sorry. I enjoyed reading your posts.

It'll also happen to me soon, I'm sure. I think I'm one warning away from being banned.
Old 04-08-2003, 02:07 PM   #644
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Smilin...Your posts are not deleted. They are just in 'invisible mode' to the regular posters.
The mods can still see them. Your posts will return soon after they figure out what to do with you.
Don't worry. Your words of wisdom are not permanently gone.
PM me, Wolfboy!
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Old 04-08-2003, 02:50 PM   #645
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Originally posted by HazyRigby
That's terrible, Smilin.... I'm sorry. I enjoyed reading your posts.

It'll also happen to me soon, I'm sure. I think I'm one warning away from being banned.
If you seriously want to stay, you can create another account before they ban your IP address. Use to create an email account.
It's free, but it isn't on CF's list of free site you can't use like hotmail and Yahoo are. If they ask you for your current email address, give them a Yahoo one or one you don't use very often, because I can't guarantee they won't spam you
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Old 04-08-2003, 02:53 PM   #646
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A thread of mine related to Christian forums.
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Old 04-08-2003, 04:31 PM   #647
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Good Afternoon, fellow outcasts...mfaber (gladiatrix at CF) here......

I noticed that they banned Smilin (can't see his posts at any rate, according to Annabell. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't in a snit because of this thread.

Smilin asked me if I would post my run-ins with the mods there so, here's my story....

As of now, I have 4 warning points /4000 blessings deducted.
Two of these points I have gotten within days of each other (the last one today).

Warning Point #4
Today I posted sites from the Skeptics Annotated Bible in response to a fundie, hotknikkels™, who claimed that the Bible was "error-free" and inspired by God.

Errors in History and Science

Biblical Contradictions

Biblical Absurdities

And got this from the mod jukesk9:

.:Forum Rule Reminder:. Rule No. 5 - No Promotion of Other Religions
You will not post any messages, links, images or photos that promotes a religion or belief other than Christianity......

Links removed

Forum Rule Reminder:. Rule No. 2 - No "Trolling"
2) You will not post any topic that disrupts the peace and harmony of this forum.
.... This will also include posts that put down Christianity in general or any posts considered as blasphemy by staff (this is a CHRISTIAN FORUMS site).....

You now have 4 Warning Points.

We have also removed 1000 blessings from you.

The ban limit is currently set to 7 Total Warning Points.

Those sites were promoting religion AND an example of trolling????

Warning point #3
I got into trouble with the mod Lanakila the other day when I said this in response to Badfish™

Badfish™ #82
I think you are missing the point and logic, a Mongolian serial rapist who has never heard the word of God would not inherit the Kingdom, as his works are truly dastardly, however if the Mongolian hears the word of God and accepts it and repents, he is saved, if he rejects it, he's not.

Ghandi was a good man and if he heard the gospel and rejected it, then he would be denied the kingdom, this is just because he rejected God's word.

I would have to guess that you have heard the gospel and rejected it so far, but you never know, one day you may be a minister of God
Let's see here....

According to Badfish and Co.,

God rejects Ghandi ....
***Why???? Because Ghandi didn't "kiss the Celestial Ring" (so to speak).

Now God DOES accept the serial rapist.
***Why???? Well, because this guy DID "kiss up".

The only thing I can say here is that I totally reject such a colossal egotist whose only real requisite for chosing associates is how much people fawn over Him (worship and fear, big on the fear). Not to mention, the guy really has very bad taste in "friends" (the rapist et al) NOT someone I'd want to spend an eternity with, I tell you!!
Lanakila deleted my post (originally post 102) with the excuse that she found my "calling God a colossal egotist" offensive. I was sited for being an offensive Christian basher (1 warning/1000 blessing). I told both her and jukesk9 just where they could stuff their blessing (where the sun don't shine, baby!)

If you read posts by them, it is very plain that what they really want over there is a board "cleansed" of skeptics and anyone who doesn't walk in ditto-head lockstep with their conservative agenda...

My other 2 were for similar "offenses" :

Warning Point #2

This one I got was for my "blasphemous, Christian-bashing crafty tailor story as given here in response to a message similar to this one from fundies look and rnmomof7..... (I don't have the exact copy of the offending post, didn't save that one, but this is what was objected to)

Today at 08:50 AM look said this in Post #142
Yesterday at 03:31 PM rnmomof7 said this in Post #91

Seems that the bible addresses the question quite well
Most Atheists are far too smart to believe in God .

Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Mark 16:16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be ******.
19. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
My response to the above was:

Perfect example of the "crafty tailor" style of "disinformation" coupled with the generous helping of appeal to fear (Ex. Mark 16:16)

Let's deconstruct this attempt at "mind-control" in that it is a "pre-emptive" strike on any and all critics and skeptics who resist the demands of religionists to "just believe" (without proof)

Both Look's and rnmomof7's verses are the weasel words of Christian "tailors" trying to intimidate people into buying their philosophical version of the "The Emperor's New Clothes" (aka Christianity, the supernatural et al). I have often thought that the fairy tale was really an allegory on the pitfalls of blind faith.
The "crafty tailors" are purveyors of theism whose swindling "hook(s)" are to claim that
  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
  • Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (you're "evil" if you don't believe, like the tailors saying that only the incompetent or stupid couldn't "see" their clothes)
  • "Only a fool has said in his heart there is no God, their ways are evil,
  • You're not looking hard enough for the evidence (you are just wilfully blind!)
  • If you weren't a tool of Satan you'd see the evidence
  • You really know there's a God, but you just want to indulge in a hedonistic life style!
The above is just an attempt to intimidate and/or somehow prevent people from asking for evidence for the claims made by the "tailors", by using bold, confident, but totally unfounded and unsupported character assassination against anyone with the temerity to ask for evidence that the "clothes" (God, supernatural claims) are real. All done to get people to believe in the Invisible Sky Friend (analogous to the emperor's INVISIBLE "gorgeous new garments" which supposedly were only visible to the wise and competent)! The emperor and the others who buy this con are like every theist who believes things without proof and/or because of parental/societal indoctrination.

The little kid is just the skeptic to points out the obvious, there is(are) no god(s?) (the emperor has "no clothes", ie, there is no evidence for God , Gods, the supernatural!). It also reminds me of the scene from the Wizard of Oz when Toto starts barking at someone behind the curtains. When Dorthy and Co. become curious, "OZ" tells them to "ignore the man behind" the curtain. When they look behind the curtain (analogous to a sceptic asking for evidence), they find out what a humbug OZ is.

Until you have something other than threats (God'll getcha!) and harsh, unevidenced prejudgment critics (without any evidence) as "fools, blind, evil, deluded, enemies, (fill in epithet of choice), I also say HUMBUG!

My crafty-tailor story really offended Bear and he deleted my post. I had used this story twice before and not gotten into "trouble" so I don't know what set them off this time.

One big problem over there is the rules are so nebulous and subject to the "judgement" of the individual mod. If you apply the "blasphemy" rule strictly, then just denying God exists gets you into hot-water.

There is also no lists of "forbidden" sites (I asked). What is a "bad " site is again, left up to the individual tastes of a particular mod...

Warning Point #1
Got another warning point/1000 blessing demerit for "Christian bashing/blasphemy" posting this site from Freedom From Religion

Why Women Need Freedom From Religion

RoyWM was on a tear about how women should be submissive and that Christianity had made life better for them and I posted this in response.
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Old 04-08-2003, 05:56 PM   #648
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Well, fundamentalists aren't going to allow any debate about whether or not they are right or wrong on home field, to say, unless they somehow "win" (rarely happens). Let's see if I can remember my warnings, as the various people I was.

1. Had this thread deleted (don't remember if I was given an offical warning for it). It "raised an interesting question, but was not approriate for a Christian forum."
Was there weed in the Garden of Eden?
While I do not buy Genesis' account of the Creation of the universe, I would like to know what you think about my question: Was there cannabis sativa (marijuana) in the alleged Garden of Eden? If there was, did Adam and Eve have to roll it themselves or was it all ready? Did they have a dealer?

2. Was given warnings for posting information from atheist websites (with the intent of asking questions), such as "Has God killed himself?"
3. Was given a warning for publicly disagreeing with the staff.
4. Had a thread about "The number 1 Christian porn site" removed (don't remember if I was given a warning for that)

I don't remember what the rest of my warnings were about. Eventually I was banned for 30 days by wvmntkid, but was never allowed to reactivate that account.

Don't remember being given a warning for anything under that account, but was quickly banned after wvmntkid found out I was BlueSubmarine.

King of Wishful Thinking
1. Kept posting some of my problems with Christianity, most notably quotes from Jesus Christ about how everyone is going to hell, in particular the "straight and narrow path" line. theBear warned me repeatedly (and publicly) about "being contemptuos of Christianity, and Christians." Was banned once he found out it was me.

1. The following thread by me was closed by theBear, and eventually deleted.
A day or two after 9/11/01, Jerry Farewell made statements similar to the effect of "this is the fault of the homosexuals, abortionists, the ACLU, and all the other people who have tried to secularize America." Well, ok. Just a couple of questions.

Which plane was taken over by the homosexuals? By the abortionists? By the ACLU? By "all the other people who have tried to secularize America"?

My guess would have to be that the homosexuals took over the first plane and crashed it into the First Tower of the WTC. The abortionists took over the second plane and hit the south tower. The ACLU must have gone after the Pentagon. "All the other people who have tried to secularize America" tried to take over Flight 93. I guess they weren't organized enough to make a successful attack.

Which group took over which plane?
1. posted a link to and was quickly banned by Mr. Cheese

Karma Chameleon
Don't remember doing anything "wrong" with that account.

As noted earlier, CF has some kind of "auto-ban" on my computer, so any accounts I open will be automatically banned withing a few hours, and my posts will be invisible.
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Old 04-08-2003, 07:16 PM   #649
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Originally posted by Lasher
Um yea, that's the line telling me I can't be a Christian because you think I have sinned, well in that case, all the liers, drunks, child molestors etc that are priests, why in the hell are they considered Christians? The KKK can call theirselves Christians, but you have a problem with me being one?
Bite me.
On that note I will say that anyone who confessed or touted these kinds of lifestyles would be classified as non Christians as well, and would probably be asked to stay out of the Christian ONLY forums. And only you know if you are "true Christian™"...

And the gospels point out that living and participating and/or professing to be gay, and then proceeding to say that you are a spirit filled Christian is good enough reason to be unallowed in the Christian ONLY forums, as it teaches and shows possible newbies and other potential lurkers that Homosexual behavior is ok, according to God and the bible.

While new age Christianity may find fault with the bible and it's laws and whatnot, Orthodox traditional Fundamentalist Christians, do not, and as such believe that homosexuality is considered under the guidelines of fornication as outlined in the bible.

Now while this is up for debate if you want to bring in Hebrew and other sources and challenge the bibles professed infallibility, well then as you know these subjects are permitted to flourish in apologetics.

Now, the rules are the rules, and you guys and gals know that some of you push the rules to their boundries, but signing up at a Christian Forums with the rules written in plain english that is the choice you made and agreed to, and as such are subject to adhering to those rules and subject to the decisions of the mods.

I mean what is so hard about that?

Just look at the place, it is pretty dynamic, Erwin works hard to make the place fun for all, your usernames are almost infinitly customizable, your titles, your signatures, avatars, I mean you get all that a board could give you, they just ask that you follow the rules.

Before the Apolgetics forum was introduced there I don't remember but I think atheists were not allowed there (I am not sure that was a long time ago), so opening up several forums for open discussion between atheists and Christians and everything in between, was a pretty good gesture for CF, I know many atheists that spend their whole days and nights there, and have gone unwarned by simply following the rules.

I am not defending any actions taken against any of you at CF, because that is not my job, and I really never see this stuff, but if it's happening then there is probably a decent reason and it is up to a human mod to decide whether it is acceptable or not.

Christianity and CF attracts a lot of young kids, many of them Christian, and it should be a prime concern for CF (considering their quite obvious mission statement) to ensure that these kids are not being subjected to anything that is seen as too blasphemous or too derrogatory to God or flaming and false teaching to people. The format is simple it is to unite Christians, and as a good will gesture and in the interest of pleasing All people an open section was added to accomodate the non Christians who like to interact and question Christianity, I think that is fairly liberal considering other Fundamental based Christian boards I have seen out there.

If you find contradictions in the bible and need to discuss them, then bring it to the appropriate forum, and it will be discussed in depth, as you are well aware of.

NotMichaelJackson says:
Well, fundamentalists aren't going to allow any debate about whether or not they are right or wrong on home field, to say, unless they somehow "win" (rarely happens).
Obviously you don't know what you are saying by this statement, there is all kinds, in fact a multitude of threads that outright question fundamentalism and question God, and generally are allowed to take pot shots at fundamentalists and any other branch of theism.

I was an Administrator there for quite some time and can tell you that each and every disciplinary decision is based upon the nature and the attitude of the person in question, I remember you, and as evidenced by your question about "weed" in the garden, and did they roll it, and so forth, it would seem even to me that that question is rhetorical and unproductive as nobody knows, and considering you deny the Genesis account anyway, what Christian would take your question seriously?

And BTW, Mr. Cheese is a cool dude. I should know, all that is considered cool should be gauged by my coolness. hehe
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Old 04-08-2003, 07:26 PM   #650
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Originally posted by Badfish

Obviously you don't know what you are saying by this statement, there is all kinds, in fact a multitude of threads that outright question fundamentalism and question God, and generally are allowed to take pot shots at fundamentalists and any other branch of theism.

I was an Administrator there for quite some time and can tell you that each and every disciplinary decision is based upon the nature and the attitude of the person in question, I remember you, and as evidenced by your question about "weed" in the garden, and did they roll it, and so forth, it would seem even to me that that question is rhetorical and unproductive as nobody knows, and considering you deny the Genesis account anyway, what Christian would take your question seriously?

And BTW, Mr. Cheese is a cool dude. I should know, all that is considered cool should be gauged by my coolness. hehe
First, there are many Christians who don't accept the Genesis account (CF even started a new thread because of this a few weeks ago in the "Theology" section), and the person who removed it said it was a good topic, just not an approriate one. Second, how does someone lose the status of moderator or administator?
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