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Old 02-24-2003, 11:56 AM   #81
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In this thread I learned that I can choose which fictional creatures I want to be real. I choose The Tooth Fairy. (and no more of that chump change under my pillow, bitch)
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Old 02-24-2003, 12:20 PM   #82
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Originally posted by Mad Kally
In this thread I learned that I can choose which fictional creatures I want to be real. I choose The Tooth Fairy. (and no more of that chump change under my pillow, bitch)
Lame. Use your imagination, Kally! I'm going with Wonder Woman.
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Old 02-24-2003, 12:44 PM   #83
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Lame you say? I want to fly around with the True Superman and have hot monkey sex with him.
In the air
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Old 02-24-2003, 12:46 PM   #84
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Originally posted by Spaz
No no, you forget, bad things are the work of satan
That's kind of hard to tell isn't it Spaz? Does satan do all the evil things or does god? I get confused on that. How do you tell which things are god's plan (it's not really evil, it's god's mysterious plan), satan's plan, or just shit happens? Gosh, which is which, what's the difference, and how do you tell?
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Old 02-24-2003, 07:59 PM   #85
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But the godly could go to bed after having faithfully read their Bibles and die in their sleep when the dog kicks over the kerosene heater and the smoke alarm fails.
You miss the point. We have to assume God's original "plan" included having all this stuff- whether it be cars, dangerous lanterns, cheap smoke alarms, guns, etc in order for you to even make your argument. I have no problem at all imagining a "new earth" similar to Eden, without all this stuff- which means you are left to argue that people might still be killed by bad weather.

And even if you argue that, I can ask whether you would still want to live here. I think most people would even if it was slightly dangerous. They are happy with this fools paradise. We're so dumb, we build houses over earthquake faults so we can live near our job which we need to buy the house we live in and the car to get to work. How bright is that?

No. That is the image of god projected by theists when they assert that our own failings would’ve been prevented if only we’d asked god.
Yes- and its a more inclusive philosophy, that takes into account a million inexplicable events and impossible coincidences, without accusing a hundred people of lying, or engaging in impossible cover-ups while writing finely detailed "myths" which talk about obscure women who were loved because they made doilees.

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Old 02-24-2003, 10:49 PM   #86
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Not millions, but then, I didn't come up with the shrewd marketing concept of forcibly targeting the weak and stupid
Funny how much trouble some have understanding Paul's writings or Jesus' parables. Paul did a terrible job of catering to all those dummies who read the Bible. You wouldn't have any trouble, would you Mage? Go ahead, show us how smart you are and tell us what Paul is saying in Romans 5, 6 and 7. Lewis got it, so I figure it's a snap for you.

I suppose M Scott Peck and C.S. Lewis were targeting the weak and stupid as well, with such cynical works as theirs.

I think the reason you keep answering the Christians is because you think II readers are generally just as weak and stupid as the rest of the world, and find your inane comments especially clever. I certainly don't, but I can't see another reason you would bother answering an "idiot" like me.

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Old 02-25-2003, 01:04 AM   #87
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Default One more time...

Originally posted by Radorth

I suppose M Scott Peck and C.S. Lewis were targeting the weak and stupid as well, with such cynical works as theirs.
I`ve got both books by M. Scott Peck right here in front of me. Would you be kind enough to tell me what page (in either book) Peck says Jesus is God or that the Christian religion is based on facts.

I`ll admit that I just quickly skimmed through the first book,but it does not appear to me that Peck shares your dogmatic Christian worldview at all.
He actually doesn`t seem to agree with EITHER of us so why on Earth do you keep bringing him up?

But by all means,please give me the page numbers.
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Old 02-25-2003, 01:13 AM   #88
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Originally posted by spacedOut
() managers never become arrogant...
What more proof do you need ? You must be a chosen employee, working for a God blessed company.
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Old 02-25-2003, 03:19 AM   #89
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Default Re: One more time...

Originally posted by Fenton Mulley
I`ve got both books by M. Scott Peck right here in front of me. Would you be kind enough to tell me what page (in either book) Peck says Jesus is God or that the Christian religion is based on facts.

I`ll admit that I just quickly skimmed through the first book,but it does not appear to me that Peck shares your dogmatic Christian worldview at all.
He actually doesn`t seem to agree with EITHER of us so why on Earth do you keep bringing him up?

But by all means,please give me the page numbers.
FM, M. Scott Peck has written way more than 2 books: check this out - listing of books by M Scott Peck

I'm fairly sure he openly claims to be Christian in some of the more recent ones. I don't think he considered himself a Christian when he wrote the earlier ones - which may include the two you own.

I think M. Scott Peck is a more liberal Christian than Radorth. I think some conservative Christians would consider M Scott Peck to be 'not a true Christian'.

Edited to add: for some reason I can't get the Amazon link to work so here's another list of M Scott Peck's books:

M Scott Peck book list

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Old 02-25-2003, 06:09 AM   #90
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Radorth, you keep implying that God didn't know what the direct and indirect consequences and repercussions of his/her/its act of creation would be:

Originally posted by Radorth
And of course you can't prove that God intended such a world as ours, and I think the Biblical evidence is overwhelming that he never would have, but he still tries to do what he can.
Originally posted by Radorth
You miss the point. We have to assume God's original "plan" included having all this stuff- whether it be cars, dangerous lanterns, cheap smoke alarms, guns, etc in order for you to even make your argument. I have no problem at all imagining a "new earth" similar to Eden, without all this stuff- which means you are left to argue that people might still be killed by bad weather.
Radorth, are you suggesting that God can do things that have unintended consequences? Are you saying you don't believe God is omniscient, that he/she/it did not foresee the results of his/her/its creation? Are you saying that God rolled dice with the universe, and was surprised by what happened?
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