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Old 11-25-2002, 10:33 AM   #1
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Post Atheist views on liberal Christianity?

I'm sure this comes up regularly around here, but I haven't tracked down a relevant discussion.

There's much lambasting in this forum of fundamentalist/evangelical Christian theology, and Christianity is often criticized as if that sort of understanding (if we can call it that) is the only Christianity that exists.

My impression, though, is that in many seminaries, and in a good number of "mainline" congregations, a more liberal theology reigns. Representatives of this thinking would include Bishop Spong, Walter Wink, Marcus Borg, and the Jesus Seminar. Generally, Christians of this sort hold to a more metaphorical understanding of the bible and religious accounts of the supernatural, allow for the fallibility and humanity of biblical authors, and tend toward universalism. More than a few of them would be considered atheists by fundamentalists.

I'm curious how my fellow atheists respond to this understanding of the world. Have you run into it? Do you consider it dangerous in the same way many of us consider fundamentalism dangerous, and, if so, why? Christians of this sort tend to see their theology as a powerful force for positive social change -- is it?
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Old 11-25-2002, 10:42 AM   #2
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Religion is like ice cream. It comes in lots of different flavors. Some of them taste better than others.

For the most part, any religion that doesn't try to get in my face or get in my government isn't going to bother me too much. I know plenty of nice people who are Christian. In fact, almost all of my friends and loved ones are Christians. Many of them do nice things in an effort to please God. That's better than doing mean things for non-religious reasons.

The one thing about all religion though is that it involves blind faith on some level, and blind faith is dangerous. Critical thinking tends to be anathema to religion, and a lack of critical thinking can lead to all kinds of trouble. From being easily swayed by marketers and con-men, to being lead like sheep by slick politicians.

The people I fear more than nice Christians are nice Scientologists and nice Mormons. You gotta be some serious gullible to go for that stuff.

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Old 11-25-2002, 11:14 AM   #3
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I don't have any more of a quarrel with liberal christians than I do with libertarians. People can believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how silly it is, as long as they don't try and force other people to believe the same thing.

Most of the people I know are liberal chritians and I get along quite well with them. They don't tell me I'm going to hell and I don't tell them that they're getting conned out of 10% of their paycheck. We acknowledge that we disagree on this matter and go about our lives.

I also know some fundys who are quite convinced that anyone that doesn't buy their snake oil is damned for eternity in the fiery pit. That being the case, they fell that convincing others to accept their God is the only thing they can do, since their saving the unbeliever's soul and if they have to be annoying and do underhanded things to bring that about, it's all for the greater good and they're really helpin ghtat peroson by doing what they can to ensure his place in paradise. They are so convinced that they are right that there is no room for anyone who disagrees with them to deserve a voice. It's really scary.

I don't try and convert people to atheism and I don't want anyone to convert me to their beliefs. As long as they take a live and let live philosophy with me, I'll take one with them and have no problem with their faith.
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Old 11-25-2002, 03:20 PM   #4
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Well, the majority of Christians I know are liberal Christians. In my limited experience, it seems to me that their belief is a result of upbringing. Their religion just isn't an important part of their lives, and you could not tell they were xians until the subject came up.

I don't think we have anything to worry about with liberal xians because they tend not to accept the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, but rather some sort of metaphor. Except for the blind acceptance of a deity, they use reason and logic to determine how they act and what decisions they make. Perhaps they believe in this deity because they were raised to believe, because they never questioned their belief, or because it's just comforting to them. I have no problems with liberal xians because of this.

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Old 11-25-2002, 03:44 PM   #5
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Live and let live.
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Old 11-25-2002, 04:18 PM   #6
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As far as xianity goes, these are about the only ones I call 1/2 normal - most of the xians in my family fall under this category. They really don't give to the church and just go a few times a year at most.

That being said they still believe that a skydaddy creator power exists somewhere and that he probably does want us all to worship his hole-y highness in some way and pray or ask for favors based on this exchange and live forever and...
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Old 11-25-2002, 07:19 PM   #7
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I used to know a lot more liberal Christians back in England. Here it tends to be the "personal friend of Jesus" with the "my way or go to hell" message that's more prevalent. I had a lot more respect for Christians and Christianity before coming across the fundamentalists.
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Old 11-25-2002, 07:43 PM   #8
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Liberal Christians compare to Fundamentalist Christians about the same way that the harmless crazy homeless guy on the street compares to the really creepy crazy homeless guy on the street.
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Old 11-25-2002, 11:56 PM   #9
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Originally posted by peteyh:
<strong>They don't tell me I'm going to hell and I don't tell them that they're getting conned out of 10% of their paycheck.</strong>

Liberal Christians in the USA give 10% of their paycheck to their church?!?

Here, I'd be surprised if our liberal Christians would give more than 1% of their paycheck to church, if they give anything at all. (I approximate my parents gives something like 0.1%)

What is ironic is that we're Catholics here in Quebec, and that the Reform came about partly because the Church was too focused on getting money from followers. It looks like Protestants learned from their enemy.
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Old 11-26-2002, 05:41 AM   #10
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As long as they don't bother me I don't bother them. My girlfriend's great-aunt is one of these. I was reading some ELCA magazine at her house and they had an article about missionaries who seemed to be more concerned with helping people in the third world build shelter and sanitation and find food than converting. The article said something about making sure someone is well-fed and healthy before bringing them to the lord. Most of them mean well. I'd like to see them be more vocal in countering fundie theology.
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