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Old 07-18-2003, 05:41 PM   #41
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Default My new atheistic

On what do you base your belief? My belief comes from the bible.
Also comes from the bible,It was a big pill to swalow but it went down slow.

It is not my fault that jesus is 2000 years late and that God created a flat earth somewhere( not our planet) and that joshua made the sun stand still,it is the way it is.

All these and many more verses are false which makes anything that God wrote lack credibility.

When Oj simpson was on trial mark fuhrman lied under oath in the courtroom.As far as I am concerned mark fuhrmans credibility dropped to nothing and cannot be trusted to tell the truth as a police officer.
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Old 07-18-2003, 05:52 PM   #42
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Originally posted by Hedwig
I meant what's the point of doing the whole born-again thing if you're always going to fall short of your deity's expectations? And what's the point of doing the whole born-again thing if it doesn't do you any good in this life? I'm actually curious about both these things.
Being born again changes you on the inside. It's an inner change working on moving away from sin, and towards God. Yes it is progressive, and it takes some longer than others. We are constantly working at it, and also fail many times. We live in a corrupt world with endless amounts of sin and temptation, so the pleasures of the flesh, will always make us fail before God. The difference being, is we now repent when we fail, and work harder at not sinning the next time. No matter how much we fail, God will always be there to forgive us if we seek it. The important part is that we are trying to direct our lives from darkness, into light.

Who said it doesn't do you any good in this life? We may not end up rich or famous or always happy, but we now have a relationship with God, to whom we can seek for guidance in our journey. He guides us and shows us to improve ourselves, as well as further His kingdom on Earth and help others.
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Old 07-18-2003, 05:54 PM   #43
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Default Re: My new atheistic

Originally posted by mark9950

It is not my fault that jesus is 2000 years late and that God created a flat earth somewhere( not our planet) and that joshua made the sun stand still,it is the way it is.

Hmm, whats that, the 60th time you've come up with this argument when it is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand? I think you might win the award for the most redundant one liner argument. Congrats!
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Old 07-18-2003, 06:25 PM   #44
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Yet we see it differently. The trouble with you is that you don’t look at the whole picture. The whole picture is this:

All of humanity will be punished for their sins and go to hell except for those who have accepted God’s precious gift of eternal salvation

Ester that is still a disgusting, hateful, inhumane belief to hold. Everyone in the world except members of your little sect are damned to Hell.
If you really believed that, and were not a coward, you should be doing everything possible to neutralize this monster of a god. It is a clear and present danger to humanity and would need to be destroyed. To worship such a horror -if it were real- would make you a traitor to mankind.
That of all the many forms of Christianity that exist, you choose to join the most hateful one speaks very poorly of you.
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Old 07-18-2003, 09:21 PM   #45
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Originally posted by Biff the unclean

Ester that is still a disgusting, hateful, inhumane belief to hold. Everyone in the world except members of your little sect are damned to Hell.
If you really believed that, and were not a coward, you should be doing everything possible to neutralize this monster of a god. It is a clear and present danger to humanity and would need to be destroyed. To worship such a horror -if it were real- would make you a traitor to mankind.
That of all the many forms of Christianity that exist, you choose to join the most hateful one speaks very poorly of you.
Members of our little sect? You mean the largest religious group on Earth? Billions will be going to heaven, and yes billions won't - but its hardly a "little sect".

Why would we neutralize God? First of all there is the problem of Him being the the Almighty Ruler of the Universe, and second - why would we hate God for executing judgement? That isn't our place to question Him about. We love God and have no desire to rebell against Him.

A "traitor" to mankind? Hardly. Since a third of mankind is on our side, how could we be a traitor? Although, according to Jesus, we aren't of this world. This world is against us because it is against God. Humanity abandoned God and His followers, not the other way around.

And you can't seem to understand it yet can you? NO ONE has to go to Hell. Every single human can avoid it. Get rid of your pride and you might see what God has to offer you. Hell is a choice every human who ends up there makes. God gave you a way out, not His fault if you don't want to accept His offer.
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Old 07-18-2003, 09:56 PM   #46
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Default maybe

you should read about the goddess hel

This explains where hell came from the goddess hel.
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Old 07-18-2003, 10:19 PM   #47
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Hi mark9950,

This is a statement you've made twice on different threads. You say this shows where the term hell came from. No I didn't read this the same way.

If you are going to make such statements, perhaps you have the proof to back it up. Your posted website only lists a description of the goddess. Since Jesus described hell in the Gospels, which I have no doubt you have discounted on one spurious ground or another, perhaps you can demonstrate to me how Jesus (or the writers of the gospels) knew of the myth of a Nordic goddess, assuming the myth was even around at that time. Since the Nordic cultures gave up pagan beliefs as late as 900 AD in Scandinavia I have doubts that the age of this myth is older than the New Testament.

Please show me how this influenced the New Testament. I eagerly wait for your reply.
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Old 07-18-2003, 11:37 PM   #48
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She's right Mark. The Christian Hell is lifted from the religions of the Magi, Mithraism and Zoroastrianism. It's a perfect match except the Magi's god Mazda isn't a monster so Hell doesn't last forever. Of course it has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism. Since baptism is a Magi rite too, and not Jewish, maybe John told him about it, and he got the details wrong.

Magus I'm glad to hear that you now consider Roman Catholics Christians now…since you included them in your numbers.
But when I say "little sect" I'm referring to the piss ant tiny cult you belong to, not Christianity.
You love god and you hate people. Even by your ridiculous figures (which go against every post you have made) you still have two thirds of humanity burning in Hell. You are still a traitor to mankind by aligning yourself with such a monster
God gave you a way out, not His fault if you don't want to accept His offer.
How does that differ from a thief sticking a gun in your head and saying "your money or your life"? He's giving you a way out. He's your savior. He'll save you from himself for a price. No one has to be shot. Get rid of your pride. Getting your brains blown out is the choice you make.
<flame deleted - liv>
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Old 07-19-2003, 02:06 AM   #49
Ad Astra
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Originally posted by Magus55
And you can't seem to understand it yet can you? NO ONE has to go to Hell. Every single human can avoid it. Get rid of your pride and you might see what God has to offer you. Hell is a choice every human who ends up there makes. God gave you a way out, not His fault if you don't want to accept His offer.
So, somehow, people choose whether they end up in Heaven or Hell. Ah, but:

1. God is all-knowing (future, past, present. We all know this song and dance, right?).
2. God is never wrong.

If both 1 and 2 are correct, then the course of events that will take place in the universe are already "mapped out" in the mind of God, and free will is just an illusion. If your god does infact exist, then there is nothing we can do with regards to our salvation.

Thank God God is just a myth, eh?
Old 07-19-2003, 07:20 AM   #50
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Originally posted by Ad Astra
So, somehow, people choose whether they end up in Heaven or Hell. Ah, but:

1. God is all-knowing (future, past, present. We all know this song and dance, right?).
2. God is never wrong.

If both 1 and 2 are correct, then the course of events that will take place in the universe are already "mapped out" in the mind of God, and free will is just an illusion. If your god does infact exist, then there is nothing we can do with regards to our salvation.

Thank God God is just a myth, eh?
Nope, God's omniscience is independent of free will. His foreknowledge, doesn't prevent you from making a choice - He only knows what that choice will be, because He sees the future as the present.

And what makes you think God is a myth? Any proof that He doesn't exist, or is that just your opinion?
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