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Old 02-05-2003, 09:31 PM   #31
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Great post Albert!
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Old 02-05-2003, 09:38 PM   #32
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A Metaphysical Understanding of the Triune God

Ya Albert, all I can say is WOW!
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Old 02-05-2003, 10:07 PM   #33
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Default Re: A Metaphysical Understanding of the Triune God

Originally posted by Albert Cipriani

To illustrate, the experience of the Father generating the Son (aka, The Word)
Nice post Albert and I think you meant that the Father is the Word generating the Son to become flesh. So the Son is not the Word but is the manifestation of the Word.

Yes, and I loved "The Consolation of Philosophy" by Boethius.
Old 02-06-2003, 12:11 AM   #34
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Talking A very profound explanation

very well stated....a question though......So omniscience is attributed to the Trinity?

Also, aren't we all Sons of God? Doesn't that include us in their holy 'inner circle'?

Anyway, seeing your a catholic, I'd appreciate your thoughts on this one....;threadid=2507

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Old 02-06-2003, 02:03 AM   #35
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"very well stated....a question though......So omniscience is attributed to the Trinity?

Also, aren't we all Sons of God? Doesn't that include us in their holy 'inner circle'?"


All the atoms in our body is moving at the speed of light...., but this means that the world is standing still to their POV.
We can see they are standing still, our body doesn't melt!, but we KNOW that they are in fact moving with the speed of light.

For many years people thought that the sun revolved around the earth.
They got smarter, now the planet revolved around the sun.
They got smarter still, now the sun was also revolving around the center of teh galaxy(or something close enough)
Eevne smarter now, they see that the galaxy ALSO revolves some thing.

Everything revolves, EXCEPT the universe ITSELF.

So the universe doesn't move seen from teh "outside" because the outside doesn't exist.
But inside it is moving all over the place.

God/universe is teh unmovable mover.

Depending on your POV, everything moves and stands still.
What one sees as moevment another sees as motionless.

DD - Unmovable Mover Spliff
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Old 02-06-2003, 04:11 AM   #36
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Hi Violent Messiah,

I said:

Conflict and change are the essense of reality. Existence exists is the one absolute truth...unless you can refute it without existing to do so.
To which you replied:

Who said it isn't? Change is the world's constant? Definitely. But the variations are with respect to what - you cannot call it change unless you have some idea of the former nature of the matter. See, you are still holding to some truth regarding things that you very well know will change.

To which I add: Time is the final arbiter in all determinations of both conflict and change. Time and existence are the twin axioms of our reality encapsulating us within parameters that have evolved into an ecosystem that is subjectively percieved to objectively exist a priori (independent of our experience of it). What has evolved beyond us is a body of knowledge that exists as material fact and a lesser body of beliefs that exist as hypothetical possibilities. There are truths that are buttressed by facts and there are beliefs that are buttressed by hopes. Since life is a journey from the cradle to the grave it necessitates we choose a path and stay the course. All of us can see the grave approaching though we'd rather not dwell too long on those hills that provide us this vision. Many choose a path that claims to look beyond it and follow a body of beliefs that are, at best, a hypothetical possibility. There is no evidence that their destination is as real as the tombstone that inspired it. As the body of truth, buttressed by facts, begins to grow and evolve some have begun to see another hypothetical possibility; one that is supported by many evidences. The possibility that man can push the grave back further and further until it no longer looms so large in his vision.

Men do not yet live long enough to effectively change the world in which they live more than the world in which they live effectively changes them. But this too will change, yet not without conflict.
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Old 02-06-2003, 11:33 AM   #37
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Lightbulb Step-Sons of God

Dear Violent Mess.,
Yes. Omniscience is attributed to all Three Persons of the Trinity. But it’s best to think of God not thinking or knowing anything at all. The reason for this is that God, by definition, is perfect. And knowing or thinking is a highly imperfect form of being informed.

For example. I can read about bees and know much more about them than they know about themselves. But when I get stung by one of them (my record as a beekeeper was 47 stings in 10 minutes), that experiential knowledge is qualitatively superior to my head knowledge. But my experiences with bees cannot compare to their experiences of being bees. Alas, all of God’s creatures, except for bees themselves, are devoid of this highest form of knowledge, the knowledge of being.

Indeed, it’s a misnomer to even refer to “being” as being a form of knowledge. None the less, you being you is a kind of experiential knowledge that no one else can hope to know. So you write poems, argue on message boards, compose music, do what you can to emanate sparks of what it’s like being you on the inside. But it’s all futile. What you put off remain sparks and cannot be fanned into replicating that unique fire, that incommunicable essence, that the Catholic Church calls your person.

Ergo, God must not be so limited. His “knowledge” is the experiential knowledge of being all that is. He is the bee. He is you every femtosecond of your life. That’s the level of intimacy by which He “knows” you and every subatomic particle of this universe.

You ask:
Aren't we all Sons of God? Doesn't that include us in their (the Trinity’s) holy 'inner circle'?
In major logic, the term “son” would be categorized as an analogous term, meaning it does not have a singular meaning (univocal) nor a double meaning (equivocal, the stuff of puns), but a meaning that is as varied as the contexts in which it may be found.

So in the context of our faith in the Son of God being the means whereby we are adopted by God, yes, we are sons of God and that sonship is the ticket into His inner circle. But in no way are we to confuse our election to this gratuitously offered sonship with God as a transformational kinship into being substantively God’s Son.

We are called to God’s wedding banquet as His guests, even as His bridesmaids, but not as His bride. The Catholic Church speaks of Herself as the Bride of Christ, that is an espousal between flesh and flesh whereby the two (Jesus Christ weds each member of His Church) become one. This humanly parallels, but does not replicate the Divine menage ‘a trois that is the Trinity. – Sincerely, Albert the Traditional Catholic 2/7/03
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Old 02-06-2003, 12:08 PM   #38
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Originally posted by Darth Dane

So the universe doesn't move seen from teh "outside" because the outside doesn't exist.

DD - Unmovable Mover Spliff

And that is why we are the centre of the universe.
Old 02-06-2003, 12:50 PM   #39
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Everything is the centre of teh universe.

All is one

This for me, is the very only way that things will make sense

DD - All one Spliff
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Old 02-06-2003, 06:28 PM   #40
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Red face

Brother Alberto Say:

Ergo, God must not be so limited. His “knowledge” is the experiential knowledge of being all that is. He is the bee. He is you every femtosecond of your life. That’s the level of intimacy by which He “knows” you and every subatomic particle of this universe.
If that's so, they why does lil' ole me have to be "invited" back to, in essence, my own Wedding Feast? Why relegate His Divine Reconstitution to us lesser spin-offs? And indeed, why all the eons-old rigaramole; if He knows what who where why I am, every femtosecond, why ain't it enough for me just to be me?

Gimme some more of that Mother Lore!

Oh, but wait--none of that being/knowledge includes Original Sin--right? That was all the doing of us spin-offs. Which he knew, and knows about. Intimately. But kept on being Himself anyway.

Well you know me Albert, I'm just a natural smart-ass. But I am seriously interested in how Original Sin fits into this picture.

Cheers, BarryG
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