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#1 |
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Hi everyone. I've been reading the posts on this board for almost three years now, and I used to post some stuff, but I think that name got deleted or something. Anyway, I need some links to periodicals or journals pertaining to the Stanley Miller experiment and also abiogenesis in general. Thanks for any help you guys can give.
-Matt |
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#2 |
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Snyder,Texas,USA
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Try a Google search for "abiogenesis", "Urey Miller", and "astrobiology" and you'll come up with lots of leads: Miller is still publishing, NASA has a decent website, and many universities do too. There's also a newsletter called "Marsbugs" out there with breaking news and citations.
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#3 |
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<a href="http://originoflife.net/" target="_blank">http://originoflife.net/</A>
(discusses the clay crystal theory) <a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/abioprob.html" target="_blank">http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/abioprob/abioprob.html</A> (abiogenesis FAQ) |
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#4 |
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Join Date: Jul 2001
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Here is my abiogenesis bibliography. Articles with an * are cited by J. Wells in "Icons of Evolution." I have maybe 20 more articles that I haven't read yet. Of course, new articles are published every week. Very few studies represent anything that could be considered a 'problem' for the abiogenesis hypothesis.
*Abelson, Philip H. 1966 “Chemical Events on the Primitive Earth” PNAS Vol 55:1365-1372 ( be sure to use his concluding remarks in contrast to Wells’ use of just the second paragraph.) Amend, J. P. , E. L. Shock 1998 “Energetics of Amino Acid Synthesis in Hydrothermal Ecosystems” Volume 281, no. 5383, Issue of 11 Sep , pp. 1659-1662. Bada, Jeffrey. L., C. Bigham, Stanley L. Miller 1994 “Impact melting of frozen oceans on the early Earth: Implications for the origin of life” PNAS-USA v.91: 1248-1250 Bell, G. , 2001 “Neurtal Macroecology” Science 293, 2413 - 2418, MP BERNSTEIN, JP DWORKIN, SA SANDFORD, GW COOPER & LJ ALLAMANDOLA 2002 Racemic amino acids from the ultraviolet photolysis of interstellar ice analogues. Nature 416, 401 - 403 (2002) Blochl, Elisabeth, Martin Keller, Gunter Wachtershauser, Karl Otto Stetter 1992 “Reactions depending on iron sulfide and linking geochemistry with biochemistry” PNAS-USA v.89: 8117-8120 Brocks, Jochen J., Gram A. Logan, Roger Buick, Roger E. Summons 1999 Archaen Molecular Fossils and the Early Rise of Eukaryotes. Science 285 (5430):1033-1036 Byerly, Gary R, Donald R. Lowe, Joseph L. Wooden, Xiaogang Xie 2002 "An Archaen Impact Layer from the Pilbara and Kaapvaal Cratons" Science 297 (5585): 1325 Caffee, M. W., G. B. Hudson, C. Velsko, G. R. Huss, A. R. Chivas 1999 “Primordial Noble Gases from the Earth’s Mantle: Identification of a Primitive Volatile Component” Science v.285 (5436): 2115 Canfield, Donald E., Kristen S. Habicht, Bo Thamdrup 2000 “The Archaen Sulfur Cycle and the Early History of Atmospheric Oxygen” Science 288 (5466): 658 Canil, Dante 2002 “Vanadium in peridotites, mantle redox and tectonic environmnets: Archean to present” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 195 (2002) 75-90. *Castresana, Jose, Matti Saraste 1995 “Evolution of energetic metabolism: the respiration-early hypothesis” Trends in Biochemical Science 20:443-448 Catling, David C., Kevin J. Zahnle, Christopher P. McKay 2001 “Biogenic Methane, Hydrogen Escape, and the Irreversible Oxidation of Early Earth” Science 293 (5531): 839 Catling, David C., Kevin J. Zahnle, Christopher P. McKay 2002 “Reply to Towe (2002)” Science letters v.295 (5559):1419a Churchill, Deneyse, James F. Kasting 2000 “Constraints on Early Mantel Redox State” (Abstract) General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. *Cohen, Jon 1995 “New Center Seeks to Add Spark to Origins of Life” Science (Research News) vol 270: 1925-1926 Christie-Blink, Nicholas, Linda E. Sohl, Martin J. Kennedy 1999 “Considering a Neoproterozic Snowball Earth” letters Science v.284 (5417): 1087a (see Hoffman et al 1998, 1999) Cleaves, H. James, Stanley L. Miller 1998 “Oceanic protection of prebiotic organic compounds from UV radiation” PNAS-USA v. 95, issue 13: 7260-7263 Cody, George D., et al 2000 “Primordial Carbonylated Iron-Sulfur Compounds and the Synthesis of Pyruvate” Science v.289 : 1337-1340 Cohen, B. A., T. D. Swindle, and D. A. Kring 2000 “Support for the Lunar Cataclysm Hypothesis from Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Ages” Science Dec 1 2000: 1754-1756. Dauphas, Nicolas, Bernard Marty 1999 “Heavy Nitrogen in Carbonatites of the Kola Peninsula: A Possible Signiture of the Deep Mantle Science 286 (5449) : 2488 Davidson, C. F. 1963 The Precambrian atmosphere. Nature 197:893 (see Rutten, 1963) Dalrymple, G. Brent, 1991 The Age of the Earth Stanford: Stanford University Press de Duve, Christian 1995 “The Beginnings of Life on Earth “ American Scientist September-October 1995 *“More likely, the RNA world emerged from and was supported by a primitive sort of metabolism fueled by the bonds in sulfur-containing compounds called thioesters. “ also includes an illustration of the Miller/Urey experiment. <a href="http://www.sigmaxi.org/amsci/articles/95articles/cdeduve.html" target="_blank">http://www.sigmaxi.org/amsci/articles/95articles/cdeduve.html</a> Delano, John W. 2001 “Redox History of the Earth’s Interior since ~3900 Ma:Implications for Prebiotic Molecules” Origins of Life and the Evolution of the Biosphere v.31(4-5):311-341 Des Marais, David J. 2000 “When Did Photosynthesis Emerge on Earth?” Science 289 (5485): 1703 Dickin, Alan P. 1997 Radiogenic Isotope Geology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dismukes, G. C., V. V. Klimov, S. V. Baranov, Yu. N. Kozlov, J. DasGupta, A. Tyryshkin. 2001 “The Origin of Atmospheric Oxygen on Earth: The Innovation of Oxygenic Photosynthesis” PNAS-USA vl 98 no. 5: 2170-2175 Dreibus, G., H. Wanke, G. W. Lugmair 1997 “Volitile Inventories of Mars and Earth and Their Implication for the Evolution of the Planetary Atmospheres” Workshop on Early Mars (1997) {“The huge quantities of H2 produced by the reaction of H2O with metalic iron ... removal by hydrodynamic excape.} see Hunten et al (1986) Dworkin, Jason P., David W. Deamer, Scott A. Sandford, and Louis J. Allamandola 2000 “Self-assembling amphiphilic molecules: Synthesis in simulated interstellar/precometary ices” PNAS 98: 815-819 Dyall, Sabrina D., Patricia J. Johnson 2000 “Origins of hydrogenosomes and mitochondria: evolution and organelle biogensis.” Current Opinion in Microbiology 3:404-411 Ehrenfreund, Pascale, Daniel P Glavin, Oliver Botta, George Cooper, Jeffrey L. Bada 2001 “Extraterrestrial amino acids in Orgueil and Ivuna: Tracing the parent body of CI type cabonaceous chondrites” PNAS-USA v.98 no.5:2138-2141 Ellington, Andrew D., Michael P. Robertson, and Jim Bull 1997 ”Ribozymes in Wonderland”Science April 25; 276: 546-547. (in Perspectives) Farquhar, James, Huming Bao, Mark Thiemens 2000 Atmospheric Influence of Earth’s Earliest Sulfur Cycle” Science v.289(5480):756 Fedo, Christopher M. and Martin J. Whitehouse 2002 “Metasomatic Origin of Quartz-Pyroxene Rock, Akilia, Greenland, and Implications for Earth's Earliest Life” Science 296: 1448-1452. (in Reports) Gerasimov, M. V., Yu. P. Dikov, F. Wlotzka 1998 “Is There An Alernative For The Huge Impact-Generated Atmosphere?” abstract from Origin of the Earth and Moon Conference, Monterey, Dec. Grotzinger, J.P. and J.F. Kasting. 1993 New constraints on Precambrian Ocean Composition, J. Geol. 101: 235-243. Han, T.-M, Bruce Runnegar 1992 “ Megascopic Eukaryotic Alge from the 2.1-Billion-Year-Old Negaunee Iron-Formation, Michigan“ Science 257: 232-235 Hazen, R.M., T.R. Filley, and G.A. Goodfriend. 2001. Selective adsorption of L- and D-amino acids on calcite: Implications for biochemical homochirality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(May 8):5487. Hedges, S. Blair, Hsiong Chen, Sudhir Kumar, Daniel Y-C Wang, Amanda S. Thompson, Hidemi Watanabe. 2001 “A genomic timescale for the origin of eukaryotes” Bio-med Central: Evolutionary Biology 1:4 <a href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/1/4" target="_blank">http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/1/4</a> Hill, L.C. Jr., 1998 The “Urey Hypothesis” Revisited: Molecular Genetics and Contemporary Chronologies. Early Chronology and Planetary Precesses, July 1998 (Abs.) Hoffman, Paul F. Alan J. Kaufman, Galen P. Halverson, Daniel P. Schrag 1998 “A Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth” Science v.281 (5381): 1342 (see also Christie-Blick et al 1999, and Hoffman nnd Schrag 1999) Hoffman, Paul F., Daniel P. Schrag 1999 “A reply to Christie-Blick et al” letters Science v.284 (5417): 1087a Holland, Heinrich D. 1984 The Chemical Evolution of the Atmoshphere and Oceans, Princeton Series in Geochemistry Princeton University Press Holland, Heinrich D. 1999 “When did the Earth’s atmosphere become oxic? A Reply.” The Geochemical News #100: 20-22 (see Ohmoto 1997 ) Horita, Juske, Michael E. Berndt 1999 Abiogenic Methane Formation and Isotropic Fractionization Under Hydrothermal Conditions. Science 285 (5430): 1055 Hornbeck, Gerda et al 2001 “Protection of Bacterial Spores in Space, a Contribution to the Discussion on Panspermia” Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere v.31(6):527-547 Huber, Claudia, Gunter Wachtershauser 1997 “Activated Acetic Acid by Carbon Fixation on (Fe,Ni)S Under Primordial Conditions” Science v. 276: 245-247 Huber, Claudia, Gunter Wachtershauser 1998 “Peptides by Activation of Amino Acids with CO on (Ni,Fe)S Surfaces: Implications for the Origin of Life” Science v.281: 670-672 Hunten, Donald M., Robert O. Pepin, James C. G. Walker 1986 “Mass Fractionation in Hydrodynamic Excape.” Icarus 69: 532 hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen gas (and others) during planetary accretion Hunten, Donald M. 1993 “Atmospheric Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets” Science 259:915-920 (companion article to Kasting 1993) Imai, E., Honda, H., Hatori, K., Brack, A. and Matsuno, K. 1999 “Elongation of oligopeptides in a simulated submarine hydrothermal system“ Science 283(5403):831–833. *Irion, Robert 1998 “MEETING BRIEFS ![]() Irion, Robert 1998 “Did Twisty Starlight Set Stage for Life?” Science July 31; 281: 626-627. (in News of the Week) Kakegawa, T., Hajime Kawai, Hiroshi Ohmoto 1999 Origins of pyrites in the ~2.5 Ga Mt. McRae Shale, the Hamersley district, western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.62, 3205-3220. *Kasting, J.F. 1993 “Earth's early atmosphere” Science 259: 920-926. Kasting, J.F. 1993 “Algae and oxygen in Earth's ancient atmosphere” (Tech. Comment) and B. Runnegar “Responce to Kasting.” Science 259: 835. Kasting, J.F., D.H. Eggler, and S.P. Raeburn. 1993 Mantle redox evolution and the Oxidation State of the Archean atmosphere, J. Geol. 101: 245-257. Kaufman, Alan J., Andrew H. Knoll, Guy M. Narbonne 1997 “Isotopes, ice ages, and terminal Proterozoic earth history” PNAS-USA v.94 (13): 6600 Kaufman, Stuart A. 1993 The Origins of Order: Self -Organization and Selection in Evolution Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kerr, Richard A. 2002 “Reversal Reveal Pitfalls in Spotting Ancient and E.T. Life” Science (Perspectives) 296:1384-1385 Kirschvink, Joseph L., et al 2000 “Paleoproterozoic Snowball Earth: Extreme climatic and geochemical global change and its biological consequences” PNAS-USA v.97, no.4: 1400-1405 Kirchvink, Joseph, L, Benjamin P. Weiss 2001 "Mars, Panspermia, and the Origin Of Life: Where Did It All Begin?" Palaeontologia Electronica vol.4 No.2 Kolber, Z. S., C. L. Van Dover, R. A. Niederman, P. G. Kalkowski 2000 Bacterial photosynthesis in surface waters of the open ocean” letters Nature v.407:177-179 Kump, Lee R., James F. Kasting, Mark E. Barley 2001 “Rise of atmospheric oxygen and the “upside-down” Archean mantle” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol. 2 paper# 2000GC000114 <a href="http://g-cubed.org/publicationsfinal/topbar.html" target="_blank">http://g-cubed.org/publicationsfinal/topbar.html</a> Lasaga, A.C. and Ohmoto, H. 2002 “The oxygen geochemical cycle: dynamics and stability” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol 66, #3 361-381 Lazcano, Antonio, Stanley L. Miller 1996 “The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Prebiotic Chemistry, the Pre-RNA World, and Time” Cell vol 85:793-798 Lee DH, Severin K, Yokobayashi Y, and Ghadiri MR, 1997 Emergence of symbiosis in peptide self-replication through a hypercyclic network. Nature, 390: 591-4, Levy, M and Miller, S.L., 1998 The stability of the RNA bases: Implications for the origin of life, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95(14):7933–38, Line, Martin A. 2002 The Enigma of the Origin of Life and its Timing. Microbiology 148, 21-27 (panspermia, cus he wants more time) Lollar, B. Sherwood, T. D. Westgate, J. A. Ward, G. F. Slater & G. Lacrampe-Coulloume 2002 “Abiognic formation of alkanes in the Earth’s crust as a minor source for global hydrocarbon reserevoirs.” Nature (letters) Vol 416: 522- 524 Mandernack, Kevin W., Dennis A. Bazylinski, Wayne C. Shanks III, Thomas D. Bullen 1999 “Oxygen and Iron Isotope Studies of Magnatite Produced by Magnetotactic Bacteria: Science v.285 (5435):1892 Marzoli, Andrea, Paul R. Renne, Enzo M. Piccirillo, Marcia Ernesto, Guliano Bellieni, Angelo De Min 1999 “Extensive 200-Million-Year-Old Continental Flood Basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province” Science v.284 (5414): 616 *Miller, Stanley L., 1953 “A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions” Science vol. 117:528-529 *Miller, Stanley, Harold C. Urey 1959 “Organic Compound Synthesis on the Primitive Earth” Science vol 139 Num 3370: 254-251 Miura, Y., S. Fukuhama, H. Kobayashi 1998 “Probable Existance Of Pseudo-Life Precursor on the Earth, Mars, and Moon” abstract Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX Mojzsis, Stephen J., T. Mark Harrison, 2000 “Vestiges of a Beginning: Clues to the Emergent Biosphere Recorded in the Oldest Known Sedimentary Rocks” GSA Today, April MOJZSIS, STEPHEN J., T. MARK HARRISON, ROBERT T. PIDGEON 2001 ”Oxygen-isotope evidence from ancient zircons for liquid water at the Earth's surface 4,300 Myr ago” Nature 409, 178-181 (11 January ) GM MU�OZ CARO, UJ MEIERHENRICH, WA SCHUTTE, B BARBIER, A ARCONES SEGOVIA, H ROSENBAUER, WHP THIEMANN, A BRACK & JM GREENBERG 2002 Amino acids from ultraviolet irradiation of interstellar ice analogues. Nature 416, 403 - 406 (2002) Nelson, K. E., M. Levy, S. L. Miller 2000 “Peptide nucleic acids rather than RNA may have been the first genetic molecule” PNAS-USA v.97, 3868-3871 Nelson K.E., Robertson M.P., Levy M, Miller S.L. 2001 Concentration by evaporation and the prebiotic synthesis of cytosine. Orig Life Evol Biosph Jun;31(3):221-229 Nisbet, E. G., N. H. Sleep 2001 “The habitat and nature of early life.” Nature vol. 409 29 February 1083-1090 Noll KS, Roush TL, Cruikshank DP, Johnson RE, Pendleton YJ. “Detection of ozone on Saturn's satellites Rhea and Dione. “ Nature 1997 July 3;388(6637):45-7 Ohmoto, H. 1996 Evidence in pre-2.2 Ga paleosols for the early evolution of atmospheric oxygen and terrestrial biota. Geology, 24:1135-1138 Ohmoto, H. 1997 “When Did the Earth’s Atmosphere Become Oxic?” The Geochemical News, 93: 12-13, 26-27. (see Holland 1999) Ohmoto, H. 1999: Redox state of the Archean atmosphere: evidence from detrital heavy minerals in ca. 3250-2750 Ma sandstones from the Pilbara Craton, Australia: Comment and reply” Geology, 27: 1151. Olendzenski, Lorraine, Olga Zhaxybayeva, J. Peter Gogarten 2000 “How Much Did Horizontal Gene Transfer Contribute to Early Evolution?: Quantifying Archaeal Genes in Two Bacterial Lineages ” (Abstract) General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Ono, Shuhei, Hiroshi Ohmoto 2000 “Dissolution Kenetics of Natural Uraninite and the Evolution of Atmospheric Oxygen” (Abstract) General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. (proposed a pCO2 of 100PAL and low pH (4-5) retarding the dissolution of uraninite regradless of pO2) ignors the implications of pCO2 at 100 PAL and high pO2) Orgel, Leslie 1998 “The Origin of life - a review of facts and speculations” Trends in Biochemical Science 23:491-495 Parsons, Ian, Martin R. Lee, and Joseph V. Smith 1998 Biochemical Evolution II: Origin of Life in Tubular Microsrtuctures on Weathered Feldspar Surfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 95 (26): 15173 Pavlov, Alexander, James K. asting, Jeninifer L. Eigenbrode, Katherine H. Freeman 2001 “Organic haze in Earth’s early atmosphere: Source of low-13C Late Archean kerogens?” Geology v.29 no. 11:1003-1006 Prinn, Ronald 2000 “Biospheric Traumas Caused By Great Imapcts” abstract, Catastrophic Events Conference Rasmussen, B., Buick, R. & Holland, H.D., 1999 “ Redox state of the Archean atmosphere: evidence from detrital heavy minerals in ca. 3250-2750 Ma sandstones from the Pilbara Craton, Australia” Geology, 27: 115-118 Rasmussen, B., Buick, R. & Holland, H.D., 1999: Redox state of the Archean atmosphere: evidence from detrital heavy minerals in ca. 3250-2750 Ma sandstones from the Pilbara Craton, Australia: reply to Omoto Geology, 27: 1152. Rode, Bernd Michael 1999 “Peptides and the origin of life” Peptides 20:773-786 Rosing, T. Minik 1999 13C-Depleated Carbon Microparticles in >3700-Ma Sea-Floor Sedimentary rocks from West Greenland. Science 283 (5402): 674 Rundel, C. C., N. J. Snelling 1977 “The Geochronology of uraniferous mineral in the Witwatersrand Triad; an interpretation of new and existing U-Pb agee data on rocks and minerals from Dominion Reef, Witwatersrand, and Venterrsdorp Supergroups” Philosopical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 286 (1977): 548 Runnegar, Bruce 2000 “Archean Sulfates from Western Australia: Implications for Earth’s Eearly Atmosphere and Ocean” (Abstract) General Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Rutten, M.G. 1963 A responce to Davidson’s The Precambrian atmosphere. Nature 197:894 Sagan, Carl, Christopher Chyba 1997 “The Early Faint Sun Paradox: Organic Shielding of Ultravioler-Labile Greenhouse Gases” Science v. 276 (5316): 1217-1221 *Schwartz, Robert M., Margret O. Dayhoff 1978 “Origins of Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts” Science Vol. 199 395-403 Segre, Daniel, Doron Lancet 2000 “Composing life” European Molecular Biology Organization Reports Vol. 1, #3:217-222. Shapiro, Robert 1999 Prebiotic Cytosine Synthesis: A Critical Analysis and Implications for the Origin of Life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 96 (8): 4396 *Side reactions make cytosine synthesis unlikely, but see Nelson et al (2001) Schopf, J. William 1994 “Disparate rates, differing fates: Tempo and modes of evolution changed from the Precabrian to the Phanerozoic” PNAC-USA v.91: 6735-6742 Shock, Everett L. 1990 “Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Organic Compounds in Hydrothernal Systems” Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere v.20: 331-367 Simakov, M. B. 2001 “The Possible Sites For Exobiological Activity On Titan” abstract, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII Simonson, B. M., and S. W. Hassler, 1996 “Was the deposition of large Precambrian iron formations linked to major marine transgression?” Journal of Geology, 104, 665-676, *Simpson P. R., J. F. W. Bowles 1977 “Uranium Mineralization of the Witwatersrand and Dominion Reef Systems” Philosopical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 286 (1977): 527-548 (see Rundel and Snelling 1977 (the same issue of the journal)) Sleep, N. H., K. Zahnle, P. S. Neuhoff 2001 “ Initiation of clement surface conditions on the earliest Earth” PNAS-USA v.98 no. 7: 3666-3672 R. E. Taylor & Martin J. Aitken, Editors 1997, Chronometric Dating in Archaeology New York ![]() Towe, Kenneth 2002 “The Problematic Rise of Archean Oxygen” letters Science v.295 (5559):1419a Trieloff, Mario, Joachim Kunz, David A. Clague, Darrell Harrison, Claude J. Allegre 2000 “The Nature of Pristine Noble Gases in Mantle Plumes” Science v.288:1036-1038 Trieloff, M., 2001 “Noble Gases in Earth’s Mantle: A Hybrid of Solar He and Ne Implanted by Corpuscular Radiation and Ar, Kr, Xe from “Planetary” Subcomponents in Carbonaceous Chondrites?” Abstract, 64th Anuall Meteoritical Society Meeting Trieloff, M., J. Kunz 2001 Terrestrial Noble Gas Systematics Revised: Evidence for Primordial Noble Gases From Earth’s Core? Eleventh Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, The Geochemical Society *Urey, Harold C. 1952 “On the early chemical history of the Earth and the origin of life” PNAS vol. 38:351-363 Von Damm, K. L. 1995 “Controls on the Chemistry and Temporal Variability of Seafloor Hydrothemal Fluids” in Seafloor Hydrodynamical Systems: Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Geological Interactions Geophysical Monograph 91 The American Geophysical Union Wachtershauser, Gunter 2000 “Perspective” Science v.289 : 1308 Wasson, John T. 2000 “Large Aerial Bursts; an Important Class Of Terrestrial Accretionary Events.” abstract, Catastrophic Events Conference Watanabe, Y., Martini, J.E.J., Ohmoto, H. 2000 “Geochemical evidence for terrestrial ecosystems 2.6 billion years ago.” letters, Nature, 408, 574-578 (2000). (terrestrial bio by 2.6 to 2.7 Ga implies sufficient O2 for an Ozone UV shield) Whitby, J., R. Burgess, G. Turner, J. Gilmore, J. Bridges 2000 “Extinct I-291 in Halite from a Primitive Meteorite: Evidence for Evaporite Formation in the Early Solar System” Science 288: 1819-1821 Whitehouse, Martin. 2000 “Time Constraints on When Life Began: The oldest Record of Life on Earth?” The Geochemical News #103, April. Wilde, Simon A., John W. Valley, William H. Peck, Collin M. Graham 2001 “Evidence from detrital zircons for the existance of contenental crust and oceans on Earth 4.4 Gyr ago” Nature (letters) Vol 409:175-181 Woese, Carl 1998 “The universal ancestor” PNAS Vol. 95, Issue 12, 6854-6859, June 9 Woese, Carl 2002 “On the evolution of Cells” PNAS Vol. 99 13:8742-8747, June 25 Xiong, Jin, William M. Fischer, Kazuhito Inoue, Masaaki Nakahara, Carl E. Bauer. 2000 “Molecular Evidence for the Early Evolution of Photosynthesis” Science 298(5485): 1724 Zolensky, M. et al 1999 “Astroidal Water Within Fluid Inclusion-bearing Halite in an H5 Chondrite, Monahaus (1998)” Science 285: 1377-1379. Zolotov, M. Yu., E. L. Shock 1998 “Volcanic Gases: Synthesis of Organic Compounds on the Present and Early Earth.” Abstract, 1998 Origin of the Earth and Moon, Dec. Montery CA [ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: Dr.GH ]</p> |
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#5 |
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Wow! Thanks greatly, Gary!
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#6 |
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*Reads list of primary literature*
Holy farking sheep! *Bookmarks this thread* We sooooo need more teachers like Dr. GH in every school to present 50 trillion research articles on anything which is brought up by inquisitive young minds... <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" /> |
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#7 |
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Wow. thanks very much to everyone, expecially Dr. GH. I'll let you guys know how it goes. This board is awesome...although I do disagree much of the time with people's opinions, it is VERY informative and stimulating.
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#8 |
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No fair, Dr. GH. You're literature bombing. No fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#9 |
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Dr GH - another 1.5 articles to add to your list are a news brief by J S Siegel in Nature for 26 Sept 2002, p 346, and the paper it talks about: Singleton, D A,& Vo, L K, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 10010-10011, (2002). The nub is that a (not-very-biological) reaction cycle has been found where part-per-billion excesses of one optical isomer of say, the solvent, are enough to give huge excesses of one optical isomer of product. This provides one more possible path to the all-L-amino acid world we live in, and does it initially through a random mechanism, not involving polarized light or whatever. (I haven't read the JACS article - we don't do chemistry journals here in the oil-field chemistry bidness.)
To quote Siegel: "Thus, biomolecular handedness is an imperative of the evolutionary process downstream from molecular handedness, and smart money still bets on chance over determinism." I don't think he's in Dembski's camp, somehow.... |
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#10 |
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Thanks for all your kind words.
"Da bomb" poor billy- heh heh I started a year ago to write a refutation to Wells' "Icons ..." chapter on the miller/urey experiment. To do that I felt that I needed to read all of his sources. To read those, and to follow other aspects of the issue, I needed to keep reading. A year and ~ 2500 pages later, I am about ready. I have only used some of the material in one short piece refuting some stupidity by J. Sarfati, Ph.D. of "Answers in Genesis" infamy. That is on the "No Answers in Genesis" web page <a href="http://home.austarnet.com.au/stear/sarfati_on_imai_gh.htm" target="_blank">here.</a> P.S. Thanks for the link to Singleton & Vo. I have it now in the "Still to read" list. [ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: Dr.GH ]</p> |
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