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Old 01-29-2008, 10:34 AM   #461
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless View Post
Historically, ancient armies carried the tools and carpenters to build rafts and similar wooden structures, if they didn't actually have those items with them.

Nebby would definitely have had the means to launch some sort of amphibious assault on Tyre. Though, given the magnitude of the defenses, it's possible that he realized an assault would be futile, so he might have gone straight for the siege option: if so, another failed prophecy for Ezekiel, who describes an assault.
The fundies also ignore two other obvious sources of naval power.

1. Since the vassal states were required to provide military contingents to Babylon (as part of their tribute payments), it wouldn't have been strictly necessary for Babylon to have a navy - Babylon could have demanded naval units as part of the tribute payment ("outsourcing their naval needs");

2. Several competitors and enemies of Tyre existed at the time, and would have been more than glad to contribute naval forces - not only to see Tyre lose its trading routes and financial power, but also to curry favor with Babylon.

But that, of course, is more advanced analysis that you're not going to find with any of our current crop of bible literalists.

Against fortifications on land, of course, there would have been no problem. His armies could have stormed the walls directly, backed by siege towers etc. if necessary. Hence the absurdity of the claim that Tyre was on the land yet somehow survived for 13 years.
That's one of the most bizarre parts of the fundie position. If the siege of Tyre was 13 years long, what precisely do the fundies think that Nebuchadnezzar did for all those long years? The suburbs on the mainland were hardly in a position to stand up to the Babylonian army that had rolled over so many other cities. The mainland probably fell in less than a year. What did the Babylonian army do for the remaining 11 or 12 years?

The NYT crosswords? :rolling:
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:34 AM   #462
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Did Alexander the Great have a Navy? If not how did he destroy Tyre?
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:35 AM   #463
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Encyclopedia Britanica: When Nebuchadnezzar broke the gates down...The majority of the people had moved by ship to an island about one-half mile off the coast. The mainland city was destroyed.
I don't have access to the full article, but this is what the summary says: "Tyre successfully resisted a 6th-century-BC siege of 13 years by the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar II, [...]". Could you post the full article here, or at least the relevant paragraph?
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:35 AM   #464
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
Wrong. Tyre has been a fishing port since before recorded time.
That is an understatement if I ever heard one.
So has London. And Stockholm. That doesn't mean that either city is known primarily for fishing.

You miss the point deliberately - again.
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:36 AM   #465
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Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
That's one of the most bizarre parts of the fundie position. If the siege of Tyre was 13 years long, what precisely do the fundies think that Nebuchadnezzar did for all those long years? The suburbs on the mainland were hardly in a position to stand up to the Babylonian army that had rolled over so many other cities. The mainland probably fell in less than a year. What did the Babylonian army do for the remaining 11 or 12 years?
So you are more of authority on ancient history than the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:36 AM   #466
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Did Alexander the Great have a Navy? If not how did he destroy Tyre?
He built a causeway. 10 seconds.
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:37 AM   #467
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
That's one of the most bizarre parts of the fundie position. If the siege of Tyre was 13 years long, what precisely do the fundies think that Nebuchadnezzar did for all those long years? The suburbs on the mainland were hardly in a position to stand up to the Babylonian army that had rolled over so many other cities. The mainland probably fell in less than a year. What did the Babylonian army do for the remaining 11 or 12 years?
So you are more of authority on ancient history than the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Where did Encyclopedia Britannica say that Nebuchadrezzar besieged the mainland for 13 years?
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:40 AM   #468
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
]Encyclopedia Britanica "After a 13 year seige by Nebucanezzar, Tyre made terms and acknowledged Babylonian suzerainity
arnoldo is now so desperate that he's fast-clipping and pasting text without even checking to see what it says.

Oh, wait - he's *always* done that. Never mind. :rolling:

Hint: I've been telling you for days that the siege ended in a draw. Now you have Britannica telling you the same thing. So far that's one point for my argument, and zero points for yours.
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:40 AM   #469
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Originally Posted by sugarhitman View Post
Tyre was a great nation that traded many goods and became rich because of it. Trading was its primary and main economic activity whereas today its main economic activity is fishing. Ezekiel was living during the days of Tyre and Tyre was not a place for the spraeding of nets it was a place for the spreading of trade. And answer me this if the nations were predicted as destroying Tyre completely...then why does God says it will be destroyed when He bury it in the sea? How can you do that against something that has already been destroyed or was to be destroyed by men? Common sense it appears is absent from the mind of critics. :wave:
Excellent point. Let's extend that line of reasoning by asking: How is God going to destroy an "island" at some point in the future when it's not an "island" anymore?

THAT would've been a helluva prediction! Ezekiels prophecy should have read like this:
I will bring up Nebby against you, he will choke you and harass you for many years. Your settlemnts on the mainland will be destroyed by him. Your economy will be crippled, yet you will survive his attack and recover for a time. However, I will bring up another king originating in the west, a young one, who will cause you to no longer be an island. He will cause the shore to reach out to you and join you to the land. Such joining will be the tool of your destruction. And he will ravage you more so than Nebby. Yet, you will recover from his attack as well, but not long afterwards and you will no longer enjoy the prominance of being a crown jewl of the sea. And you will never again be an island, so sayeth the LORD.
Too bad it says NONE OF THAT. That would've been amazing!:Cheeky:
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Old 01-29-2008, 10:43 AM   #470
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Originally Posted by arnoldo View Post
Originally Posted by Sheshonq View Post
That's one of the most bizarre parts of the fundie position. If the siege of Tyre was 13 years long, what precisely do the fundies think that Nebuchadnezzar did for all those long years? The suburbs on the mainland were hardly in a position to stand up to the Babylonian army that had rolled over so many other cities. The mainland probably fell in less than a year. What did the Babylonian army do for the remaining 11 or 12 years?
So you are more of authority on ancient history than the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Britannica doesn't say that there was a 13 year siege of the mainland. Unlike you, I actually have Britannica Online.
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