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Old 02-03-2008, 05:36 AM   #101
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The relationships to the true gods needs exploring further.
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Old 02-03-2008, 05:46 AM   #102
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And a detailed look at the "real" Pauline letters and those attributed to him.

Why did he not write to Tarsus?

Alexander the Great came through with his armies in 333 BC and came near meeting his death here after a bath in the Cydnus. By this time Tarsus was already Greek, and as part of the Seleucid Empire became more and more Hellenized; Strabo praises the cultural level of Tarsus in this period with its philosophers, poets and linguists. The schools of Tarsos rivalled Athens and Alexandria. 2 Maccabees (4:30) records its revolt in about 171 BC against Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who had renamed the town Antiochia on the Cydnus. In his time the library of Tarsus held 200,000 books, a huge collection of scientific works.


Pompey subjected it to Rome and Tarsus became capital of the Roman province of Cilicia (Caput Ciliciae), the metropolis where the governor resided. To flatter Julius Caesar, it took the name Juliopolis; it was here that Cleopatra and Mark Antony met, the scene of the celebrated feasts they gave during the construction of their fleet. In 66 BC, the inhabitants received Roman citizenship.
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Old 02-03-2008, 01:57 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post

If Paul was an invention then presumably all of his letters were written well after the 1st century......
But there are other possibilities. The name "Paul" may have just been added to the first verse of each epistle to give the impression that they written by "Paul" when the epistles may have been already written by unknown authors.
You are saying that "someone" or "someones" could have writtten the "Pauline" epistles in the first century during the time Paul is now believed to have lived. If it was someONE, it might as well have been Paul. The multiple writer theory could be true, but the authentic epistles are quite consistent, and they allude to people and places found in the other epistles. One author sounds much more reasonable than multiple ones to me.

Also the epistles may have been heavily interpolated after the name of "Paul" was added.
Possibly. If this is the case, how would you answer my other 9 questions? Why not interpolate in the 12 disciples, Jesus' sayings and doings, the Roman church, etc..?

Justin Martyr, in his extant writings, did not mention the name "Paul", although he mentioned verses of what appeared to be similar to the "Pauline" epistles, he called these "memoirs of the apostles".

Justin Martyr, writing in the 2nd century, in First Apology 66
[b]"For the apostles, in the memoirs composed by them, which are called Gospels......"

Isn't he talking about the Gospels here?

The information I have gathered so far, suggest to me that the name "Paul" may have been added to existing writings
Is this primarily because you don't find early references to Paul outside of the NT? Or because of the gospel reference by Justin, or something else?

and heavily interpolated.
Why "heavily"? What suggests that?

And then, Acts of Apostles may have been written to create the fictitious history of "Paul".
Wouldn't the churches in Corinth, Thessalonia, Galatia, etc.. have refuted the idea of an unknown Paul as their founder? Don't you think--especially with epistles written to and about them by someone else--they would have known how they began by the time Acts was written?

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Old 02-03-2008, 02:30 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post
The multiple writer theory could be true, but the authentic epistles are quite consistent
no, they aren't, they are senseless scribbles
corrupting the works of Marcion.

Klaus Schilling
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Old 02-03-2008, 03:09 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post

But there are other possibilities. The name "Paul" may have just been added to the first verse of each epistle to give the impression that they written by "Paul" when the epistles may have been already written by unknown authors.
Originally Posted by TedM
You are saying that "someone" or "someones" could have writtten the "Pauline" epistles in the first century during the time Paul is now believed to have lived. If it was someONE, it might as well have been Paul. The multiple writer theory could be true, but the authentic epistles are quite consistent, and they allude to people and places found in the other epistles. One author sounds much more reasonable than multiple ones to me.
But, some biblical scholars have already deduced that the "Pauline" epistles had more than one author, so I can claim that it is more reasonable to consider that the epistles had multiple authors.

I did not make any claim that the epistles were written when Paul should have lived, my claim is that the epistles appear to have been written and the authors seem not to be known up to or around Justin Martyr's First Apology. And Justin Martyr did not mention any epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Galations, Ephesians, etc.. or to any person in all his extant writings, he referred to them only as memoirs of the apostles.

The word "authentic" is a misnomer with respect to the epistles, there is no known original epistle confirmed to be written by "Paul" and the epistles themselves can be easily manipulated.

And then, Acts of Apostles may have been written to create the fictitious history of "Paul".
Originally Posted by TedM
Wouldn't the churches in Corinth, Thessalonia, Galatia, etc.. have refuted the idea of an unknown Paul as their founder? Don't you think--especially with epistles written to and about them by someone else--they would have known how they began by the time Acts was written?

So why didn't the Churches refute the 3hr darkness at crucifixion, the star at the birth of Jesus, the ascension, the resurrection, the virgin birth, the temptation with the Devil, the transfiguration, the raising of Lazarus from the dead after four days and feeding thousands of people with a few bread and fish?

It would appear to me that believers believe whatever they are told to believe.

And when did the Churches realize that there were epistles addressed to them? In which century did they ever see those "Pauline" epistles? And are there any records to show that the Churches did receive these epistles?
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:17 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by schilling.klaus View Post
Originally Posted by TedM View Post
The multiple writer theory could be true, but the authentic epistles are quite consistent
no, they aren't, they are senseless scribbles
corrupting the works of Marcion.

Klaus Schilling
Hi Klaus. If you don't mind providing a few examples of the inconsistencies which support the idea of multiple authors for the "authentic Pauline" epistles, I'd appreciate it.

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Old 02-03-2008, 04:29 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
But, some biblical scholars have already deduced that the "Pauline" epistles had more than one author, so I can claim that it is more reasonable to consider that the epistles had multiple authors.
I'm not aware that scholars would say that of the "authentic" epistles. If they do, can you provide a source?

I did not make any claim that the epistles were written when Paul should have lived
Sorry. I misunderstood then.

he referred to them only as memoirs of the apostles.
I'd have to read it. Did he quote? I thought he at least paraphrased the gospels--and his reference to apostles was in connection with that.

The word "authentic" is a misnomer with respect to the epistles, there is no known original epistle confirmed to be written by "Paul" and the epistles themselves can be easily manipulated.
If it happened later as you suggest, I'd like to know how you respond to my questions 2-10. Those silences are glaring enough to me to point to a much earlier date--prior to the gospels.

Originally Posted by TedM
Wouldn't the churches in Corinth, Thessalonia, Galatia, etc.. have refuted the idea of an unknown Paul as their founder? Don't you think--especially with epistles written to and about them by someone else--they would have known how they began by the time Acts was written?

So why didn't the Churches refute the 3hr darkness at crucifixion, the star at the birth of Jesus....
The founder of your church is a lot more basic a concept in my mind.

And when did the Churches realize that there were epistles addressed to them? In which century did they ever see those "Pauline" epistles? And are there any records to show that the Churches did receive these epistles?
Ok. Fair point. If you think they were falsified later and by multiple authors, I'd like to know your thoughts about my 9 other questions.

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Old 02-03-2008, 08:25 PM   #108
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The fourteen epistles supposedly written by "Paul" were all regarded as authentic until some biblical scholars deduced that the pastorals and others were written by at least a different author.

Now bearing this in mind, it then becomes extremely difficult to determine who "Paul" was and what exactly he wrote.

In Church History 2.22.6 by Eusebius, for example, this problem becomes obvious.

Church History 2.22.6
In his second epistle to Timothy, moreover, he indicates that Luke is with him when he wrote, but at his first defence not even he. Whence it is probable that Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles at that time continuing his history down to the period when he was with Paul.
So, if this "Paul" of Church History did not write the second epistle of Timothy, as some scholars contend, who really is "Paul".

The "Paul" in 2Timothy claimed he was imprisoned, but he is different to another "Paul" in Corinthians who also claimed he too was imprisoned. The "Paul" in 2Timothy knows "Luke" but this "Paul" is different to the "Paul" in Colosians who claims to also know "Luke". And if "Luke" really was with the author of 2Timothy and his name was actually "Paul", who were the authors of the other epistles to the Churches?

I do not consider any of the epistles to be authentic since it cannot be determined who "Paul" actually was and what he actually wrote.
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Old 02-03-2008, 09:15 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I do not consider any of the epistles to be authentic since it cannot be determined who "Paul" actually was and what he actually wrote.
Ok. Sounds to me like you choose to be skeptical here without addressing the scholarship position. You know, scholarship has become a lot more critical over the years, and yet there seems to be widespread agreement that "Paul" wrote 7 or so of the epistles when tradition says he did. This isn't simply because they want to believe it, though I'll admit that I dont' know all of the arguments to support their positions--probably literary style, theological style, certain references that show an accurate understanding of the regions and cultures of that day, etc..

I was at least hoping you would address my questions which seem to be relevant to your skeptical position, as without considering those issues it seems to me you have no coherency in your position--preferring to doubt because you want to doubt and because of a lack of certain evidences and some ambiguities (Justin, the existence of some epistles that are possibly inauthentic, etc...). That being said, you of course may be correct.

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Old 02-03-2008, 09:24 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by TedM View Post
Originally Posted by aa5874 View Post
I do not consider any of the epistles to be authentic since it cannot be determined who "Paul" actually was and what he actually wrote.
Ok. Sounds to me like you choose to be skeptical here without addressing the scholarship position. You know, scholarship has become a lot more critical over the years, and yet there seems to be widespread agreement that "Paul" wrote 7 or so of the epistles when tradition says he did. This isn't simply because they want to believe it, though I'll admit that I dont' know all of the arguments to support their positions--probably literary style, theological style, certain references that show an accurate understanding of the regions and cultures of that day, etc.. ...
Scholarship is not that unanimous. If you don't know what the scholarship is based on, you can't rely on it. The scholars who are willing to accept the possibility of interpolations in Paul find lots of probably interpolations.

I don't know that any "references that show an accurate understanding of the regions and cultures of that day" have been identified. There are references that indicate that the writer of the letters was familiar with Greco-Roman theater and culture. There is a lot of dispute over whether he understood Jewish culture.
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